![]() By Reservoir Gods http://www.reservoir-gods.com Yes, it's the Brits' time again. This time presenting a little fraud. Why am I telling that? Read on... I have a small vice which is this: Before I even see a game/demo/utility/etc. I always tend to look at the credits, just to be prepared what am I about to watch (this goes back my 8-bit days, when the games' splash screens were filled with the game programmer(s). And by the way, I do remember most of them :). So, opening the text file accompanying Mindwind, I was in for a nice surprise! Getting by the fact that the Gods used the Greek letter sigma instead of 'e' (which, as I am Greek, confused me a bit ;), it was clear that the main code was made by the legendary Griff, ex-Inner Circle and former Reservoir God! "Oh!", I exclaimed, "I think we're in for a treat here!". Further supporting my belief were the rest of the credits: "Graphics: Master, Music: Count Zero". Immediately I remembered a review with MrPink, which he claimed that Griff has a lot of unreleased stuff on his hard drive and he will release some in the future. "Well, it seems the future is now!". I was filled with anguish as I executed the program.... Then the screen went blank, a oh-that's-familiar music started playing, and a scroller with a oh-that's-familiar-too font called wrote an old message by TCB: "If you think this is all...boy you are so wrong". After that, in an all- familiar way, the scroller (which, by the way writes to both left and right borders), starts going into the lower border to give room for the fx. Then, I had an instant flash-back: "Hey, isn't this the screen that was on Pete (AKA T.G.B.I.S.T.D.=The Great British International ST Party Demo)???". And, yes, it was just that. But, for the benefit of those who have never the opportunity to see the aforementioned demo, let me describe the effects a bit: First of all, all effects are fullscreen, and a Module is being replayed at some sample rate (12 kHz?). The STE's hardware are used here to make child's play out of effects that only very skilled and patient coders can do on a standard ST. The demo kicks off with some vertical bars (which are SO easy to do! Honest!) which scroll horizontally. Then, in order for the viewer not to get bored, some horizontal disting is applied to this effect, which is quite pleasant, actually. Then, another variation of the vertical bars appear. If you've seen the Respectables screen in Oh Crikey, Wot A Scorcher, you'll probably understand the effect: a multi-parallax horizontal field of small vertical bars of varied widths (does this makes sense? ;-). We then have the previous vertical bars dister with another wave, and then the multi-parallax- thinghy changing its form and not scrolling (well, that was a bit too much for me to describe, sorry!). After that it's piccy disting time, the original IC logo by Master being replaced by a painting by SH3, which is a variation of a pic entered on the 16-cols competition (what's the matter, guys? Out of graphics? ;))). The distings (love 'em!) are horizontally, which is bread and butter for the STE's shifter, with some mirroring added there. Last effect is some Keftales realtime calculated & displayed with a palette to screw up your eyes big time! (this is another change from the original version: The calculations are done faster). Small coder's comment here: The rasters are flickering a lot during calculations, hehe! Somewhere about here the review for the original screen would come to an end, and the reviewer of that time would go, "Well, another typical demo of what the STE can do, thankyouverymuch". But the Gods have one more ace up their sleeve here! ![]() Suddenly, Damo (if we are to believe the credits) shouts "REWIND!" and after some left faced arrows scroll by, the whole demo starts playing in rewind mode! Even the music! And there are some white lines, just like a VCR playing backwards a video! The whole demo fastly passes before your eyes and then a RG logo appears, and then it's the end (small coder's note here: The rasters sort of flicker while scrolling, and I don't exactly think it was made for effect!) ![]() All in all, a nice joke for those who had the patience to watch it (but for me the funniest thing so far was the Real Life Demo by Baggio!). But, we must insist, please use some of Griff's unreleased code next time! GGN/KÜA software productions/Alive Team ggn@atari.org |