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Alive 5

         (Best of compilation)

This textfile is based on the collection compiled by LS aka Lennert Stock
( Many of the pictures are also from him. I had nothing
to do with this. You can tell, the ASCII is much too good ;) - CiH

The colourisation was done by me though, it took a lot of work.. (Phew!)

Go and visit his own WWW site at :

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.    .        .      .             . .     .        .          .          .
         .                 .                    .                .
  .            A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...   .
     .               .           .               .        .             .
     .      .            .                 .                                .
 .      .         .         .   . :::::+::::...      .          .         .
     .         .      .    ..::.:::+++++:::+++++:+::.    .     .
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           .                                                                .
.          .                                                       .   .
    .        .                                                           .
    .     .                                                           .      .
  .     .                                                        .
              . A terrible civil war burns throughout the  .        .     .
galaxy: a rag-tag group of freedom fighters   .  .
     .       . has risen from beneath the dark shadow of the            .
.        .     evil monster the Galactic Empire has become.                  .
   .           Imperial  forces  have  instituted  a reign of   .      .
terror,  and every  weapon in its arsenal has  been
          .turned upon the Rebels  and  their  allies:  tyranny, .   .
   .      oppression, vast fleets, overwhelming armies, and fear.        .  .
.      . Fear  keeps  the  individual systems in line,  and is the   .
prime motivator of the New Order.             .
    .   Outnumbered and outgunned,  the Rebellion burns across the   .    .
.     vast reaches of space and a thousand-thousand worlds, with only     .
    . their great courage - and the mystical power known as the Force -
flaming a fire of hope.                                    .
This is a  galaxy  of wondrous aliens,  bizarre monsters,  strange   .
 . Droids, powerful weapons, great heroes, and terrible villains.  It is a
galaxy of fantastic worlds,  magical devices, vast fleets, awesome machi-  .
nery, terrible conflict, and unending hope.              .         .
.        .          .    .    .            .            .                   .
               .               ..       .       .   .             .
 .      .     T h i s   i s   t h e   g a l a x y   o f   . . .             .
                     .              .       .                    .      .
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                               .                                        .
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                .                                   .            .

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                              ||  || eath Star II above Endor, surveyed by
                              ||_/ | the Super Star Destroyer "Executor".

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  Ray Brunner              '..,,.,_]`     Sienar Fleet Systems' TIE/In
.L..`..``.     Space Superiority Starfighter (2)

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                    Sienar Fleet Systems' TIE Bomber
                         Light Space Bomber (2)

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//       .           .            Lambda-class Imperial Shuttle (2)
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                 .           \  \          Lambda-class Imperial Shuttle (3)
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                       LS       ~o 

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  ******%(MMMMM@M#OwmJw4A&&i.="2MMM8OwRwCCC1JmD&&$MD   Imperial AT-AT (2)

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Imperial Stormtrooper       [i77888888^^^^8888877i]
(Standard Shock Trooper)     77888^oooo8888oooo^8887]
Bob VanderClay           iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

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     |  | |               LS |  |   Leia Organa

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F O R   C R I M E S   A G A I N S T   T H E   E M P I R E

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L u k e  S k y w a l k e r      H a n   S o l o          C h e w b a c c a

Self-Proclaimed Jedi Knight     Smuggler, Pirate         Smuggler, Pirate
     500,000 credits            200,000 credits          100,000 credits

The above are wanted for the following crimes:

    - Liberation of a known criminal, Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan -
         - Direct involvement in armed revolt against the Empire -
                              - High treason -
                               - Espionage -
                               - Conspiracy -
                    - Destruction of Imperial Property -

           These individuals are considered extremely dangerous.

E X P E R I E N C E D   B O U N T Y   H U N T E R S   O N L Y

  The Empire will not  be held  responsible  for any  injuries or property
  loss arising from the  attempted apprehension of these  notorious crimi-
  nals. Bounty is for live capture only! For more information contact your
  local Imperial Intelligence Office.

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                    Darth Vader (2)                           Ray Brunner

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                       Ray Brunner      Patched by LS

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         A   long  *time .ago,   A   long * time. ago,
       .In a  galaxy  *far far . In a  galaxy * far far
       away, a great adventure   away, a great adventure
      took place...        +     took place...      +
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  Joe Rumsey

  (How to view: either cross your eyes, or get very close to the screen,
  so that each eye is focusing on a different image.  Try to merge the
  separate images into one, and you should get a 3-D effect)

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  |                                   ``::::%%%%%%%%%HHH|
  |The Star Wars ASCII Art Collection                   `::::::::%%%%%%|
  |                                         ``:::::::::%|
  |                                               `````:|
  |                                                     |
  |Pictures by Lennert Stock (LS), Rowan Crawford (-Row), Joe Rumsey,  |
  |Raymond  E Brunner,  Bob VanderClay,  Jussi Hannula,  Adam Bender,  |
  |Philip James Powell and  B.D.S. "Don" McConnell  (-Don).  The pic-  |
  |tures work  best with  a black background and  a white foreground,  |
  |except for some characters  which work  better vice versa,  with a  |
  |not too fancy font. Mail to the address in the sig for all related  |
  |issues  (if you got  Star Wars ASCII art  not  in this collection,  |
  |please send it to me).  Sources LS (amongst others): The Star Wars  |
  |RPG and sourcebooks by West End Games, Inc.                         |
  |                                                                      |
  |See also: The Star Wars ANSI Art Collection.                        |
  |                                                                      |
  |Copyright 1997 Lennert Stock. For all non-commercial, non-charging  |
  |purposes, feel free to distribute, clip, patch, or snatch.          |
  |:.                                                                    |
  |%:::::::::..                        Lesson 2:5 of "How To Waste Time  |
  |%%%%%%::::::::..                    Efficiently And Transitory."      |

     __       __    .  __        __        __        __           .
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Alive 5