------------------------------------------------------------------------------ B & C ComputerVisions Jaguar "Space War 2000" Unfinished Prototype! Source : www.myatari.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If You were there? Thank You for making this the Best CGE we have ever had. The show was great! We introduced the unfinished test proto copy of Jaguar "Space War 2000" with rave reviews. Even though this game is not completed and sometimes locks up, does not come in a case or with instructions, we sold every copy we brought to the show and have lots of orders to fill. This is a fully encrypted game and works on any US Jaguar(Sorry I do not know if it works internationally). We are selling them at this time for $60. + S&H. The only complaint people had was that we did not bring more copies and that we were sold out by the time they heard about Jaguar "Space War 2000". We sold out of many other items at the show also. From Bruce & Cathy at B & C ComputerVisions, Thank You. If you want to be on the waiting list for Space War 2000 Unfinished ProtoTest cart then Pay-pal your payment now to sales@myatari.com. $60. + $6 (USA) or $18(UK/Canada/Germany). I may stop taking orders soon due to lack of parts from Atari to make these. Orders paid by Aug. 14, 2001 5PM West Coast time should be shipped this week. Orders placed after that will be delayed for parts. I have used up all of the parts that came with the Atari Master Encryption Systems that I bought from Atari. These are the actual parts and computers that John Skruch at Atari used to encrypt all of the Jaguar cartridge games. I have not hooked up his CDROM encryption computer yet but expect more goodies to come. If I only had more time. mailto:sales@myatari.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |