OutLine 2004 realtime article for UnderCover Magascene Wednesday, April 7: 20:45: Earx on the keys: Just put Everest on a DD disk to go with the 1040. Still typing this on my Falcon. I just wasted over an hour trying to put the (broken) mouse cord extension of the 1040 back in the case. At first, it seemed wise to lead it to the back. But it seemed good as well to have shielding. The two didn't go toghether :/ So, the 1040 ended up with just a hidden broken mouse port. Okay, time to wrap it up. I'm gonna start testing everest on the 1040.. 21:00: Yes, the 1040 is working. I also modified the desktop a bit ;) Off to my parents place to get a sleeping bag and matress. Gotta take out the trash as well, just forgot :/ 22:00: The vacuum cleaner is dead as suspected. In a way it's a shame. It lasted 30 years. It's a cliche, but honestly, do they make stuff of that quality today? Erm.. Something a little different. This realtime article was of course Monndog's idea. Unfortunately, he couldn't make it this year, so this old beast will have to do without that 'realtime punishment' flag, or whatever it spelled ;) The realtime article machine was my side of the bargain to release UCM 25 at OutLine. Even on it's own it's cool, because it implies there will probably be an UCM issue 26 ;) Okay, I'll cut the crap. I have some stuff to prepare for tomorrow. All there is left to say is the excitement for OutLine is very high, I hope to see many people and may they type a lot of bullshit in here ;) THursday, April 8: Earx on the keys.. Yep, been busy as hell. Mailed basically all day. I'll be picking up Deez and Exocet somewhere after nine o' clock AM. I'm now packing the ct2 and all it's belongings and checking if I missed something. I need to hurry up now.. I bet tomorrow there'll be a lot of crap in here. There are a lot of crappy people coming over ;) Well, a lot of people, anyway.. I'll be nice. *g* Friday, April 9: Earx typing: Here at the party place. Just a few people here so far. The Dresden posse is here as well as some faces unfamiliar to me. COol! But there is some work to do... Somebody else type something! 505/checkpoint: so we finally arrived in this nice party place. it all has a mood of a living room or big comfortable pub or something - fit- ting pretty well to our big family :) deez/evolution: After a long day of travel we finally got here, its now 5PM and Ive been here since 1 oclock (had to get up at 3 this morning to catch a flight from Manchester Airport!). Anyway, nice place and it should hopefully fill up soon. Cant wait to get a monitor so I can actually do something! Dont expect too much though, dont think ill managed to finish anything at all :( c-rem/mjj-prod : we are finally here ! really nice place :) ok ... time to fight ;) cu later 8:60 felice / maggie 8.46pm CiH and I have been in the building now for some hours, arriving around 6.30 or so. It was an excellent journey across from my place down to Harwich, on the Stena Discovery ferry across to the Hoek van Holland and then the journey here from the port itself. Nice and easy, no stress either and only one slightly wrong turn ! I say slightly, we turned off a bit too early but fortunately found the place we were looking for just over the road from the back street. It's quite a cool location as well, people are pretty much all over the place setup in different parts of the room. It's small and selfcontained but this has to be good. Put it this way, our alternatives if this party had not been organised was not looking good, either a choice of Breakpoint or toddling over to Norway for The Gathering. Still, this is way cooler than either of those two parties! Most of the regulars are here, including 505, Lotek Style (bless you, whoever sneezed there), the Dutchies and others. Also, an unexpected visitor in the form of Twilite, who's active on the Oric scene, is also here. Unexpected but very welcome - he only booked up his flight here last night, which is really cool :) We're expecting the other Finns to make an appearance later this evening and have seen Partycle already, who flew in earlier on. Well, pizzas have arrived, time to eat :) Felice. 