------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE FUTURE OF THE JAGUAR ? Author: Corman (216-53-211-193.ppp.mpinet.net) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Before you quickly click away or flame me with messages thinking that this is yet another rumor or a "dead horse", please read this and give it some thought. Currently I am a game programmer retuning my skills at one of the only two school in the US for game design and programing, Full Sail (www.fullsail.com) the other being the partial owned by Nintendo, Digi-Pen (www.digipen.com). Growing up with Atari and also to a family a family of electric engineers and programmers I was dreaming that one day I would be able to do the dream of so many other kids at that time to make video games. That dream has not changed. But since the passing of time and unfolding of current events that dream has been remolded. With my current and past skills and this new dream at hand a possible course of action is in sight. For the past 2 years I have been doing massive markey and hardware research into gaming consoles. Being a die-hard Jaguar fan and closet developer I felt it was time to give the old friend a boost. With such advances at the time like the SFX chip for the SNES and the 32X for the Genesis, I looked into making such a product for the Jaguar. This beginning design grew beyond the point of a mere upgrade into almost a new system. And with myself realizing this I went onto the path to see what was needed to make it its own system. I do not know how many people here are hardware savy but I will try to explain the rest as simple as I can. With my current design of the system based around a single modular design System ASIC (for Application Specific Integrated Circuit) chip, the system is flexible enough to change designs up to the point of final production. I guess my point is that with this design can easily be changed by any possible investors as they see fit at the time before final production. With the original event of the reverse merger with Atari and JTS, the console division of Atari was lost. And being the Atari lover I am I would like to see this division come to light again. Atari at the time was one of the big dogs in the run with companys such as NEC (TurboGrafx-16), Nintendo, and Sega. All these companys are still hard into consoles (NEC does not make consoles anymore, but supplies parts for others) except for Atari. The Atari name supports itself alone in my view. It possibly has the largest generation gap of all these gaming systems and game together. You are probably wondering "What does this have to do with me?". Well what it all boils down to is, it has a lot to do with you. So far we have all been one man armies and single islands keeping the name and history of Atari alive with our ever loyal use of their almost outdated products and support of many programmers still developing for many of there system, naming the Jaguar just as one. With my passion for such a legacy of entertainment that was Atari I am planning a course of action that might need all the people I can have back me. With the Atari name still out there and a possiblity that my game system might pull through the cracks I am looking at proposing to the current owner of the Atari name to see if possibly that the system can be built. This is where my design steps in. I can bombard them showing that if it is not what they want, it can be redesigned with no problems (hopefuly) to what they believe can be marketed. Now this is where your support comes in. Before I possibly propose this to anyone I want to see how many people would support a new system, possibly buy the new system, and even develop for the system. The backing of the developers will be one of the biggest since this will prove that the system will be able to float. Please, anyone that took the time to read and understand this post any comments or pledge your support as a gamer, consumer, or developer. I hope to be able to get a dedicated website up for this real soon if I see that I have support. And when myself and any support feel that we are ready we will go at this fighting. Thanks for your time and support - Shea "Corman" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Streetcorridor9@yahoo.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |