. . _ _ _ |_| _| | | |. . | |_ | |ILLION YEARS AGO..Before Snakes became immune to their own venom! OW! Dammit, bit my tongue... Uh-oh, looks like I've bought the farm....Thirty seconds to go, 'cause I'm the most feared and venomous snake in the bush... Life flashing before my eyes.. I see a tunnel of light.. Hang on, that isn't thirty sec..... /\_ ! ! /\_ \/ \\ 0_0 | \ /\ / \------- (___) ----------------------------/ ::. | \------ . /-' >-~v_v .-----. '.....' . ' ' | | / .--'. ': .. : '-'---' / \ ---'.' , . . '---'---' '--'-' , O; . 'o . . \|/ CiH - July '01.. , . ' ' . |