[ Back to Main ] 11. Final words --------------- This FAQ has been collected and assembled using various sources: - Atari ST/STE/TT Profibuch, Jankowski, Rabich, Reschke, Sybex Verlag 1991 - Das TOS 1.4 Update Buch, Pauly, Data Becker 1989 - Chips'n Chips 6.0 Ruge, AG Computertechnik 1998 and many many experiments on a 1040 STE using TOS 2.06, a Mega STE using TOS 2.06 and a Falcon030. This documentation is far from complete and is not given with any warranties about correctness. Any kind of damage done to yourself, your hard- or software after, while or before reading this documentation is not being covered in any way by the author. If you copy this documentation, please do not alter, add or subtract any content. This documentation is free to copy as long as it is copied completely and without additionals. If you spot mistakes or have proposals on what to add, feel free to mail the author at paranoid@atari.org [ Back to Main ] |