MODERN GAMES DEVELOPMENT The games industry has long been the aspirational destination of many sceners, and for an increasing number that dream has become a reality. The games business is now littered with many demo coders, for some it's become a resting home, the scene boots are hung up. But for those who continue their double life as mild mannered playstation coders by day and ST scene superstars by night, there is much to be learned from the day job. Although modern consoles offer hardware and technical possibilities far out of the reach of the humble ST, there are still valuable development techniques that can be equally applied to building atari games as making the next xbox blockbuster. Since commercial game development on atari machines died some 10 years ago, games have been a precious and rare commodity. This is not down to a lack of interest in games or a lack of desire to create games. Many game projects have been anounced in that time period - the sad fact is that a very small minority of those projects reach completion. So what are the common reasons behind the failure of game projects? And can we learn anything from the techniques employed in the games industry? Let's first examing a typical life cycle of ST games development. 1. The basic game idea is arrived at. This is often a conversion or an enhancement of an existing idea. 2. The basics of the game engine are coded. 3. Graphist painted art is incorporated to replace the 'programmer art'. 4. Game engine is enhanced/optimised/bugfixed. The majority of games falter at the 4th step. Many don't even make it past the first step. So let's breakdown the various aspects of game development and try to apply some industry style techniques to them. CODE ---- It's important that you don't attempt to reinvent the wheel with every new game project. Writing a set of libraries will give an excellent starting point for all projects. Libraries should contain generic modular components that can form the basis of your games. Systems that should be in your libraries include file systems, input (joysticks/keyboard/jag pads etc), depacking routs, graphics routines and maths functions. The more comprehensive your library, the less you have to code for each successive project. It is very important to structure your code in a modular way and have the least dependency between modules as possible. This means its easy to share components between projects, and add/remove/optimise components with the minimum of code change. TOOLS ----- Tools are an essential part of game creation. Every game needs data that might not be created in the optimimum format in your content creation package. Sprites, texture maps, maps, tables - you will generally want to convert this to an in-game format that is optimised both for size and processing. Whilst you can load your assets in a non game ready format and convert them in the game, this will generally waste disk space, memory and also make you game slower to load. Having a set of command line tools to do this processing is an advantage. You can then create a batch file to process all your data to make a single build process for the entire game. It is important to make this process easily accessible to all people involved in the game's development. That way, graphists who are painting sprites can run the build batch file and create the in game data, and thus see edits to their graphics in game without having to wait for a programmer to deliver a new build of the game. BUGTRACKING ----------- Games development often seems more an exercise in bug removal that actual coding. It's impossible to understate the amount of time that actually goes into debugging a game. It is imperative that you have a good system for tracking the discovery and fixing of bugs. The secret of a good bug tracking system is to present as much information as possible with each bug. The bug info should contain the build number of the game, what system it was found on (tos version, memory size, details of any accelerators etc). It should provide detailed steps on how to reproduce the bug. An exception screen is another useful tool for the bug killer. To create this, you should take over the exception vectors (bus error, address error, illegal instruction etc). When an exception is caught, you can display a screen showing a register and stack dump and program counter offest from the start of the text segment. The exception screen was invaluable to us in tracking down many nasty crash bugs in our productions. COMMUNICATION ------------- Having good inter-team communication can be the difference between a success or failure. If your group all live in the same town, this should be no problem, but most demo crews have members scattered over their native country if not over several countries. We have used mailgroups to communicate between the team. Each project that we are working on has its own mailgroup, and everyone involved in that project (including developers & testers) are subscribed to the group. Yahoogroups provides a useful mailgroup service and it has the advantage of including filehosting and a simple database in the package. Everytime a new build in uploaded, a mail would be sent to the mailgroup detailing all the changes and bugfixes in the game, that way everyone involved was completely up to speed on the title's progress. SOURCE/ASSET CONTROL -------------------- A common horror story amongst non-commercial developers is "my hard drive got corrupt and i lost all my sources!" Backup strategies are essential to avoid such issues and a good source control system can help here as well as giving you many other advantages. We use a web based CVS system to hold all our source code, data and executables. If someone loses a hard-drive, there is a backup. If a bug is made, we can easily "roll back" to an earlier version of the source. CVS also makes distribution of the game to the development team very easy - any team member can log onto the server and download the latest code and data. CVS is something that we have only recently added to our development process and it's more than proved it's worth :) MOTIVATION ---------- The #1 enemy of the hobbiest games developer is motivation, or more the lack of it. Failing motivation is probably the top killer of games projects. Lack of communication amongst the team, difficult to fix bugs, lack of progress in the project and limited access to new builds are all factors that can sap motivation. Using some of the ideas and strategies laid out in this document can help to avoid those issues and keep motivation levels high. FINAL THOUGHTS -------------- There are few projects more satisfying than creating a really good fun game. It's a real shame that we don't see more of these titles reach fruition. Few realise the actual difficulties involved in building such a title. If you don't have a carefully thought out development process, your chances of completing such a project are virtually zero. With a bit more time spent determining 'how' the game will be built, not merely 'what' it is, you can be well on your way to creating the next hit and more people can answer the classic "Did you play atari today?" with a resounding "Hell YEAH!". Good Luck! Pink / RG |