__ __ __ _____ __ __ __ __ ____ ___ (__\/__) (__) (__ __) (__) ._. (__) (__) /__\ (_ __\ ) ( ) \/)( )( )( )/ )( )_( \ \/\/ / ( ()( )() / '-' (__)(__) (__) (_)(_) (__) (__)(__) (_)(_) (_)\_) (_) "Resistance is useless, and frankly, a bit unexpected!" Editorial: Now the camel-shit has really hit the fan, with the start of hostilities against Iraq. Normal Mini-mag service has been suspended, much like regime opponents, from trees and lamp-posts with meathooks, whilst it rages and instead, we bring you this specious special edition of Mini-War! Hard News and Stupid Fatuous Rumours: Poorly defined hopeful rumour elevated to the status of big news! Rolling 24 hour Mini-Mag breaks the stories as they happen, possibly, maybe, and then we'll rethink and downplay them a bit later on when the actual truth pokes its face out into the open. (Source:- Sky News, BBC, NBC, CNN, and that Arab one, Al-Wossname.) George Bush and Tony Blair combine to form Gestalt entity! The newly renamed "Bushblair" also has the ability to talk out of parts of their body other than their mouths! Skip to the rather obvious joke forming in your minds around about now! (Source:- weirdandscaryscience.org) Shock News! Country that opposes war in Iraq does so purely on principle, and found not to have sold loads of weapons to them previously (and is still owed tons of cash for them!) I can't name the country unfortunately, as it is on the planet Mars, and the name is unpronounceable to the human tongue! (Source:- www.dodgyleaksposingaslegitintelligenceagencybriefing.com) Unsold X-Box consoles to be parachute dropped to Iraqi-held cities, in order to lower morale. UN General Secretary Kofi Annan denounces "Excessive cruelty to helpless civilians" implicit in the headline immediately above. Urges belligerent parties to refrain from using allegedly easy-to-install versions of Microsoft O/S Windows. (Source:- www.thethirdplace.com) Some real headlines now: "F18's Bomb RG in Baghdad" - So what are the Reservoir Gods doing there in the first place, and why are they targets?! Neutrality rules okay in one of the countries next door to the war, as Iranian protests, inspired by their anti-US stance, but also coloured by their eight year war with Iraq during the 1980's, show off both "Death to the USA!", and also "Death to Saddam!" banners. Talk about evenhanded! 8-4-03 A classic case of abysmal timing with "Five dead in Israeli strike on Gaza." As in "We're feeling a bit left out of things, and we want to kill some Arabs too!" (!?) Demo Reviews: 'Weltschmertz Demo Remix' - Now using 'Real Schmertz' digitised footage from the battlefield, or Baghdad, which may be the same thing? Is compatible with a little-known Falcon '030 emulator running on US Army backpack-mounted global positioning systems. Organised squad-level viewings of this, and other Falcon '030 demo classics, have been very popular, in between waiting for gunfire and sandstorms. Adverts: DOWNLOAD! Pro and Anti-War ringtones for your mobile! Compatible with all Nokia and Sagem handsets, and also XP50 frequency hopping military radios! Pro-War - 08988 700700 - Go USA! / I love the smell of napalm in the morning / Who do you think you are kidding Mr Hussein / Stuck in the middle (of the desert) with you / Three wheels on my Humvee.... Anti-War - 08988 700777 - Fellow Jihadists die in a righteous cause / Do you really want to bomb me? / Ninety-nine red (chemical filled) balloons / Never mind the Basra, here's the sex pistols! / Yasir, I can Boogie! All calls cost a minimum 75 billion dollars for five minutes. Utils: Protective headgear is good in this sort of situation, in fact many authorities on the subject say it is vital. The Royal Marine soldier who took four direct bullet impacts on his helmet and survived, uninjured, has a lot to be thankful for. However, UK Ministry of Defence sources refuse to deny that he was being taken prisoner with a load of soon to be made dead people by the Iraqis at the time! (Postwar Ed-note: The very last word on this incident, was that it was a prank by the soldier concerned. He didn't actually say anything to anybody at the time though, just let the media draw its own conclusions!) Internet: This is a real one too. www.consumers-against-war.de. These offer a list of US companies to be boycotted by concerned citizens, the list is/was available as a *Microsoft Word* document! Oops. *Quote of the War!