-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D-BUG MENU 184 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- released ... o4/2k4 This menu comes along on two disx again, a thing we hadn't that often anymore in the past months and so I was curious about the things it may contain. The first impressive kick was the cool menu by DHS, showing us a stylish screen with environment mapped vector stuff and comes along with a very nice tune by 5o5, yummy. The second disx features a smaller intro by D-BUG, too. The two disx featuring three games this time, and with "Pegasus" another never cracked game was released now. The other stuff on the disx are the well known "Snacman" game and last but not least "Space Battle" by Paradize. "Pegasus" is a mixed horizontal scrolling shot'em'up by Gremlin Graphics. That means the single levels featuring different styles, so you fly on the back of a flying horse in level one while you run by feet on level too. The game plays in the greek mythology and you take over the role of Perseus who fights against the evil creatures of Satan, flying little and bigger monsters, scorpions, spiders and such stuff... so the usual things to do, and while your horse is able to shot lightning bolts you have to kill'em with the sword head-to-head in level 2. The technics of the game are far behind of 1991, the whole game design, grafix and musix belong much more in the eighties, to be honest and it is really nothing compared to other games from this times. It comes along just too old schoolish but it's worth a look as it should be some very rare game nowadays as it wasn't cracked before. "Snacman" then is a colourful little Pacman clone with tracker sound from the year 1994. Not much words to loose about Pacman itself I think, just that I still prefer "Crapman" as the best Pacman clone around for ST machines, but tastes are different. At last you have to know that the game is STE enhanced... I think I don't have to add some more words for "Space Battle" in here as it was reviewed in the last issue of UCM already. What else? The docs are only included for "Pegasus" (also describing the built in cheat mode) and "Universe 2" from menu 182. So what? "Menu 184" is another well done compact in D-BUG's line as it features a quite rare game that isn't a dumb text adventure only, hehe. For up- to-date users the included "Space Battle" may be a bit useless but for me I have to say I missed "Snacman" somehow up to now... Anyway, get the disx! moondog -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |