. . . .. ... ....._.._.__..___..__._...... ... .. . . . _________ ______.____(___)_______ ________ / ___\___\ | /__( _ __\ ___.____.___/_ __ \ ( / _ __\ / \ __/ ) \ / ) \__ \__) \____( __/ )______( )______/ \ /\________/ . ..._.._\________/_._..._.\____/._......_.\___/\___/.__._.._... . Bitplane stuff by Satantronic (2001) [Falcon/ST] Bitplanes were the basics of a lot of old-school effects, if you watch the demos of the glorious days with a keen eye. New-school coders swear at them and try to get rid of them (c2p), beginners curse them for their confusing nature and old-schoolers love them. What have they been used for. Parallax-Scrollers, transparency and shadow-effects, motion-blurring and so forth. Now the people of Satantronic strike again to have their go at bitplanes. Hold it, wait a second, not quite: The music is from mOd of Checkpoint. Let me repeat that: mOd of Checkpoint. But let's get back to this later. The demo begins with a little picture telling you (in monochrome) the name of the demo and who did what. So, what do we have ? We have an almost black screen, just very barely can you see that there's something hidden. Several little objects (maybe 32x32 pixels in size) shaped like a star,a disk, an alien head and a standard Atari exception bomb, move on screen and if you watch closely you see that these objects uncover the hidden background, which is presented shortly afterwards: A greyscale picture of Jookie making faces at the camera. Next we have a horizontally scrolling starfield with a monochrome Satantronic logo statically on screen. Not for long though, after that we get the instant-headache-inductor by a bunch of 3 moving colourful patterns, one bitplane each, moving in different directions resulting in a very chaotic pattern on screen. Now 2 Aspirins and a little rest later ... The music is not bad for a musician who is probably not very trained at doing chipmusic. I have heard worse tunes from people that call themselves musician, even though it's just a remix of Popcorn and hence not very original, but - hey, it's definetly the best part of the demo. Come again ? Yes, funny as it sounds, it's the best part of this demo/intro. The sprite thingy screen is anything but special, the patterns of movement kind of odd, the movement anything but fluent and the sprites themselves look like drawn in 2 minutes. Okay, maybe 3 minutes. But we talk about 4 little sprites here moving on screen that are actually only 1 bitplane deep. The horizontal starfield scroller looks like borrowed from a fake demo. At least the looks of the logo, the chosen palette and the movement induce that assumption. The final effect with the moving patterns just gives me a headache and rather looks like abusing bitplanes instead of wisely using them. So honestly, probably it would be a nice idea of working on a demo for some time instead of releasing 4 not-really-a-demo-s within 2 weeks. This demo has obviously been done too quickly, it doesn't display any kind of optimisations in any of the code, the graphics are basically missing if we refuse to call the Satantronic logo a graphic - which i intend to do - and what's left is the music - Like i said, the highlight of the demo. Please, Satantronic, before releasing something it would be nice if you maybe had a look at it or probably even two. Nobody expects an ST-conversion of Don't break the Oath!, Wait! or Hmm... of you, but maybe it wouldn't be too much to ask for if you could chose a palette that doesn't suggest my monitor is mixing up red/green/blue channels or design an effect in a way that it doesn't induce a headache just by looking at it. No offense intended. But you should have better skipped releasing this intro. The Paranoid/Paranoia Of the Lunatic Asylum |