21:10 Lotek Style / The Sirius Cybernetics Corporation finally here... Falcon is set up.. now lets rock :) Earx: Pizza time! the most luxurious I ever had. Seems like a success so far. Counted 30 ppl hours ago and it should now be over 40. Now someone else may type something, I had just too much impressions today. Overflow! *ghurghll* *blub* 21.17 - Pizza Pause, CiH on the keys. A blood red LED glowers at me sinisterly! I had Calzone, which is like a giant pastry sea-mammal with a pizza topping as filling, or more correctly, several pizza toppings as filling! MmmM! Fat vitamins (C) Baggio. After the sleep loss issues described in more detail in my own captains log of a personal account, I think that the roof-bound Bunk-bed bunker complex will hold no terrors tonight. Not as if I have to *finish* anything now, is it! Back later? Yeh, sure! 21:46 Baggio The swedish posse plus Creature have finally arrived after driving for almost 12 hours straight. Time for some food and then some relaxment... (no blowing off now mate :) ) 23.00 What, no-one added since then? CiH back, been laming around since the last log entry, updating Felice with my back catalogue of CT60 demos, all two of 'em! Not to mention other stuff such as 'Out', the new Chosneck etc.. The Swedes are camped in on the end of this table, a well established presence. I've spoken to a few people, dozed around on the comfy chairs in the hall, what a great innovation! Time to see what the others are doing? 23.13 w00t! Cerror writing here! =D I just finnished my chipentry an hour or two ago... I first made it in mod yesterday caus of the time pressiure.. :( Converted it to atari (just retracking it) in soundmon 1 (oldskool!) and it sounds pretty ok but not a winner ;) I had some pizza and some beer&cola and I just saw the crazy french doin something funny with an amiga 1200... I think i stop now and drink some more beer :) 23:something: The biggest suprise this party is the Nature bros. I think. They showed some real hardware. It's still a prototype apparantly divided in two functional blocks, but nevertheless very exciting! I hope this will grow into a fully usable card for the CT60. The place is crammed and noisy. The violin music on the other side of the building is really unnoticable, highly supressed. SATURDAY! 00.02 Just to bring you up to time and date. CiH back again with a nicely developing tiredness vibe. Lots of nice people, most of them previously known to me. I did meet a new dude, a friend of Damo's who was described as doing one of the more 'Out there' tunes in YM-Rockers. So what do you define as "unconventional" in that sort of case? Commodore SID perhaps! 00:24 Charon at the kezs.. I think this is going to be a great partz, even without a computer.. :-) the wine tastes verz good so far .-) 00:26 Metty stinks! 00:26:30 Nils is an OSSI! 00.44 - Finns have entered the building, boring buggers suck! (C) Setok, a couple or so years ago ;-) 01.28 - Boring buggers have been giving this RTA a miss. I find wine on sale at the bar, and partake of a glass, coolness, a civilised coding party at last! Let's have Opera done on chiptracker, and demos shall speak unto nation! Then again, CiH may come down from his tree a bit later tonight.... All from me for tonight. Let's try the cheap looking beds shortly.. (stop snoring !!!!!) 01.41 - Damo up to bat. not sure what to do with myself, so opted for the grolsch route. you know the deal. wish i ordered 2 pizzas man... 01.55 - there seems to be a terrible stink atm in the gents, not quite sure why, I wouldn't have thought anyone here was directly responsible in a deliberate kind of way. Hopefully that'll be sorted out soon. Wiztom and the other newly arrived Finns are currently setting up their stuff and have a wireless network going as well. The party itself is proving to be very cool, the mature atmosphere is helping a great deal. No problems as far as we can see. Felice. 2.04 cerror needs more beer and an disk to put his fake-entry on. (fixed now =P) 2:30: where is the pr0n! ? 3:00? Earx typing (aagain) Hey rocky, watch me pull a massacre out of my pants. We found out son laying dead with a shotgun. There was an Ozzy record on the turntable. So now, we're gonna call our lawyer. The dillhole 5:00 Bedtime! 6:15 stghost and chuck finally arrived at partyplace, fighting through mist and radars ;-) 8:29 Lekker Afwassuh! 8.35 Just woken after quite a good sleep, slightly punctuated by the low level snoring and occasional blowing off in the sleeping area, fortunately things are not too bad. 505 was doing his impression of sleeping like a little baby, with the occasional gurgle, as I think was witnessed back in Poland at SV2K. Talking of Poland, I think Grey and Sqward at the very least should have been here :-| over and out for now (oink) Felice. 9:40 Baggio Breakfast ruled! Time to assemble deez falcon and get some work on the demo done. 09.50 An RTA in semi-darkness with no chair is not going anywhere in a hurry! - CiH 10:10 We're just after breakfast, we arrived yeasterday, 18 hours long travel, phew. And we are in another timezone! ;-) Mikro, Xi, Baky -- slovakia!!! ;-) 11.30 RTA needs a chair, so I, CiH will provide one for it! What a nice bloke I am! Looking around at the assembled party people coding away, I feel a bit like a sweatshop factory overseer. So I'm gonna rub my hands together gleefully until they burst into flame! Of mid-morning interest is a nice intro sequence from Evolution, for their CT60 stuff. I hope this is going into a finished production for the party. There are plenty of other people doing "stuff", but again, the next couple of days will tell what it will become... Chuck - Dune Ih all - Hi mic and corbeau Happy to be here and stiil here :-) 14:earxx typing Busy with the household chores. Glad to hear most people are having a good time. Bonus and Wingleader showed up an hour ago. That was a huge suprise =) Frost - Secte One French realtime rulez, Chuck is doing some btw ! Nooooo Chuck, don't kill meeeeeeaaaaarglll No more Frost resident ............ Hum guns are ... easy to use Chuck m'a tuer yep really kill him ... 15:25 Bonus at the keys!!! Well this has been a while typing on an Atari, feels like years. It is really, i have only an old stf left and that one is covered under a huge mountain of dust. I am lookin for an Falcon again an maybe even try to program again. So maybe I can finalize some of that old stuff that is rustiing away on cd rom... c'y l8ter 16:33 The first time I've typed on an Atari keyboard in yonks. I arrived about an hour or so ago and been walking around for a bit, meeting old friends, talking about the scene now and the scene 'then'. The atmosphere is contagious...all I want is to go home, fire up a decent emulator and play the old games, watch the old demos, even re-read some of the old disk magazines. I was surprised that the Atari scene was very much vibrant and alive at STNICCC 2000, so I shouldn't have been surprised that it still is. It's still happening, and amazing things are still being done. I wonder which boundaries will have been pushed further, or broken altogether, in another 11 years (at STNICCC 2000). Shameless plug: Check out www.stniccc.com. Richard "Cronos of Quartermass Xperiment" Karsmakers poop 17.00 Dunno how you're supposed to spout forth demi-holy text in these condition?? Ah, a nice Chuck of Dune has given up his seat for me, what a cool guy he is.. CiH 17.01 Well, time to visit the realtime again, there's a lot going on here. People are doing graphics and coding, unfortunately some of the RG's seem to have been struck down again with the fluey-type bug they had at EIL 3. Hopefully they'll get over that soon....Felice. 17:12 ah lunch pizzas finally arrived ;-) 20.20 - I don't think there is going to be a lot more on here. People are working, including the man normally in this seat, Chuck, so I'd better leave it there. Competitions are traditionally running behind schedule, so nothing changes from the parties that came before then :-) - CiH C-Rem : BURP !!! Good PIZZAS ! 21:35 - Wingleader / FUN - Synergy at the keys, drove together with Bonus here. I brought my falcon and my old scsi stuff with me and after almost 8 years everything works oke (had to do some restarts) and now we are watching the stniccc 1990 DVD. Cheers, And untill 2015 -=- Wingleader -=- 22h45 - Cooper Currently watching the STNICCC dvd on the giant screen... Great and nostalgic moment during a great party... 23:07 Some final words, after the initial showing of the STNICCC 1990 DVD (to the general bemusement of those present). In an audience, one could definitely argue that some of the less Hollywood-MTV-tempo material ought to have been cut but, hey, its primary audience is those who were there, and they'll like it (I hope). Off to go home again, to where an 8+ month pregnant wife dwells... Richard Earx on the keys: The realtime article is relocated a bit again ;) Lack of power sockets seem to be the technical weak spot of this party. Anyway, it seems at least some people have written some bs, but I think there is more to be.... *brulp* Can't finish the sentence, and really don't want to ;) This is what I want to say: bewilderebeast. The Llamaball mini game in Starball was a great kind of game, isn't it? 23.30 - The RTA has been relocated from its original hiding place, next to Chuck of Dune, whereupon we had to tip him out of his seat every time to add to it. It is now in a more accessible spot, next to my very own table in fact ;-) - Which probably makes me the backup RTA guardian person, come to think. (CiH) 23.33 That seems to be your regular job at coding parties, eh Chris ? :-) Anyway, to recap, we just saw most of the STNICCC DVD release, from footage of the original party back in 1990. As most people will know, my movements around that time were nowhere near as happy as I was nowhere near or at the party at the time. But, life goes on as they say, and we're rolling on with it. The voting sheets for the first compos have been distributed, we are eagerly awaiting the entries as they come in. Felice. (one of the few who hasn't broken his bed yet) :) 23.37 It is so cool to see something about retro computing, i see also also some inovations the guys from the super videl are here ACP coldfire project We share this earster holiday the 'Beusink' youth hostel with some some