* (Until Saddam comes up with something brilliantly off the wall at least.) From www.command-post.org "Note to the individual manning the CBS Live webcam: Please make sure you're out of the frame before rooting around in your nose. It's remarkably unprofessional." Travel: 'Air-Raid in Line' - This coding party sucked bigtime. The excessive and dangerous travel ruled it out for all but the most dedicated. I mean, had anyone ever tried Baghdad as a venue before? Sand gets into *everything*, disk drives, coke bottles, and worm bags. The competition screenings were interrupted by frequent explosions and power cuts, and the fake demo entry "Funny Moustache" resulted in the makers being taken away by the secret police, and lots of cowering under tables from the other competition entrants. To my mind, this party was only beaten in overall ghastliness by last year's Mekka Symposium! Fashion: APPEAL, for genuine design label leisurewear, at sensible prices. Our lads aren't so keen to fight on for the motherland in their chafing restrictive army uniforms, but it is hardly good for our image if they are captured wearing cheap imitation label shellsuits by the crusader forces. Please send any donations of good quality leisure clothing, real design labels ONLY please, to the Feyadeen Central Command, 124 Uday Hussein Plaza, Baghdad Central, quickly, before it's bombed. Thanks in anticipation infidel kidz! "In" demo effects for the Spring Collection 2003; Textured escape tunnels, oldskool 'rolling news' wibbly text scrollers (Al Jazeera given source code for knocking out bottom border on TV screen!) 3-D Polygons that form the shape of food parcels, rotozoom military briefings for both sides.... "Out" demo effects for the Spring Collection 2003; 3-D Polygons that uncannily form the shape of a Stealth Bomber! Erm, fire effects perhaps... There is a trend for increased dissatisfaction among some of the allied fighting forces in the later stages of the conflict. Disgruntled US Marines could be seen wandering around Bahgdad wearing t-shirts bearing the legend "I raided Saddam's palaces, and all I got was this lousy gold-plated toilet seat!" Interview: We whisk ourselves off to Allied Central Command, and get the lowdown on the latest, from General Tommy Franks. MM: General, it seems that hopes of a quick collapse of the Iraqi regime have not come about, and that the colition forces are meeting unexpected resistance, what do you say to that? TF: Well I would say that operations are broadly going to plan. MM: Really? The impression that the public are getting, is one of some confusion and uncertainty, that the allied forces are somewhat surprised by the conflict environment in Iraq, encapsulated in the comments overheard in the American sector of the frontline "Geez, we didn't expect people to shoot back at us, we're the good guys?!" and "That's unfair, it wasn't in the script?!" TF: Well it is planned broad confusion! Hell, I don't even know where I am and who I am, some days! And who's shooting back, where is it coming from?!" (Champagne cork goes off) INCOMING! (Hides under camouflaged table.) MM: Oh dear! Multimedia: Hang on, here's an extract of a speech from Mr Saddam himself or a cunningly pre-recorded facsimile, on Iraqi state television, it seems like he has modelled himself on that well-known British bulldog, Winston Churchill, to some extent.. "We will fight them, sons of bitches. We will fight them from school playgrounds, we will fight them from inside hospitals, and from behind women and children, we will pretend to surrender......" (An editor pauses.. Damn, this war was worse than anyone thought. It made wankers out of everyone who had a viewpoint on it, pro and anti alike. And I'm not excluding this column from that critique!) Obituary: 'Chemical Ali', main enforcer of the Saddamite regime, putter-down of rebellions, non-payer of *massive* gas bills, and extreme torture fan, will be henceforth known as "Biological Ali" after his very timely death, once bodily decomposition starts to kick in! Classified ads: PRICE CRASH! - Second-hand glorious leader statues, all sizes, from four feet personal worship objects, to four hundred feet megalomaniac megaliths seen citywide. NOW AVAILABLE! All in variable condition, from completely bolloxed by armoured recovery vehicles and angry crowds, to the merely spat upon. Apply for full catalogue from S.Hussein and Sons, somewhere over the border, from here, and no we're not telling you exactly where, in case you set another pack of robotic aerial infidel assassins on our trail! Aftermath: A statement issued of behalf of all world press and electronic media in a semi-rhyming fashion.. Bahgdad liberation.... Scenes of jubilation.... Surely it can't last?!... Please let something go wrong soon?!... Aha what's this!... Scenes of looting and disorder... Allies get a grip!... Need a firm hand to take charge.... One man has the knack.... BRING SADDAM BACK!!!! And another thing: Does anyone out there know what the Arabic translation is for the saying "What goes up, must come down"?! "Go on, empty another AK clip wildly into the sky Ali, it's Wednesday, we're still alive! Let's celebrate!" (But not for long if you stand around for too long in the same place!) Fat lady screams this time around.. She blows a blood vessel gasping the single word "War!" Over and over again.. CiH, for Alive! Mag,around the time Gulf-War II happened! |