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Alive 7


  I wrote  an article in  a previous issue of Alive! about  the demos existing
  for  the Lynx  and I  came to  the conclusion  there were  unfortunately few
  interesting releases.  This has now  changed,  as Sage wrote  a demo for the
  Atari handheld for  (and mostly "at")  Error In Line 3.  I think this can be
  considered  as the  first real demo  for the Lynx,  with several  effects, a
  music  and  some graphics...  14  years  after  the initial  release  of the
  console :)

  The  demo  first  displays  two  information  screens which,  despite  being
  relatively untasty  (pure coder colours)  give some  interesting facts about
  the demo.  Sage advices us  not to watch  the demo  on an emulator,  because
  it's  not  totally accurate.  Interestingly,  Sage can  provide  actual  ROM
  cartridges  to the  persons interested.  Unfortunately  I only  watched  the
  demo with Handy, the Windows emulator...

  The demo  starts  with a very nice-looking picture  by Flash, with an "Atari 
Lynx"  logo  on  it  and  a  Fuji-sign.  The first  effect  is a  shaded and
  textured tunnel running  at a good framerate,  unfortunately with a dull red
  texture.  I can't help thinking  it could have looked way better with a more
  complex  texture.  But maybe  there  were some  technical issues?  Then come
  some 2D distorsion  effects on a picture  by Alex/Melon if I'm not mistaken.
  The  framerate  drops  quite  a  bit  for  those  effects,  but  it's  still
  enjoyable.  Next is a 3D object  with a fire effect around.  Then a 3D "EIL"
  logo is displayed, running very smoothly.

  Right after  the credits are  displayed,  supposedly  as pictures using more
  than  16 colours,  but as Handy  does not  support yet the coding  tricks of
  Sage,  it looks  messed  up on  the emulator.  Finally a  vertical  scroller
  gives  some information  about the demo.  The interesting  thing is that the
  text  is  actually  used  as a  base for  a  bitmap  effect  running in  the
  background,  being rotated  and distorted.  Unfortunately  the colours are a
  bit basic,  ruining a bit  the effect.  At the very end  of the demo another
  picture is  displayed,  it's probably  a nice one,  but using  more  than 16
  colours, its's therefore trashed by the emulator. The music during the whole
  demo is a 4-channel module, from an unknown author.

  Seeing  what Sage  has come  up with,  and comparing  it with  Gameboy Color
  demos,  it's  crystal clear the  Lynx was  years  ahead Nintendo's  handheld.
  But technology isn't everything, whereas good games and marketing sell!

  I'm glad  to see a real demo  designed  for the Lynx,  even if it could have
  been easily  improved if  Sage had  more time  to  spend  on it  and maybe a
  graphician to help him with the colours  and the general design.  Let's hope
  there will be more releases coming from him!


Alive 7