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Alive 6


It seems like  yesterday Paranoia  released the intro for the third  edition of
their Paracon party,  but that was actually one year ago.  Time passes by... or
maybe we're used to parties arranged every two years like the EIL :)

This time, Paranoid was once again in charge of the code,  Luebke did the music
and the graphics were drawn by TNT and Paranoid.  It has to be noticed it's the
first time that Paranoia use chunky-to-planar effects on the ST,  that means we
can expect "newskool" effects...

The intro  starts  indeed with a  nice shaking  Paranoia logo,  with a  kind of
motion blur on it...  That  looks really stylish and nice...  then we are shown
a  black and white photography  of  the members  of Paranoia,  and  the face of
each of them goes coloured as their respective name is shown. Good idea !  Then
some pictures of the previous editions are shown,  and it seems the palette was
optimized in a smart way, as it looks okay despite the poor STF palette.
The next  screen shows  the highlight of the code  :  a high number of floating
translucent blobs  are  moving  on some  sinus  curves  in a  front  of a  nice
background.  Even if the  resolution  is 2x2,  it is for sure a nice "newskool"
effect  that is pleasant to see  running on a plain ST.  The background picture
is a  copy (or a  scan ?)  of the "hot 'n spicy"  Springles  packaging.  Anyway
it's  nicely done  as it doesn't suffer too much of  the low resolution and the
small palette.  Then the  same effect  is displayed  between every  information
screens with  the palette  and the  curve changing.  The latters give the usual
information you can expect about a party  :  date, place, compos, etc. The text
is displayed  with a 1-colour font in front of a nice Paracon 4 logo.  The font
is not really my taste, but at least it's easily readable...

To sum up, Paranoia gave us  a nice little intro that perfectly plays its role.
This  shows  the group is  still active on  ST,  despite their  latest releases
targeting the Falcon.  Let's hope there are bigger ST releases in the pipeline,
because that looks damn promising!

Alive 6