-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CINEMA - "VAN HELSING" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yet another monster slasher? Not really, but later for this. As the people were bombed with massive advertisment for this movie as big posters hanging on any walls and page filling adverts could be found in many magazines, I was quite interested to check out the hype about this new movie that tries to reanimate the vampire and werewolf genre, and as finally some reviews in several magazines weren't that bad either, we decided to check it out and yesterday it was time for another monster breakfast or better lunch... We took the little cinema in Bad Klosterlausnitz therefore, not one of the usual surround multiplex ass kicking cinema centers but therefore quite cosy and over all not that expensive. Ok, we wondered really a bit as just 6 visitors, incl. us finally were going to watch the movie, but as we know that from former shows, this hasn't to be a bad sign... as the movie was running in heavy rotation for about 3 weeks, 2 or 3 times per day in a small city with about 3.ooo people... So what about the plot? Van Helsing is the hero in here, everybody should have heard of him, as he is one of the big vampire hunters in the "horror history", but our hero is named Gabriel instead of Abraham (the original) and he isn't a classical fighter against the evil, nope, he is more like a James Bond of the 19th Century, and instead of Goldfinger and Dr.No he is hunting for Jekyll and Hyde or Dracula and his brides. And what was the Secret Service for James Bond, is now a religious order that supports him with knowledge, jobs and very crazy weapons and so the hunt starts very quickly, as Van Helsing is sent by his boss' to Transylvania to save Anna, the last survivor of her family, from Dracula and his monsters... I have to say that the movie doesn't cares that much about developping a deeper story but is stumbling from one action scene to the next and so we start a quite entertaining rollercoaster tour through the classical horror genre, including dark places, high castles, mad professors, cruel creatures, dumb village people and so on. But while the story goes on very fast, I miss hardly any real shock moments, the whole thing comes more or less along like a very fast mixed comic action adventure, the bad asses are too much overdrawn to be taken that earnest in the end, as said above, the story goes on too fast to take time for some frightening and shocking moments, Van Helsings little helper tries to bring in funny moments that finally are a bit to deplaced and overall kill the last small serious points... Ok, I have to admit, the monsters are looking quite ok and I especially like the werewolfes but in the end the movie never matches to offer such cruel moments as "American Werewolf" for example, that doesn't has to be seen as killer horror movie as well, but matches it to include several very stunning scenes... What to say? "Van Helsing" isn't the killer movie it tries to be, it isn't shocking or frightening in any moment, as it is running too fast to develop nailbiting moments and is too foreseeable in the end, too. For kids the whole thing may be harder tobacco (you can watch it from 12 years on in Germany) but for mature people and esp. horror and fantasy fans it may be wasted time and money as the overdrawn roles destroy any horrible moment right in the beginning. In the end just a James Bond conversion is left, technical on a quite high level with all the effects and computer generated scenes, monsters and places, but nothing more... _______________________________________________________________moondog_o5/2k4___ |