An Ascii texphile vurshion of teh Bagder demmo!
by teh Dildo Fatwa!
Flushed with sucess after our wining entry at teh Outline party, one of the
new things we spoted was the rather cool and radial 'Bagder demo', by MJJ
Prods. We wur seezed with a slight jellousy that we haddent thort of it
first, but reelised that we culd stil rescu the sittuation with our speccial
talents. So wee are back, with teh ascii textphile remix!
Heer wee go now!
,-=' -= - `"--.__,,.._
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___,,___ =' -= - `"--.__,,.._ -=- `.
_,-='=- =- -`"--.__,,.._ - -= - "=. `=/|
,-;// / - - - -= - "=. -==- - `. \b \\
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<_,=^Kkm / / / / ///H|wnWWdMKKK#""-;. `<0\ | `--. \> \
`""QkmmmmmnWMMM\""WHMKKMM\ `--. \> \ MM. `-_<#)
hjm `""' `->>> ``WHMb,. `-_<#) >>>
(rediddled by CiH) `"QMM`.
Badger badger badger badger, badger badger badger badger!
___..._ .
_,--' "`-. '^`.
,'. . \ ,##' :
,/:. . . .' ,##. `.
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` `itz `(, `-' CiH
Mushroom mushroom! Mushroom mushroom!
,-=' -= - `"--.__,,.._
___,,___ - "=.
___,,___ =' -= - `"--.__,,.._ -=- `.
_,-='=- =- -`"--.__,,.._ - -= - "=. `=/|
,-;// / - - - -= - "=. -==- - `. \b \\
,'/// - - - = - ==-=\`. =_,,._ `=/| MML |
|/// / = `. - = == - =.=_,,._ `=/| HHMM/\b \\ <0\ |
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,' - / / / /\ = - /MM(,,._`YQMML `| ;. `<0\ | `-_<#)
<_,=^Kkm / / / / ///H|wnWWdMKKK#""-;. `<0\ | `--. \> \
`""QkmmmmmnWMMM\""WHMKKMM\ `--. \> \ MM. `-_<#)
`""' `->>> ``WHMb,. `-_<#) >>>
Badger badger badger badger, badger badger badger badger!
___..._ .
_,--' "`-. '^`.
,'. . \ ,##' :
,/:. . . .' ,##. `.
|;.. . _..--' .# ##. '.
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Mushroom mushroom! MUSHROOOM MUSHRO-O-O-O-M!!
.-~c~-. `~:. ^-.
`~~~-.c ; `:. `-, _.-~~^^~:.
`. ; _,--~~~~-._ `:. ~. .~ `.
.` ;' .:` `: `:. ` _.:-,. `.
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: .' _:' .-' `. :. .: .'`. : ;
jgs : `-' .:' `. `^~~^` .:. `. ; ;
`-.__,-~ ~-. ,' ': '.__.` :'
~--..--' ':. .:'
SNA-A-A-A-A-A-KE! It's a snake!
---_ ......._-_--.
(|\ / / /| \ \
/ / .' -=-' `.
/ / .' )
_/ / .' _.) /
/ o o _.-' / .'
\ _.-' / .'*|
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\| \ | // .'.' _ |*|
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\`-|\_/ / \ _ _ \*\
`/'\__/ \ _ _ \*\
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' ` \ _ _ \ ASH (+VK)
Oh it's a snake, OHHHHHHHHHH!
,-=' -= - `"--.__,,.._
___,,___ - "=.
___,,___ =' -= - `"--.__,,.._ -=- `.
_,-='=- =- -`"--.__,,.._ - -= - "=. `=/|
,-;// / - - - -= - "=. -==- - `. \b \\
,'/// - - - = - ==-=\`. =_,,._ `=/| MML |
|/// / = `. - = == - =.=_,,._ `=/| HHMM/\b \\ <0\ |
/// - - \ - - = ,ndDMHHMM/\b \\ `YQMML `|-. \> \
,' - / / / /\ = - /MM(,,._`YQMML `| ;. `<0\ | `-_<#)
<_,=^Kkm / / / / ///H|wnWWdMKKK#""-;. `<0\ | `--. \> \
`""QkmmmmmnWMMM\""WHMKKMM\ `--. \> \ MM. `-_<#)
`""' `->>> ``WHMb,. `-_<#) >>>
Badger badger badger badger, badger badger badger badger!
(And so on, go bac to the begining of the text and start agane, for ever if
nede be!)
For this ascii rekreation to be toatally authentik, the return to menu
feeture on teh Alive diskmagie shell from this text, should be totaly
disabled, so teh only way of reeding the next artickle would be to reboot
the mag!
For Alive Mag June 2004, by Charcoal!