[ Back to main ] 5. DMA-Sound ========= The TT-DMA sound is, as seen by the programmer, 100% identical to the DMA-sound of the STE. It offers: -> 6.25, 12.5, 25 or 50 KHz replay rate -> stereo or mono -> 8 bit samples -> National LMC 1992 soundchip to enhance bass/treble etc. -> Microwire interface to connect to the LMC1992 All adresses and registers are identical to the ones in the STE, hence i recommend to refer to the STE-FAQ for details on the DMA-sound subsystem. Hardware-wise, the TT DMA-sound system is totally different. Since the STE-Shifter also houses the largest parts of the STE-DMA-sound system and since the TT does not have the STE-Shifter, the whole adress generation logic as well as the DMA-sound replay system had to be put into its own set of chips. This is, however, invisible to the programmer. [ Back to main ] [ Onto Next Chapter] |