[ Back to main ] 6. Other specifications of the TT to mind about: ============================================= -> The Atari TT does not have the advanced joystick ports that the STE (not MegaSTE) and Falcon030 have. Any program requiring user interaction using these ports will not work on the TT. -> The Atari TT does not have simple SIMM-slots for upgrading the ST-RAM. This is due to the special logic needed by the TT-Shifter to access ST-RAM with 64 bits width. There are, however, ST-RAM expansion cards that allow to connect SIMMs of a certain type. -> The Atari TT has neither the Megabus nor an 68000 on a DIL-socket for ST-compatible expansions. The TT was meant to drive VME-bus expansions. Besides that, due to the fact that the TT has an 68030, expansions that work on the Megabus or 68000-socket would not have worked anyway. [ Back to main ] [ Onto Next Chapter] |