.__ ___________.__ .__ __ ______ |__|___ ___\_ _____/| | |__|_/ |_ ____ \____ \ | |\ \/ / | __)_ | | | |\ __\_/ __ \ | |_> >| | > < | \| |__| | | | \ ___/ | __/ |__|/__/\_ \/_______ /|____/|__| |__| \___ > |__| \/ \/ \/ (Introduction) During some funny but useless NEOchrome versus Degas argument on #atariscne I thought about making something useful from it. Instead of wasting our time with such pointless discussions we could try to describe the outstanding functions of our favourite pixel painters for the rest of the Atari-world. If you are a pixel artist you have probably a very deep knowledge of how to get the best out of your favourite drawing tool. What I ask for is to think about the functions you appreciate most in your favourite pixel painter and to write a short article with some examples how to use them. I am convinced every ST artist will be able to extract something useful from it and possibly improve or speed up his drawing technique. Maybe some of us might even change to another drawing program, either for single or all tasks. I hope I can start a series of articles on how to get the best of NEOchrome, Degas, GodPaint, Synthetic Arts or whatever other graphics program you can think of. Always keep in mind, that the readers will probably be first time users of your favourite application, so keep it simple and describe everything you do. It will also be a good idea to add a screenshot here and there. It's up to you now. Go and write your contribution to this series. And remember keep it brief and easy :). _) __| |_) | __| | | _ \ |\ \ / _| | | _| -_) (_ | _` | | | -_) _| | | .__/_| _\_\___|_|_|\__|\___| \___|\__,_|_|_|\___|_| \_, | _| ___/ And while we are at it. If you want your pictures to be included in the forthcoming pixELITE web gallery I suggest you grab your stuff, pack it and mail it to cxt(at)atari.org. If you decide to help us with building up the gallery please keep the original format (NEO, PI1, IFF, whatever) for the files you send, we will convert them to a web compliant format and put them online ASAP. 2003-01-16 Cyclone / X-Troll |