[ Back to main ] 1. The Atari TT hardware --------------------- The MC68030 CPU =============== The MC68030 in the Atari TT is a real 32-bit processor which is mainly 68000 compatible. The biggest advantage is the on-chip Data and Instruction caches of 256 byte length each. The caches can be manipulated by the Cache-Control-Register (CCAR) which is a part of the MC68030 itself (hiword is always zero!): 15 .......................................................... 0 0 0 WA DBE CD CED FD ED 0 0 IBE CI CEI FI EI WA = Write allocate IBE = Instruction Burst enable DBE = Data Burst Enable CI = Clear Instruction Cache CD = Clear Data Cache CEI = Clear entry in Inst.cache CED = Clear Entry in Data cache FD = Freeze Data cache FI = Freeze Instruction cache ED = Enable Data cache EI = Enable Instruction cache To completely disable one of the caches, you have to set the "Enable cache" bit to zero. "Freezing" the cache makes it work almost as a ROM - All Reads will be applied to the cache, but its contents will not be overwritten. To clear one whole cache, use the CD- or CI-bits. To clear a certain cache-entry, you will have to use the CEI- or CED-bits in conjunction with the Cache-Address-Register (CAAR) - also on chip - which contains the address of the cache entry. However, only bits 7 to 2 are being used currently in the CAAR, so only these bits have to be set. Burst mode enables extremely quick update of the cache which allows 128-bit to be read more or less at once. The MC68030 PMMU ================ The "paged memory management unit" of the MC68030 inside the Atari TT is capable of converting "virtual" adresses used by programs into "physical" adresses used by the hardware. This easily allows memory protection, mostly used by multitasking systems like Unix and MiNT or virtual memory that is actually on a harddisk. This device is usually not being used by games- or demo-programmers so it will not be discussed here in any way. The MC68882 FPU =============== The MC68030 was designed to cooperate with an MC68882 without any additional hardware- or software modification. The duo MC68030 and MC68882 work almost like they were on one chip, which makes it extremely easy for the programmer to handle the duo. The FPU features 8 floating point registers (FP0 to FP7) of 80 bits length each, it has its own Control Register (FPCR) and Status Register (FPSR) as well as its own Instruction adress register (FPIAR). The MC68882 communitcates with the MC68030 over the so-called LineF emulation (all instructions of the MC68030 that adress the FPU have "F" as the first hexadecimal digit). The FPU itself bears 64 instructions and 5 new instruction-width indices (Integer, Single Real, Double Real, Extended Real and Packed Decimal Real Data Format). The details on FPU-programming will not be discussed in detail in this documentation. Please refer to an MC68882 Programmer's Manual by Motorola. Compatibilities and incompatibilities ===================================== => In comparison to the Atari ST and Atari STE: These series only bear an MC68000 which has a few "disadvantages" in comparison to the MC68030 of the Atari TT. First, the external data bus is only 16-bits wide which makes reading and writing of a longword slower than of a word. In the Atari TT, reading or writing 16-bits at once makes absolutely no difference to reading or writing 32-bits. The 68000 does not have adress line 0, which makes it impossible for the MC68000 to read 16- or 32-bits from odd addresses (reading bytes is possible since the 68000 reads a 16-bit-word in fact and only leads through the required 8 bits) - The attempt to do this will lead to an error on the ST. The TT can read words and longwords from any given address. The 68000 has no cache. Attempting to set the caches will either crash the machine or have no affect at all (untested). The condition code register of the MC68030 and 68000 are identical. The other bits of the Status Register (8 to 31) are NOT identical. Handle with care. The 680x0-instructions MOVE from/to SR are allowed in USER-mode on the 68000, on the MC68030, they are NOT. The TOS of the TT has a patch for that by executing an exception, but in case the desired program shall not require or refer to TOS routines, this will have to be acknowledged. Furthermore, the MC68030 has additional ways of adressing and can multiply/divide longword operands. These instructions will generate an error on the MC68000. => In comparison to the Atari Falcon030: Both computers have an MC68030 with its caches and both have a PMMU. If equipped with an MC68882, the Falcon can also operate FPU-instructions just like the TT, if the FPU misses, they will generate an error. The bus-system of the Falcon does not allow burst-mode in memory-access. Setting this bit in the CCAR will not change anything. => What to look out for when writing ST-programs: The MC68030 is a 32-bit processor and has - basically - a 32 bit adress bus. The MC68030 will not work well if being fed 24-bit adresses only, which works on the ST. Also make sure to access the Condition Code Register instead of the whole Status Register if not in Supervisor mode. These instructions on the MC68030 are only allowed as Supervisor. Also, clockcycle-based effects will never work correctly on ST and TT. First, instruction timing on the 68030 is not only different to that on 68000, but also more flexible due to cache and RAM-usage. Besides that, the clockspeed of the TT is not controlable and always runs at 32 MHz - In contrast to the Falcon which is switchable to 8 MHz. [ Back to main ] [ Onto Next Chapter] |