-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "DROID 2" by SPIRAL MILE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- system ..... ST, STe, 512 KB RAM, RGB, STEEM tested on .. STEEM genre ...... jump'n'shot size ....... one selfbooting disk release .... created in 1994, released June 2oo4 url ........ http://www.lordandlord.co.uk/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quite unsuspected another game from the nineties that was never released before has seen the light of day lately, "DROID 2" by SPIRAL MILE. SPIRAL MILE was a small coding team from the UK that matched it to place one of their games onto a ST FORMAT coverdisk, the predecessor of this one, simply called "DROID". This one was a quite nice platform game where you took over the control of a robot to explore some caves and destroy hostile objects. It featured very well drawn gfx and animations that placed it far above other public domain games... "DROID 2" seems to be the straight follow up and the title gives already away a lot about the contents of the game and you surely can get the best idea of it if you know Earx early game "Neurobotix" for Falcon. This is a quite similar thing. Again you have the control over a robot walking on two legs that can jump and crouch and overall is heavy armed. With this droid you have to walk through a labyrinth or cave or something and rescue some people, the only problem is, that it wont work out fine as it very often happened that I got a reset when I destroyed the cage, where those people got imprisoned, to be precise this happened 3 of the last 4 times I played the game, so it would be cool to see some further debugging here, as the game -is- quite good. So far so bad... now for the good things. As I mentioned at the beginning, the predecessor was already of quite good quality and so it goes on. The most impressive thing on the game are the good grafix that reach easily commercial quality, or better, they even knock out some high priced game. Our Droid walks nice animated through the dark sceneries, even though the one in the former game was slightly better animated (for example if you collected a gun you could see that thing too on your robot with steady turning magazine...) and the different enemies, like static cannons and ugly green robots do as well. Furthermore the level features small animated fires on the ground that blow in some life even if you killed all other things on the screen and as you start on the beginning of every part again if got killed, it is nice to see something flickering and not only a boring static screen. ![]() To make a big jump from the predecessor they also filled now over 4/5 of the screen with the scenery while in the former game only the half screen showed the action. Therefore you must switch the info tables about your life and ammo as well with collected keycards and points while pressing the firebutton and leave your robot crouch. Not the best solution but ok. Therefore it seems the makers have invest all their powers into the grafix and forgot the fx/msx... Musix aren't included at all, not in the intro and not in the game. Ok, there are FX included, but only for collecting items, the usual shots of your robot, exploding/incoming shots and enemies and last but not least a sirene that informs you about low shield energy, but those FX are very ok. Ok, what else is left to say? The controls are ok, even though the game is more easy to play with the joystick instead of the keys via emulation as you have to crouch at first and have to press upwards fast then to jump higher... and with three fingers on the cursorpad... erm... you know :) So if possible, play it with joystick on the real machine! ![]() The game itself features all the usual things you know from shot'em'ups, such as extra weapons, keys to open several doors, "service points" to reload your ammo, smart bombs (that take the half of your ammo), doors to change between the levels that can be used to go back too, this is good if you need to reload your ammo for example, and several other gimmicks that make a game interesting. Only negative point is the missing scrolling, the screen scrolls only if you are close to the edge to the next screen and on some points it even turns shortly black, esp. on such shot'em'up games this is always a drawback for the player... Something more to say except of the final words? Final words... "Droid 2" is a classic shot'n'jump with well done grafix and good styled sceneries, the things that leaving your speakers aren't mind blowing but doing their job as well as the controls. Because I had that problems with "Bold" I didn't tried it on Falcon, but it would be cool to know if it runs. But anyone who likes games of that kind, "Gods" or "Magic Pockets" fans, just grab it and take some blasting rounds... it's really worth a try. PS... If you checked their website that features also the predecessor game, you should check the "Hoog" page, too. That game obviously was never released, too, except of a demo that appeared on STellar PDL, anyway, that game gives the best impression of the knowhow of the coders and offers a neat styled jump'n'run blaster with "Rainbow Islands"/"Magic Boy" touch... _______________________________________________________________moondog_o6/2k4___ |