-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPACT DISX NOT WORTH TO HAVE? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello and welcome to moondog's first strike in 2oo5, woah! In fact the idea to this article is quite some months old and at first I wanted to leave some lines after the release of the latest BSW compacts, but somehow my motivation was dragged down in that time so this article didn't matched it to a spreadable state... But thanx to the marvelous cOnstruct crew my motivation woke up again with "their" latest release... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So let's start with a straight review of all those disk that popped up over the last months... and of course, we start with BSW... BSW you might ask? Yes, Blue Software, a very infamous compact makers group from eastern Germany, known for their famous coder bITmASTER. I really thought they were history after the band was dissolved in 1994 to join THE CHAOS ENGINE but it seems The Byte just has resurrected the label to kick out some more compacts... In fact their disx were infamous because of the loosy intros/menus they often contained, offering ripped grafix and musix, giving the credits to the BSW members, woah... And if you ask me, this reanimation of the disk series was just made to fill up the number 1oo, nothing else... But who cares, so we have something to write about, hehe... BSW DCD 8o v2 ------------- Here we go with a re-release of number 8o. At least it is called to be such a rerelease. It comes along with an intro of the known bad quality, showing a part of a digitized keyboard and a scrolly, together with a damn old chip tune. The menu offers 1o different screens, starting with some old BBS intros, a ripped screen of the Synergy Megademo (Pajaro, nice one, but the demo contained much better stuff), another Synergy screen with a kewl digidrum music by their famous musician Scavenger, a porn demo that wont run on my machines, the YM Rockerz "Popstars" demo, a Zuul screen that turns out to be a Fingerbobs one... So a various collection, nice move is that the menu stays in memory and you go back to it after every screen if he offers an exit... What to say about? Surely the menu is ok, if you are a die-hard-cd-collector, if you don't care about the not running porn show, if you don't care about the missing Zuul screen... but don't wait for the quality menus by ANIMAL MINE, POV or RIPPED OFF always brought to your machine... BSW DCD 99 ---------- We go on with their latest release, number 99... Upsi, seems I missed a lot of disx then? But who cares, as I didn't cared to get their whole collection in the past... The things The Byte did with the re-release of menu 8o, he missed out this time completely, so the menu doesn't stays in memory, offers just static "intro" and menu screen and makes it awfully annoying to run the demos from the menu, getting always to the desk... It contains various demo and intro releases from the last years, starting with our (.tSCc.) "Fading Twilight" and "Songs Of Distant Earth", going on with the Tawnee Stone porn show, a small MJJ intro that leaves a black screen in the end and the YM Rockerz "Wave Upon Wave" demo... Surely nice contents if you are off from the scene since 5 years and missed out a lot, but really nothing to collect for anyone who has an eye on the things going on, esp. since the menu doesn't make it easier to check out the things as it doesn't makes a difference if you start them from menu or desk... Die-Hard-Collectors may store the disk, the others surely will delete it as the menu/intro itself isn't worth to be stored anyway... if you leave the nice raster boot sector by the DNT Crew out... ;) BSW DCD 1oo A ------------- Here we get disk 1oo A... A? Don't ask me why, as disk "B" doesn't contains any files needed to run the stuff that's on this disk... And here we go, what do we get here? Apart from the usual static "intro/menu" screen we get the Wolfenstein Preview by Ray/.tSCc. and games we all have played so much over the last months and years already, "ChuChu Rocket lite" and "Godpey"... Wow!? But wait! With Jet Set Willy there is another killer on the disk, a 1:1 conversion of a 8bit Spectrum game... one headache later I tried to write my conclusion... Yet another disk the world really wasn't waiting for, while the Wolfenstein preview is already outdated again, as Ray did some updating, the included games by the Reservoir Gods aren't bad at all, but they were played by the whole scene already months and years ago... so was it really needed to create a compact with them? At least for my idea about the sense of compacts not... BSW DCD 1oo B ------------- The last one... so far or forever? Dunno, at least the intro comes along as an intro, or better intro-alike-slideshow this time with real fading routines ;) Once more The Byte packed quite uninspired a load of small intros and games of various age onto the disk, starting by the game Lombric by Exocet, Santa Fly and Double Juggle Vegetabobble by the Reservoir Gods, Cream's "Minesweeper" from the year 1993 or 1994 and a few other things... Not really the thing even a demo collector was waiting about... So what at all? The Byte reached number 1oo and surely stops releasing compact disx now, even though there should be enough stuff around to fill some more disx if you ask me... I never liked the BSW CD's that much, a few of them contained nice intros by bITmASTER but as they used the same intros again and again, it was mostly wasted time to check them out, and so it goes for the stuff, that was quite seldom hot and not seen before... those new disx are no exception... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and nOw fOr sOmething cOmpletely different, suddenly cOsmO pOpped up again and guess what, he brings us the latest cOnstruct crew release! cOmpact disk fOur!!! wOw, that was the thing we all were waitin' fOr! yeah baby! after the cOngeniOus menu 3 On fOur disx, we nOw get menu fOur On One disk... the intrO is the usual ripp Off Of an Old sOurce cOde and lOOks, tO be hOnest, a bit like dck again... nOw cOsmO is prOud tO present us... lOtus turbO challenge 2... wOah! i have tO say, if Our Old member apache wOuldn't have cracked and sent it tO me 12 years agO tO shOw me hOw easy cracking is, and if it wOuldn't be packed On sO many menus befOre, I really wOuld still wait fOr it... arf... To be honest, I still don't got the point to release menu's with stuff that was already hacked and compacted so many times before, it goes on with the PD game "Stomp" that even appeared on a lame PD menu by my old band .tnb. 12 years ago, not to mention the ST FORMAT coverdisk that featured it originally, huaah, and all the other menus that were proud to present it in the past... The LAPD Virus Killer and the Revenge Doc Displayer filling up the rest of the disk, or at least a part of the free diskspace... A part? Yes, Cosmo again did not care about the sense of "compact disx", using inefficient packers and not higher formatted disx, to try to pack even some more stuff on to them... So what? Don't ask me, again a Construct menu not worth its not used diskspace, bringing old stuff everybody knows and owns already since years... just a disk nobody needs really... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, that's it for now... yes, mOOndOg is still alive (somehow) and still going to check out the things going on and still opening his mouth ;) So take care about your coming releases... moondog - o2.o2.2oo5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |