--|\-/|---------/\-/\----------------------------------------------------------- | \ | EKKA OR \ | / ASOCHISM ? party review --|---|---------/---\----------------------------------------------------------- freeze your feet with the w1nD0wZ 1337 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- by Havoc/FUN Industries -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Easter time was coming up and just like many times before there it was going to be filled with loads of weird travel problems, a big party, substance abuse and ofcourse above all some Atari demo compos! Little Havoc was so happy about this that he didn't manage to arrange anything like a travel plan up until a week before the party. Using his crappy mobile phone he called some of the strangest people in his addressbook, both from his own cheese-producing nation as well as from a sandbank monarchy in the North Sea. EXPECTATIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After some negotiations a plan was decided upon and so he expected two rather notorious journalists to show up at his place one evening. And he expected, and he expected. And he expected some more... but lost his expectations and went to sleep. And when he had just fallen asleep, two rather notorious figures showed up at his doorstep. After a short while they went to sleep and the next day was wasted doing useless things such as spending time at school by yours truly and visiting certain parts of Amsterdam by the two notorious figures from the sandbank monarchy. OPTIMIZATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, after some heavy sleeping action, the lazy people went down the elevator shaft with a load of obsolete equipment which would be stashed into a small bright red vehicle with a major steering wheel misalignment. Large quantities of instant food and cheap fizzy drink followed soon and then the three somehow managed to fold themselves into their limousine. STAUFAHREN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a matter of minutes they reached the border of the Bundesrepublik and the subsequent journey on the Autobahn was short enough not to let the three worry about either the inversed starfield of BMW's and Mercedeses on their main display or the somewhat repetitive German national pastime called "Jedes Wochenende Staufahren". After a few hours of travelling the three reached their destination and after some mild confusion concerning different buildings that were supposed to be in the same village but turned out to be rather non-existant they managed to find the right location. PARTY TIME! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first impressions were allright. The party building looked like an airplane hangar but turned out to be a rather large sportshall. There were more than enough parking places, and inside already quite a few people were installing their systems. Unfortunately only a few Atarians were there, but they had strategically placed themselves as close to the exit as possible. After the party had taken off this turned out to be an excellent choice... MICROSOFT OUTLOOK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After some initial chatting and handshakes with various longtime buddies the raw basic pride of Atari computing was setup for some pixel action. Nothing beats an unmodified 1040STf for reliable party pixeling and this baby has been proving it for well over a decade! The hall filled up rather quickly during the next few hours and it became more and more apparent that we were lost at the edge of a sea of wincrap boxes. Some C64 people were also scattered around the place, and also some Amiga freaks, but by far the majority of visitors brought lame machines. SHOW ME DA MONEY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The entrance fee was extremely high- 40E sets a new record for an Atari related party, the highest we managed to remember collectively was about 23E which included free drinks and breakfast. For this price we obviously expected a high level of service but although the organizers were plentiful and easy to recognize, none of the other facilities improved on the situation we know from previous parties. Actually a lot of the facilities were quite bad to say the least. One of the first disappointments was the low quality plastic wristbands everyone was forced to wear- cotton ones are the same price guys! NICE TOILETS! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After some time and a lot of conversation with the other guys around the Atari table it was time to hit the toilets. This was one facility that actually was quite good- clean in relative terms, plentiful, and even the paper and towels were exchanged every once in a while. COVERT OPERATIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Somewhere during the first evening a bunch of (mostly Swedish) people at the Atari table decided to make a partydemo and enter it for the competition. Apart from that, only Nerve/Ephidrena was planning to release anything for the competitions which was Atari related. With so few Atarians present and basically just two competitions where people could enter their productions this could have hardly surprised anyone though. AND WE MARCH ON -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With so many pc kids and easy availability of alcohol it didn't come as a surprise that quite a few drunk people could be spotted in the hall and just in front of it. In itself this is no problem- it's a party so people are supposed to be drunk!- but there were too many braindead idiots among them. One guy fell asleep on a stack of promotion material in front of the building with his beercan still in his hand, another slept a few hours in one of the toilet boxes and many more got very noisy and started a constant march between their computers and the parking lot where most of the boozing took place. Some people took the marching bit so serious they started wearing helmets and waving flags- not a pretty sight on a drunk-to-death teenager in my opinion. TO SHOWER OR NOT TO SHOWER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After dinner (cookies and peanuts: yumm!) some pixelling work needed to be done and this went on until the next afternoon. During this time it became apparent that there was only very minimal showerfacilities available. Once a day three showers were available for an hour- later on some more hours were organized but not many. The official explanation for this was that separate showering should be possible for girls- what a load of bull! So give them separate showering hours and let the guys have the rest- no problem is it really? MASS COMMUNICATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The huge projector screen in the backside of the hall was well visible from almost any location on the party floor. Most of the time it was displaying some general information about the party, but also some demos and other stuff was shown at various times. The information screens were ripped from "Defender of the Crown", all in coordination with the theme of the party which was "Defenders of the Scene" or something along those lines. In practice this meant some of the organizers had made a trip to the local historical museum, ripped all their medieval suits, harnesses, helmets, swords and other various objects and used them in some weird acted scenes on the stage in front of the bigscreen. This was funny but after a while it got a bit repetitive- the forced theme-following reminded of the schoolcamps your editor has visited and that's not a good sign. PENNY MARKT AND PC DEMOS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the early hours of the next day the local Penny Markt was raided and more cheap food and fizzy drink were added to the already impressive amount stored around our tables. While doing some more pixelwork, some contacts were established with various oldskool pc sceners and it was cool to notice the kind of respect shown by these people for the Atari scene. Even though there might be big differences in our scenes, true hackers can be found in both and it would be unfair to judge all pc guys by looking only at the majority of lame releases in their scene. Ten years ago a lot of crap demos were released on Atari too, and pc demos today are just a different thing than we're used to. It's obvious the main item in pc demos is design- technical possibilities are so advanced that it often makes more sense to improve the design than the code for a better result in a competition. Obviously you don't have to like these demos- it was surprising to see that a lot of older pc guys don't do so anymore either. What is impressive about pc productions these days is the size optimized demos- it's amazing to see how some groups manage to stuff long 3d anims into 64 or even 4 kilobytes. It's hard to judge how much of this optimization can be explained by using accelerators or code-libraries, but texture-generators are the way to go surely. SLEEP! (WELL ALMOST) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After 24 hours of straight pixelling, it was time to hit the bed. But hmmm... sleeping under the table? Nah. The keyboard method? Nah. Sleeping in the sleeping area then? Ah nice idea- where is it? Outside?! OK- so it's a tent with a heating system... Okey let's inflate the bed and give it a go. The whole tent was jampacked with sleeping people, no place but close to the door was left open so that's where the crash took place. Temperature inside the tent was quite acceptable while standing up, but once on the bed the horror started. Because of the construction of the tent, cold air was sucked through the holes at the bottom of the side panels and this made sleeping conditions damn uncomfortable. Also the door of the tent did not close properly so whenever it was left unattended for more than five minutes you could bet it was wide open. Amazingly enough the organizers did not manage to fix this problem in 4 days- one hint: use a piece of rope and a stone... Really, it isn't that hard! THAT'S WHY I BRING MY 1040... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first reports about stolen goods started to appear on the second day, later on some more stuff appeared on the bigscreen, even going as far as someone reporting a stolen laptop. This was sickening, nothing like this has happened at Atari parties in recent years. The worst case I can remember in recent years was a lost SCSI-adapter and a bunch of lost cables- not nice ofcourse but in no way comparable with a complete stolen laptop. SHOWER TIME FINALLY! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was a chance to use the showers unexpectedly, and it was grabbed with both hands. The showers were good quality, but having only 4 boxes meant there was no way everyone could take a normal shower surely in only an hours' time. Most people chose not to shower at all. FOOD AGAIN! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The food service at the partyplace itself was rather limited. You could buy beer and softdrinks at the entrance at reasonable prices, and there was a reasonably inexpensive foodstall located just outside the main building which sold more or less traditional snackfood like fries and such. Further away from the location some restaurants could be found, and the McDonald's was within reach for cardrivers. COMPETITIONS! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As noted before, there were only two Atari related entries in the competition. "Atari Behn" by Ephidrena was obviously the best release- NervE did a cool job and should be applauded for releasing his demo in these circumstances. The mysterious Spice Boys showed their love for German poetry combined with demo effects and ST pixel graphics in a well received although somewhat incomplete Falcon intro. Both productions were shown in the same competition which was a good decision of the organizers. The other competitions were reasonably interesting. A few nice 64ktro's on both Amiga and pc could be seen, but the demo competitions mainly offered another load of mtv-style animations you really don't want to see. The 4ktro's were better, graphics and music competitions were of acceptable quality without being surprising in many ways. 24bit and mp3 may be raising expectations too high? SLEEP! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the third day finally a way was found to catch some hours of sleep- some heavy substance abuse and about 60 hours of insomnia enabled me to force myself to sleep under one of the tables. Although very noisy, this place at least offered temperatures that would not cause instant pneumonia and with the aid of some earplugs it was even possible to catch a few hours of sleep. SHOW ME DA MONEY!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So monkey won a prize. He went to the stage where some odd guy with strange clothes offered offered to slice his head off. As he refused this, he was offered a 5 year old CD in compensation. Feeling too happy about the fact that many people would not notice his involvement he quickly walked on and with the help of some notorious figures from the sandbank monarchy stuffed his belongings into a small red vehicle with a major steering wheel misalignment. After some more exchanges of words with the remainder of the Atarians they drove their limousine towards the Autobahn once again, where with only a minimal amount of time wasted on Staufahren and a slight detour they made quick progress towards the border of monkey's own cheese producing nation. PIZZA TIME! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After getting back to the appartment nobody could be bothered to move any further than the telephone to acquire food and so the three gastronomes decided to call local favourite "New York Pizza" and have them deliver some fine Italian cuisine. Processing copious amounts of olive oil made them decide to sleep rather quickly. CU L8ER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day the two diskmag editors went to their beloved city of sex, drugs and rock'n'roll once again before moving on to catch their ship towards the sandbank. Somehow however, the largest of the two managed to loose his passport and this prevented the two from boarding the ship in time. Some time later during the afternoon an arrangement was made and the two drove across the country for the fifth time in five days to be able to sleep with a roof above their heads. CU L8ER FOR REAL? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day started with a visit to the local police station to report the missing passport and after that the two notorious persons took their car to drive across the country for a sixth and final time. No incidents have been reported about this trip which came as a bit of a surprise. CONCLUSION? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was definitely a good thing there was an easter party- we have to thank MC Laser for ofering us this opportunity. It's impossible to blame him about some crappy organisation of Mekka- he's been a loyal visitor of Atari parties for ages and so obviously he had no chance to check out recent editions of Mekka. One thing is quite obvious to me though: this kind of party is not what I would like to be repeated next year as the major Atari easter event. But I don't think that will be the case anyway... :-) |