A Year in the Rearview - 2006 So what has gone on over the past year, how has 2006 matched up to the expectations of Atari lovers? Well the news is a bit mixed, not as good as hoped for in some areas, but still plenty of nice stuff going on regardless. The traditional gathering at the big Easter party suffered a decline this year. The Noise party only attracted a relatively small number of visitors, in spite of deserving more support. This continued a downward trend over the past few years, and the idea of an Easter party must be seriously in doubt by now? However there was better news for the late Spring period as the Outline party was revived as a summer party, and enjoyed some success with a multi-scene combined approach. Nothing much happened until Easter, demo-wise, but then the under-attended Noise party had one surprise, with the final and finished version of Evolution's very long awaited for the past two years CT60 demo 'Supernatural'. This was the first full-sized demo for the CT60, and not a minute too soon! Another Falcon '030 production from the Mystic Bytes narrowly failed to make it for that party. But we will hear more about it later on. And May was a memorable month, as the Dead Hackers Society rewarded us with quite a good CT60-based invitro for Outline, to go with the less hardware intensive ST-based one from Lineout. Also the Chosneck Supplement diskmag was released. I remember a lot of activity around the Easter period for that one, being personally caught up in the creation process myself! This Falcon- specific diskmag had reached another issue, and had as its "intro", a full length demo called "Menace". This was the delayed production intended for the Noise Party, but only a little late after all. A lot of this work was down to Mikro, who's name will be mentioned again later in this text! Menace wasn't a CT60 demo, but instead made great use of a stock Falcon and its extra-special bits such as the DSP, and was in the upper echelons of classic demos for the Falcon. Outline also produced a healthy splurge of releases, as well as being a very cool and relaxed party in general. It was *Very* cool if you were one of the people sleeping in the teepee's! Apart from another CT60 production, a 96ktro from DHS called 'The Genocidal', there was also a neat 4ktro from gwEm, lots of little productions from the likes of Paradize and MJJ productions. We also got a chip-music bonanza from Cyclone, and even another fake, erm, demo from a notorious fake crew! Not forgetting a neat 96ktro from Paradox a hatful of bootsector intro's, and even a few "for the hell of it!" life-signs from Defjam, who incidentally gave us a look at some new stuff he's working on right now, which sort of looks like it will take Checkpoint to the next level when it's done! There was also an appearance by the ever more reclusive and hard to find Reservoir Gods, and a game was released by them, but one without Mr Pink in charge or any input from him. This was the comedic card game '#atariscne card battle ex plus alpha'. At this point in time, it is a very open question as to whether we will see anything much of the Reservoir God's anytime soon? The 'No Fragments' and 'Fading Twilight' CD compilation series continued their tireless mission to collect everything going and reached issues 7 and 11 respectively. Summer deepened, and it seems to have turned out that downgrading the Easter party concept only delayed the inevitable big demo releases that were coming for this year, as the Commodore-centric "Big Floppy People Party' in Sweden was treated to the DHS tour-de-force, their first full-sized CT60 demo called "Derealization"! This lived up to its billing, and added to what was turning into a very productive year for the Dead Hackers. When Derealization was released, it was finally becoming the year where the '060 Falcon was finally breaking through properly into the Atari mainstream. Two demos and two intro's may not be a big deal to most other scenes, but compared with the barreness that had come before, it seemed like a big deal to us. Which makes me wonder what would have happened if all of these had been released at a single (Easter) party along with the Chosneck Supplement and Menace demo. I think we would have been comparing it, not unfavourably, with the great Error in Line parties in the last few years? Just to add to the mood of wellbeing, there was even a revival of the long- absent 'FalcAmp' project, the MP3 player had been improved and reworked to v.1.2. All we need is a new verson of Flaysid to appear! There was additional support for fans of the Falcon '030, as long-term "industry" veterans, Dbug got busy with a new range of HD-installable and Falcon compatible versions of many classic ST games. I might add that Virus (Zarch as was) already ran just fine on a Falcy, even the boot disk worked, as I remember it being the first thing that I got running back in '93 when I first got the machine! With their efforts, a new (or older) generation of Falcon owners were able to revisit such classics as Starglider II in 16 mhz, when it wasn't a slow game on the ST anyway! The next noteworthy events, were the release of the previous issue of this diskmag, followed by the latest instalment of YM Warriors, "Warptyme". This returned to a more conventional format than before, but with tunes that really pounded the humble YM into bloodied fragments! The Bits club started to reappear too, ah well, into every scene, a little rain must fall. We had a complete surprise next, which was a completed game from some early Falcon pioneers, a crew called 'Opium'. This game was an Eliminator clone called 'Rave', but most definitely for the Falcon, including classic 