curious violin players orchestra .. two of them visit us now are asking "what are you doing here?" "Well we are freaks. We are developing software for old computer just for fun the posibilities are greater..". "do we have special tasks developing here? " "Basicly we are forming groups we are using very limited sofware to make something useful. Whe have some kind of competitions, we, are here but sometimes we are in germany, may be next time some were else, most ppl are working with computers also for their work". Mainstreem popmusic, dance partys, video-screens, are getting closer to the style sceners have for years. back to the 80's is hot. (or not?) Sunday 00.30, Just so you all know.. 01.15. Nils (505) sat here for half an hour chatting on remembrance of things Atari past. He didn't find time to input any text on here though, so down to me as usual (grrr!) - CiH 02.47. Ok, time for my first entry. Arrived pretty late at the party-place just in time to miss the music-deadline by a good four hours. But doesn`t matter too much. Location looks great so far and a comfortable matress should take care of me later. Spent some time talking, catching up, good vibe.:) - nemo 4 o'clock that has been a prettty long day... time fr stghost to get a little rest! 6.50. Almost eveyrone is sleeping at the moment. In the computer room, I just can see D-Force listening to some music near the screen. I'm going to try to settle in the corner I see in front. Just some bags to move. Time to spend some time using the Falcon - aldn (who came late) 09.40 - CiH back on with the first log entry from the newly awakened zombie multitude. Fell asleep, didn't destroy parts of the bedding, got up a little while ago when continued sleeping would have left me feeling more shite than I started.. had breakfast. The Dutch 'sugary flakes on toast' traditional breakfast rules, for about one mouthful. Then time to spit it out quick or consider a brilliant career with diabetes! There are still very few up at this time, the Finns may have stayed up all night? 11.somethingNOwatchATmyARM ... it's going to be a fine day today I think :) MC Lotek Laser style :) lol ??:?? Woooaaah... we were in amsterdaaaaaaam.... boys that city rules ;-) Mikro 11.19 Another good night's sleep and breakfast seemed to be had by all last night, including even MSG, who is sounding better than he was all of yesterday .. let's hope this is the case :) Not good to travel all this way and then be sick for most of the entire weekend :( Circulating a bit more now, btw Mikro, Amsterdam certainly does rule if you are single - if you're in a relationship then it's a tad more difficult, but I guess the CD music stores rule in that respect :) Felice. 11.28: Re-running the competition entries from last night. - CiH 12:22 Baggio Well, Deez has managed to fix a preview of our upcoming ct60-demo. It will not enter the democompo or anything, it's just meant as a nasty teaser :) Looks like the weather is a bit better today, maybe there will even be time to sit outside and have a beer. 13:08 We have another guy travelling back with us later on tomorrow, in the shape of Twilighte. He was able to book a single foot passenger ticket with our original booking as a reference no, and the biggest benefit to him was that it has only cost him 10 ukp !!! Felice. 13:40 Setok Had a good night's sleep at last and feeling pretty refreshed. Seems like there, once again, wont be much ready for the Aggression demo. Will it suffer the same fate as Motion? I hope not. Anyway, this is exactly the kind of party I was looking for Easter. My original plan had been to go to Breakpoint with a bunch of Finnish sceners. Indeed, I had already purchased plane tickets (non-refundable). But after the stress of the last Alt Party and everything else going on, I really preferred the idea of having a relaxing time with people I haven't seen for ages, instead of looking at dozens of Finns completely pissed and noisy. Not that I wouldn't like to go to Breakpoint at some point, but just now I want something different. I've been trying to talk about the Alt Party with many people and to get them involved and interested. We really could do with more Atari folk around. Generally it seems people assume it's expensive to travel to Finland and that's why they don't come. Well, it's not! Flying with Ryanair can be stunningly cheap. Like the trip to Breakpoint would only have been 40 euros, return... So if any Atari sceners end up reading this: enough excuses! It's about time the scene at large got to know about the stuff happening with Ataris. 