Ho Ho HO, It's Greeeetingz time ! After quite a huge - tho now usual - delay we have done it again ! I hope this issue lives up to the motto "late but great" :) Naturally it couldn't have been without the help and support of some people who deserve greetings : CiH : luckily Chris writes a * LOT * as I don't have enough time to be the brain AND the hands of this humble magazine :) Once again he brought us tons of nice stories with his own remarkable style. I shouldn't have signed that contract with him, I sold my soul to a restless editor :) See you in Alive8 ! GGn : dunno what happened to George as it took him +2 years before he found out he could write :) Indeed I really liked the many reviews he wrote as he shows interesting comments and views. Let's hope he'll go on ! C-rem : Thanks are adressed to you Emeric who painting this cool shell in a few hours and also for supporting the Scene SO MUCH ! We would need more people like you and fewer lazy asses. We'll manage to arrange a drunken weekend at my place, I promise ! Escape and the ppl involved in organizing EIL3 deserves a lot of thanks and greetings as they've managed to gather the cream of our Scene once again in Dresden for what will be remembered as another great party ! The many entries to the compos show that with a "little" motivation some ppl still manage to do things ! Coolness ! Let's us the occasion to send a massive -THANK YOU- to all the people who have brought some life to this issue with msx, gfx and/or articles ! Let's try not to forget anyone here's the full list in no special order of course : Tao, Nemo, DmaSc, Damo, C-rem, Jace, CiH, GGn, Paranoid, Exocet, Marss, Earx, Charon, Strider, ST Michael (I hope for long!) and Simon Sunnyboy, in other words 17 people (including me :) involved, that's SO cool !! Thanks are also sent toMikro and Timbral for answering the interviews I sent them. Sorry if I forgot someone, feel free to kick me where it hurts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------STS--- |