=== === * ,==\ == _ == _ . ._ ._ : ._ _ _ _._ . . ._ _ _. = | = /_ | |_) | \ | |_) /_ /_\ | | | |_) /_ (_ -_=_- \_ | | \ |_/ '__/ | \ \_ | | | \_/ | \ \_ ._) * * An ASCII Miscellany. By CiH, who makes these things up at random, on a whim as such, and with no central direction, or grand master plan. So what you get, is what you get, as it were.... Jan '01 ,###, ,### # # # | # #~~~ # ,# # ' # a f i a # i s h # i c t i m ! _.-._ ,' '. ' ' ( ) ', '. ,' '. .' He was sent to '-,:' "Sleep with the Humans!" | : /\/\ / \ ( * /) /'..::.\\ /_|:::::/_\ . . . . . |::::/. . . . . . . . . /'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/ \/'\/'\/'\/ \ ' ` ' ` ' ` '| / ` ' ` o ` ' ` ` o . | / O . O / \ . . o Alright! . 0 ////\\\\ :\~^. .Move along there, . | = > Nothing to see! . :/~v' O ' CiH - December '01, with a large debt to Gary Lawson's 'Far Side'! |) |) |\ |\ |_)eyonce the |_)ush Kangaroo! The brain of Bootiliscious pop diva, Beyonce Knowles, her in Destiny's Child, is thrown cruelly into the body of that loveable 1960's Australian kids tele series marsupial, Skippy the bush kangaroo, by an accident with a crudely experimental teleporter, built entirely from HTML commands! _________________________ _ _ (------___----__-----___--) //\//\ I'm an independent woman!? \\/\\/ (_______--____---____---__) /@ @ `, O \ / | o( / /' '\ But who is this, standing by none "U" ||\ too impressed? Why, it's WYCLEF =====-- //. || \ --- /\ ---=== JEAN, also transplanted by cruel // | // | / | fate, into a 'roo body! \\ ' _ // \ \._./ / '' / / '' /______./ /\_---__---__---__-_/\ .___/ / / _/ _ _ |SHE AIN'T A 'HO, NO!| /_____/ ._/ / # # # //\ //\ \/-___--___--___--_-\/ /___/ ### # # \\/_\\/ / #### # ( \ / ) ### # [ @ @ ] .\ /. \:/ \:/ / | | \ ._n__....__n_. / "U" \ ( . \ / . ) | /\ |\\ [ @ (____) @ ] || | |// [ /\/\/\/\ ] || | // _. __ ( \######/ ) __ '' | . '' \ / / \\'_=_==_==_=__'// \\ ( / \ ) \ / / || | | | | ` \ / This is very much \\ | | | | \__/ a little work in || # / / \ \ progress, some || # / / # \ \ kind of alien # ''' # ''' 'heavy', give it time.. ## ### This was meant to be a sort of Xmas card, but it got stuck in the post (grin!) Anyway, here it is now, so enjoy! . . . __ _ | + ,#### __ __ __ # __ ' . #' ' .##. ##. ##. # ## _. O ._ ## #, # #__# #__# ##. # #. . _ / #. .# # # , # , ## # # .# | . \\ #### # ## ## ##' ## . // . * \\ ~ Says ~ . . /\\\ /\ . ,_ . .// /__\ //\\ \\. |_) \\ \\// \--/ // |_) l a a a r p !! . ' \/ \/ ' =-=-=--=--=--=--=-=- . /\ \\ // . . . o /* \ . . /\n/\ \ . . + * . / , *\ /| : |\ HWULLLPH! . . /* , \ / | : | \ . . . / *, * \ /\ \_:_/ /\ -*- -0- \/\/\/\/ '/ : \ .. '\_____/' He's totally __ [] _ ________ _ \ : / ___ _ || __ ___ /_ _\ _ out of __ ___ [] _'{{}}_ ( ) |o| |O| control! #### .:({{{}}). |##| | V : // .' ,({{()})' . |##| \|<_>|/ . . ({{})'. . '~~'::. | | ' _[]---[]_ |==|\\\|==| ~ From CiH to the rest of the Atari scene! ~ __ (_( ( ) (( ) (/ | ( a v e a \/ o m i t i n g || | e r r y /\ m a s ! ! ._____. (__: :__) |:' ''| |_|'was the night before Xmas, All was peaceful and quiet.... Just the sound of Greebo heaving his guts, Echoed through the twilight! We-a-a-a-lll it's that damned time of year again, CiH on the keys, on this long December evening. I had nothing better to do, so the idea of this ASCII-matic Christmas card came to me, and I experimented with a few half-formed ideas, before If I decided to stick with what I know. That is, the I good old ASCII-Nation alternative ASCII universe was universe, and a quick look at how one resident in MC particular, might choose to celebrate Christmas. Laser, I'd Of course, the basic idea was down on the screen draw in about ten minutes. Tidying it up, took a lot some longer than that. Hope you like it. Why not print pretty it out and display it to your disbelieving family pattern and friends. Then watch them commit you to the to nearest mental hospital, under whatever legal fill powers they have, to protect society from dodgy in people like you! this blank Christmas, is it a pain, or is it a bore? It's space. not as if you get what you actually want. Most people reading this doggerel have their own But minds eye picture of the ideal Xmas gift. This I'm would be a thousand pound/euro gift voucher not for the alternative reality computer store known him, as "Atari World". In Atari World, the brand new so Power PC Microbox Falcon MK3 has just gone on I sale, most people are paying attention to the didn't. gorgeously designed smoky blue casing, but you + know better, you know what it can really do! /\ \/\ You buy it, there's still some money left over -/ /- from the gift voucher, so you pick up a superbly \/\ cheap broadband internet connection. Don't forget \/ this is the fantasy coming true alternative + reality! Still some money left on the voucher + even now, so you grab that copy of Willy's Virtua ./\. Adventures, that you promised for yourself. You \/\. head for the tills in a state of high excitement. ./ / Oh imagine the hours of fun when you get this lot \/\. home.... \/ + Then you wake up. + /\ And it's socks again, you're sure it is. The \/\ package feels soft and squishy, and suspiciously -/ /- sock-like in size. You open it, your worst fears \/\ are confirmed... \/ + Still, never mind. As the past year has shown, Stop not to mention the years before that, the most fun it comes from making your own fantasy come true, even now, with the limited means that you have got. And I you're think it is going to be the same for this year as scaring well. So at the risk of sounding like someone's me! pointy-headed boss in the workplace, have a happy and PRODUCTIVE new year as well! Okay, you're bored, and so am I now. See you all next year sometime, folks! CiH, December 20th, 2001. |