[ Back to main ] 4. Blitter ======= The Blitter, introduced in 1988 by Atari to massively speed up VDI copy and move operations, is NOT present in the TT. The TT does not have a Blitter. This makes sense in some way, as the CPU in the TT is a lot faster when it comes to copying blocks around the memory than the CPU in the ST is. If source and/or destination are even located in TT-RAM, which the Blitter could not access anyway, the speed gain is even more massive. TOS 3.0x therefore does not offer Blitter-based VDI-routines. All attempts to access the Blitter will crash the TT. Compatibilities and incompatibilities ===================================== => In comparison to the Atari ST and Atari STE: The ordinary ST usually does not have a Blitter (only the Mega ST series has a Blitter), the STE does have a Blitter. In the ST (where present) or STE, the Blitter does mean quite a speed-up. However, if you are trying to program the ST or STE in a TT-compatible way, you may not use the Blitter. => In comparison to the Atari Falcon030: The Atari Falcon030 does have a Blitter, and for most copy operations, the Falcon-Blitter, even though it's operating at 16 Mhz, is a factor of 3 to 4 slower than the CPU is on the same operations. Therefore, it is usually not adviseable to use the Blitter in the Falcon anyway. To program the Falcon in a TT-compatible and efficient way, you may not use the Blitter. => What to look for when writing ST programs: No Blitter in the TT. That's all to mind. [ Back to main ] [ Onto Next Chapter] |