. .. ... ..._.___________.....____._____.____.__._.._.... .. . . . / ____\___( \ / )________ ( /\/ -- __\ /_ ___ \ \____\( ___/ )_____/\____( \___ \__) . . .. ... ...._.__.\_________/._... . ..._.\_________/._.... .. . about Tempest the PowerPC based Falcon accelerator If you have internet access, you might have found out: The Fmax and Tempest pages have not been updated very often in the past year and it looked like the development around Tempest has stalled. It did not. There have been some changes and as usual, those have caused delays. Like for example the announcement from Motorola to discontinue the MPC8240 series - which was the processor system that the designer of Tempest, Sven Karlsson, has decided to use as CPU on the Tempest accelerator. Unfortunately, the MPC8241 and MPC8245 series of Motorola are not 100% identical to the MPC8240 so the PCB had to be patched and tested to work with these two MPCs as well. The simulations are about to be finished, currently the FastRAM- subsystem is being checked at higher clockrates (around 75 MHz) and with those changes, the specs of Tempest have even improved a little: The MPC8241 is inexpensive and available at clockspeed up to 200 MHz, the MPC8245 can be clocked with up to 300 MHz. Both consist of a 603e-compatible CPU core so the software made for Tempest does not need to be changed in any way. Besides that, the schedule for post-Tempest development has been set as well. First follow-up to Tempest will be the Destiny-card, the one that lets you drive a Tempest-accelerator in a PCI-based Atari-clone like the Milan and the Hades. The basic layout of this card is already done so once Tempest is finished, Destiny itself should follow really fast. The other adapters, DesTTiny and DeSTiny, allowing TT or Atari ST users to run a Tempest card in their computer will only be developed and produced on demand, so once Tempest is done, make sure you tell us that you want such a card if you do. Finally, Frontier Systems in Germany have taken over the distribution of the Eclipse-card, the PCI-adaptor for the Falcon, and lowered the price massively. Charon of Escape did a lot of testing with the card (including the ATI Rage2) and after a few problems at the beginning, he definetly grew to like it and managed to run it with MiNT as well. This way he discovered a bug in the current beta-release of fVDI: If running the newest fVDI distribution, make sure you do not run the RAGE.SYS driver of this distribution but the RAGE.SYS of the distribution that came with the card. Obviously, the newer RAGE.SYS has problems with a batch of ATI cards. If you're interested in Eclipse, have a look at http://www.frontier-systems.de. Currently, several people work on network drivers for Eclipse, however, as usual, due to circumstances beyond anybody's control, things move a lot slower than originally planned. I wish i could give you a reliable time scale about the further development of Tempest, but i can't. At least the financial part seems to be solved so that once the development of Tempest is finished, producing the first series will not require additional funding. I'll keep you informed. The Paranoid/Paranoia of the Lunatic Asylum |