'coder colours', which fit this mid-nineties creation rather well! It is all the more remarkable because I don't remember Opium doing any major productions, or pre-announcing anything like this? What next? A Doom-clone from the Mugwumps? As we head into Autumn, or the global warming version of extended summer, Mikro pulled out a nice surprise for fans of ported famous games, in the form of a CT60-optimised version of Quake. This was taken from Amiga, rather than PeeCee sources, and ran quicker than the previous Doom-ports! We now had *three* versions of Quake for the CT60, from the original Patrice Mandin port, through the 040-inspired 'Doug-Quake' from Douglas Little a long time ago. This second version didn't perform too badly with my CT60 last year, as I remember. Now we have this extra version from Mikro, so a degree of overkill possibly? Time for game porters to move on from Quake now ;-) Still Mikro had another major project on the way. There was a stream of smaller releases, a couple of games 'Znax' and 'Nuclear Waste Dump' from Paradize appeared, a lost diskmag intro from the mid-nineties reappeared, courtesy of a lost crew called "Psychosis", who produced a nice Amiga-ripped slideshow back then and not much else. The diskmag the intro was intended for, was the 'Falcon Owners Group'. Interestingly, the author in subsequent postings on Pouet.net talked about a Falcon-specific diskmag shell which had never been used?! gwEm stepped in for an end of year competition, when he released a new MaxyMizer chiptracker version, the condition being that the authors had to use that tracker. At the time of writing, we're awaiting the results of that, but gwEm was moved to tell the world that he had some of the best music for this competition that 505 had ever made. DHS rounded up a productive year, with a little invitro for the ST, announcing the Fiskeboda Coding Konvention. (Which was sadly cancelled due to lack of numbers.) None of which denigrated this intro and its neat ST- based transparency effects. Mikro then came back with something even more interesting than a Quake port. This was the game 'Duke Nukem', a PeeCee classic which came after Doom, and expanded on it, which in turn supplied a lot of inspiration to the Falcon game 'Running'. Now at last, we had a fully playable version of the game which was better than Doom, and less murky looking than Quake! As Xmas approached, the traditionally held Paracon party managed to attract a healthy number of visitors for a small party, expecially compared with Noise Party. There was one known (to date) release, 'Poker Square' from the prolific Paradize Software. There were other things going on, as early in the year, Peter Persson aka 'PeP' had a fit of porting over several emulators of other systems to the Atari. We already had Frodo (C64) from the year before, but he went and gave us working emulators for VCS 2600 (a bit buggy), Lynx (The evergreen Handy), and a rather good Sega Master System/Gamegear emulator. There was even an ST emulator 'Castaway' ported across. Lately, this seems to have dried up, and I'd be interested to see if Peter has anything more planned. The most exciting news for the end of the year is that the long yearned and long delayed effort to get a Falcon '030 emulation working on other systems seems to be paying off at last. Thothy announced he was working on Falcon emulation in a new version of Hatari. There were screenshots which already promised a level of compatibility above that of Aranym! Even better, a pre- CVS build of Hatari 0.9.1 turned up, and I was able to test this in time for this issue of Alive. If Thothy maintains the momentum, then a good Falcon '030 emulation is not so far away. We might also spend a little bit of time to ask what has not turned up for this year. We are still awaiting the forever in development 'Heftig' demo, still under endless polishing and tweaking from Ultra. The Aggression 15th anniversary demo is still in limbo too. Also it is unlikely that the Reservoir Gods will be back among us soon, as the distraction factor has reached an all-time high in that quarter. I might add that there haven't been too many Ethernats made yet (yes I did get mine, but I've yet to install it, as there has been very slow progress on the USB support, which is what I'm interested in), there is no Supervidel and slow progress with the CTPCI. I hope that next year will see some positive movements on the hardware projects. There is more new hardware in the pipeline. Jookie of Satantronic has got busy with a new MMC/SDram-based storage system for the ST called 'Satan disk'. This promises to provide a pretty damn cool hard disk replacement for the ST! Of longer term interest is the possibility of New Coldfire-based hardware. "Rugged Style", formerly aRt, has got hold of a coldfire evaluation board, and reckons he could make a pretty cool Atari compatible out of it. The new machine will be called 'Opsrey'. The reaction has been mixed, but this is bearing in mind all the promises made and broken before! I'll end with some questions for next year. After the Dead Hackers and Evolution, where is the next CT60 demo coming from? Come to think, what about the next F030 demo? After Quake and Duke, what next for abandonware porting? Will the CTPCI/Supervidel/Netus Bee/Satandisk arrive? Two out of four would be pretty good! Is there any future in Coldfire, or is it another folorn hope? Do something with your existing set-up now, or wait until the next new promised hardware? What cool fixes are next from D-Bug? How far will the Hatari Falcon emulation get? And finally, will the Bits Club discover "design"!? Ok, that's all for this year! CiH,for Alive Mag,Dec '06. |