14.05 I might add that the After-party on its own is worth the effort of making the journey over, especially bearing in mind recent experiences (Cue Beavis & Butthead type laughter, "Hehehehe! Hurhurhur! Etc..) - CiH 14.10 Dma-Sc That's a really cool party we're having. Great location with quality facilities and services, the best part of it being... BEDS! Finaly, comfortable sleeping in a party. ;-) Also there have been lots of quality contributions in the music and graphics compo. I hope we'll have some nice ones in the productions compos too. OK, enjoy the rest of the party. Funkeeey... B-) 14.59 Just said hello to daylight half an hour ago. Ordered a pizza. Prepared to release my Ace Tracker tune in the Wild Compo (missed the Music deadline by arriving too late at the party place). So at least I get my little share of airtime.:) D-Force just brought me my entry sheet... - nemo 15.30 - Damn classical musical hooligans, with their symphonies and arias, disrupting the outdoor peace and quiet... - CiH 16.25 - Felice has usurped my seating arrangements for the showing of laptop stuffs to a selected audience. In the background, the Gloop demo jauntily plays... CiH 17:05 Baggio Evil phoned us last night telling us that he might be able to finish an intro for the falcon 96k compo. So about one hour ago he did indeed finish it and thanks to hencox/nature and his beloved Sony-Ericsson p900, we were able to download the intro from the web. This has been a really nice party so far, i really look forward to the democompo later on. 17:30 Damn frenchies have plugged again their dance game after completing their intro ;-) But it seems everybody give it a try... 56787876762 - Hunger marks on the top row of the keyboard. This here realtime STe was dualtasking by keeping my Pizza warm, whilst hosting the RTA as well ;-) - CiH 18:30 Baggio Well, one more has been finished. Some people seems to think that exercising after dinner is a good idea. Wiztom and some frenchies (namely Chuck and ST Ghost) have been playing that "dance on a board" game for a while now. 18:37 Kto nieje keket nech dvihne ruku....nikto sa nehlasi??? pecka...takze vsetci su tu keketi...to sme ale znova v peknej spolocnoti...;) This nice greetings are from guys from Slovakia... -XI-, Mikro, Baky MESSAGE FROM MR REALTIME, THE REAL GHOST IN THE MACHINE.... OI, YOU PEOPLE WHO STOP BY REGULARLY TO READ UP ON THE LATEST "WITTY" COMMENTS, WHY NOT TURN YOUR GOOD INTENTIONS INTO ACTIONS AND WRITE DOWN SOMETHING IN HERE FOR A CHANGE?! YOU KNOW IT MAKES SENSE! 19:01 Hadu hadu hadu, hadu hadu hadu *select music* It's better than the guys at the other side of the building tho ;) There's loads of stuff happening. A lot of entries are being collected. The demo's are all thrown onto one big pile, basically. There's way too much different systems to handle. What to say? Perhaps a little Asperge Sperma? A bit of Maelstroem Fornicator? Yeps, they are all delikatessen. Ensemble bruitiste, Mierda Dekappirt Aura el goal ist! 20.09 - We're in that pre-compo lull period, where people have (mostly) stopped working, and are looking around for things to do. The bigscreen has been pressed into service to show Atari classics great (Hmmm) and not so great (Hdemo IV) - Baggio discovers a sudden urge for the outside at that point! - CiH 20.49 - Mate..... i just chased a football for 2 minutes and now i'm in a proper mess.. but it seems we have a serious footballing talent in our midst.. none other than marakadona. He got skills baby! 20.50 - Toastie, yer supposed to leave your name on the comments you make! Compo's are getting close now, the voteforms have been handed out, and the organisers are having trouble getting a CT60 to read its own config cpx. Business as usual ;-) - CiH Most of the compos are over and I have to say i am very impressed by the high quality of all entries. wow stuff... and finally dildo fatwa gave us a good chance to have a laugh... thanks all involved! fiveofive 22.18 - Compos are all over now but the vibe is still going :) the orchestra have partly moved out into the passage area, let's hope the stink from the loos won't put them off. Not quite sure why they are smelling though, I'm sure it's not deliberate. - Felice. 22:28 - Wow! This is service! Live playing classical music when going to the toilet. That's really cool! Charon 22:51 - Perhaps it is some kind of message to some of us guys here to keep the volume down of farting and related noises in the gents :) - Felice. 23:04 - Nice party, nice location, beautiful country. Thanks to the organisation for giving us this meeting. - aldn 23.15 - CiH climbs on board.. We're in the wind-down zone, before the prizegiving ceremony. I think there will be time for a leisurely breakfast before we leave. I wonder if the prizes given will be matched closely to the entries? Dildo Fatwa win:- A pair of plastic see-through panties! 