MJJ PARTY 2 - The Report ........................ MJJ Prod was a famous ST demo crew during the early 90's. They have produced high-quality demos - just remember the Anomaly Megademo for example. Since last year, and thanks to the success of ST emulators on PC, FelX wanted to wake up MJJ Prod one more time. He has organized the MJJ Party 2 at his home, in Gigean (near Montpellier, in the south of the France). This party took place from August 16th to 18th, 2002. So, who was there? A lot of MJJ Prod members, although some of them weren't here, such as Bigfoot, Blinis and Niko. 7 members participated to the party: - C-Rem: a new member. He loves painting 16 colour gfx. - FelX: the big boss, big fan of ST soundchips. - Micou: a 68K coder. It seems he was in Vmax before. - The Squale: he was just here on saturday evening. - Tooseb: a 68K coder. He likes composing musics too. - Wilfried: a very talented gfx-man. - Zorro2: another new member. He is a GFA coder and he came with his wife. Of course, there was also the familly of FelX : his wife and their 4 children (including the world famous Little Marie - do you remember the screen about her in the Anomaly Megademo?) Moreover, some atarists were invited to the party: - Mr Nours: the famous webmaster and big Atari ST fan. - Strider: yup, it's me. I wasn't a member of MJJ Prod at this moment. Brume (Pacidemo and Pacigame webmaster) and Moa (Megatari webmaster) were invited, but they didn't come. And what about the hardware? There were about 4 Atari STs (most of them were 1040 STEs), about 4 PCs and 1 Falcon. The main room is quite large, but all these computers took a lot of place. Hey, wait a minute... What those PCs were doing here? Don't worry, Steem was running on all of them. Several MJJ Prod members prefer coding or painting on a PC with Steem because their real Ataris don't have hard disks, whereas Steem uses the PC hard disk as an ST one. Steem doesn't need double density floppies anymore, the 68000 processor can be accelerated, and so on. Emulators offer a new place for creativity. Of course, all the productions are tested on real Atari computers. So, it seems that Steem (and Saint also) has contributed to the revival of MJJ Prod as a demo crew. So, what did the participants? During those 3 days, we were coding, painting, playing, copying, discussing about the ST scene and so on, also during the night (until 5 or 6 AM). It was a good place for meeting other atarists and exchanging ideas or skills. For example, Zorro2 was prepairing the MJJ Player and I gave him some sources for Falcon compatibility. Tooseb, with the help of Zorro2, was coding a bootsector. He also tried the SidSound Designer and composed a soundchip based on a Japanese cartoon for girls called "Candy Candy" (quite famous on French TV in the 80s). The Squale and Micou were busy with Devpac and MonST. Mr Nours came with tons of floppy disks - I must admit there were very interesting things on it ;-) FelX has organized two game tournaments. Everybody played to Kick Off and Super Sprint. Of course, we played on real Atari computers, because emulators can't beat the feeling :) Wilfried won the Kick Off tournament whereas FelX won the Super Sprint tournament. Concerning the productions, Zorro2 was coding his MJJ Player, a music disk with 4 voices soundtracks. FelX wanted to make a demo compilation, it will be ready in 2003. He has also found some unreleased screen from MJJ Prod (mainly coded by Bigfoot), it might be interesting. In conclusion, we all had a lot of fun at this party. On sunday, FelX told us he will organize the third MJJ Party next summer. I'm sure it will be a success ;-) ======================================== MJJ web site: http://mjjprod.9online.fr/ Strider http://strider.atari.org/ |