23.17 - hello, this is creature on the keys, we have just showed our demo from EIL03, Beams on the big screen! It rules! Best demo in the world! Deez is sitting here with me enjoying the classic music coming from the cute girls playing next door. 23:20 - da real creature on da keys. The above as not me. It was DeeZ. But he is absolutly right about the cute girls playing classical music next door. Chuck - Hum it 23h50 and the night seems to be longer ... Arf the competition is nice but sleeping is now necessary - Go my bed waits for me 00.05 MONDAY! Time will be upon us for the prizegiving, and the end of good things. 00.10 Yep, the second part of the prizegiving is now done, with Setok giving a short presentation about Alt Party. Hopefully we'll see more people from the Atari scene at the parties in the future. Felice. 01.10 WEE WONN! Dildo Fatwa won teh wield kompo! Wee ruule! 01.20 It was the first time I saw Beams running, and I must say it's a great demo - the style is very original for a demo and reminds me of Kraftwerk and those cyberpunk SF writers which is no suprise considering Lotek Style must have been heavily involved in it :) / Exocet 01.35 : only 1 thing to say : badger badger badger (repeat 1000 times for fun). Soon time to sleep, and enjoy the last minutes of this great event... Cooper. 01.45 - CiH hitting the bed elastic! Be back for closing thoughts and breakfast in the morning! 2.09 - Earx is spinning around a bit. Mijn hoofd loopt dubbel om.. En geen miljaardzju in zicht. Some ppl have chosen to go to sleep. Some are still up and watching Bud teh Chud or UCM25, which I finally decided to spread after the intro was shown on the big screen. That's it.. B;ah.. The Finns made good coffee and I have too little alcohol in my blood. The Swedes are as stoned as a garnaal. What more to say? THink I'll watch over the bar for an hour or two and then go upstairs myself. Bye bye! 2:40 The room is slowly getting quieter as more and more persons head towards the sleeping room, and I guess I'll be doing the same once I'll have had a go with a sprite Twilite needs for his Oric shoot'em up (that looks definitely good considering it runs on a 1 Mhz CPU)... more pixel pushing ahead :P / Exocet 4:00(but i'm mot sure) TOO MUCH red and white vines ;)) ( i'm sure that RG's members kmow what i'm speaking about ... burp!!! ) / C-Rem 05:27 - ZPQ on the keyboard.. everyone is sleeping.. I and Nicco have to go back to Rotterdam but he is sleeping too so I dont know what to do now. This have been a really nice party. 6:something - Earx here... Due to some snoring and some Finnish coffee + some 2 ltr. of coke I was up earlier than expected and so Havoc is now off to bed. ZPQ and I are the only ones awake. I am just looking around and it seems some people have cleaned up their stuff and some others still have their stuff fully installed. I think I will leave at 13:00 with Deez, Christos and Exocet. Before that I can prolly wake up the others to do a little breakfast. The kitchen is a little dirty and we have ran out of waste disposal bags, that's a problem, but I think I can dump some stuff directly in the containers outside.. Yep, let's do it. 9:00 all frenchies in bed and no one to help me puttin stuff on car ... arf sometimes it s so hard to awake ... See ya Zorro 2 Rulessss 09.20 - CiH on the PRANKISHLY CAPSLOCKED deck here. I think some of us really got into the party spirit last night (Damo/MSG!) Judging by the noise levels towards the end. I think that certain people (Damo/MSG) will be counting up headaches and blurry vision this morning. Breakfast is running in all the usual places (the kitchen, you fool!) Back laters... 10.06 - Partycle has just sat up in bed, bumped his head and is looking rather scarily like Marilyn Manson again :-) 10.35 - Escape has left the building, erm, Escaped perhaps?!! 10:41 - naaa, I'm still here... Charon 10:48 stghost on keys... it seems i've slept a lot, the partyplace is almost empty now... departure is always a sad time, it was a nice friendly party. doh, i have to finish waking up before starting driving.... btw, i don't know if i'll go to any other parties after this one, i think it was my last one. 11.XX We are going to leave. ltk/tscc 11.00 - Earx here. Loads of people have left already, I estimate still 30 people are here. I will split at 12.30 prolly. Except for a few minor technical difficulties and small misunderstandings it was a great party. I guess indeed an improved version of PMP. Just waiting for Marakaman to come down from his nest and disconnect, then I'll clean up this little antique wonder ;) Tuesday, April 13 Back to real life again: a world filled with labour, boredom and powerlessness. But I'll always have the memories of this great party! Yesterday Exocet, Chemmad, MSG, SH3, Christos and his girlfriend and me drove back and had a nice chat. The goodbye was bitter-sweet, just like when leaving the party. Now that sounds cheesy like Gouda. Hopefully there will be another event like this... Earx typing in the last words of this article on his 1040. |