; ; TTTTTT BBBBB CCCCC ; TT BB BB CC ; TT BBBBB CC ; TT BB BB CC ; TT H E BBBBB O R I N G CCCCC R E W ; ; BBBBB OOOO OOOO TTTTTT SSSSS EEEE CCCC TTTTTT OOOO RRRRR ; BB BB OO OO OO OO TT SS EE CC TT OO OO RR RR ; BBBBB OO OO OO OO TT SSSS EEE CC TT OO OO RRRRR ; BB BB OO OO OO OO TT SS EE CC TT OO OO RR RR ; BBBBB OOOO OOOO TT SSSSS EEEE CCCC TT OOOO RR RR ; ; T.B.C. Ruling da Scene in 2006 RSRESET colptr: RS.L 1 cols: RS.L 200 ; Yet again we spent months to research how to display characters on screen. ; Finally Alone1 came up with this most 1337 way to put some funky message onto ; everybody's screens. We are thinking to get a patent on this method since it ; seems to be really efficient if you consider the size of the code. pea welcome(PC) ; load the megamighty message address move.w #9,-(SP) ; and print it due to magical works trap #1 ; This command reflects our state of ; mind, trapped in our own world... addq.l #6,SP ; i don't know what this is for but ; someone told me i'd better use it ; The Gigamighty TOS supplies us with a perfect address to put our stuff, it is ; a System Variable called _membot and I have just discovered it when i found a ; copy of Readers Disgust in a Car Boot Sale a week ago... movea.l $0432.w,A6 ; this is where i can put stuff lea cols(A6),A0 ; startadress of colours move.l A0,colptr(A6) ; remember raster start adress for ; the colour write routine move.w #$0717,D0 ; start colour move.w #198,D1 ; calculate colours for screen height do_cols: add.w #$01,D0 ; add one onto colour move.w D0,D2 ; copy for output format and.w #$0777,D2 ; mask non used bits so we stay ST move.w D2,(A0)+ ; write colour into raster table dbra D1,do_cols ; repeat everything for scr-height-1 clr.w (A0) ; last colour is black ; Well the next part took us 5 years to figure out, actually we have no idea ; what it does, since we just copied it from a spanish Atari Magazine, anyway ; it works and that's what counts, no? bclr #5,$FFFFFA09.w ; hmmm move.l $0120.w,-(SP) ; save TiB vector lea tib(PC),A0 ; set gigamighty raster routine move.l A0,$0120.w clr.b $FFFFFA1B.w ; stop TiB bset #0,$FFFFFA07.w ; activate TiB bset #0,$FFFFFA13.w move.b #1,$FFFFFA21.w ; Run TiB each line (TiB data) move.b #8,$FFFFFA1B.w ; Start TiB in event count mode ; Again the next part was really hard work, when we 1st tried stuff all rasters ; where whizzing around the screen and it looked like a terrible mess. Although ; xBore said it would reflect the erratic way of our code quite well, i wasn't ; really convinced. So i started to dig into this topic a bit and found an ; astonishing solution to synchronize with the vertical blank, i guess all these ; PC suckers can still learn a lot from the megamighty Boring Crew... vbl: clr.l $0466.w ; Clear vbl counter wvbl: tst.l $0466.w ; Check if vbl counter was increased beq.s wvbl ; no? then wait till it was increased lea cols(A6),A0 ; Reset Start Address for Rasters move.l A0,colptr(A6) cmpi.b #$39,$FFFFFC02.w ; Did someone press Space? bne.s vbl ; If not Repeat ; Again the next part was ripped from a spanish ST Magazine, so don't expect many ; explanations here move #$2700,SR ; disallow any IRQs bclr #0,$FFFFFA07.w ; Disable TiB (rasters off) move.l (SP)+,$0120.w ; Restore old TiB vector move #$2300,SR ; allow IRQs bset #5,$FFFFFA09.w ; restart TiC rts ; Return from Bootsector tib: move.l A0,-(SP) ; Store Registers move.l A1,-(SP) movea.l $0432.w,A0 ; start of free memory (_membot) movea.l colptr(A0),A1 ; Get pointer to current colour move.w (A1)+,$FFFF8240.w ; write colour to Hardware move.l A1,colptr(A0) ; write back colour Pointer movea.l (SP)+,A1 ; Restore Registers movea.l (SP)+,A0 bclr #0,$FFFFFA0F.w ; Clear IRQ in Service Bit rte ; Return from Interrupt ; this was the part we had finished 1st, its sitting on my harddisk since the ; last EIL but when i wrote the text to the bootsector it wasn't shown on screen ; so we had to delay the intro a bit. welcome: DC.B 27,"E" ; DC.B 10,10,"Greetings to all EIL 3 visitors",10,10,13 DC.B 10,10,"Greetings to all OUTLINE 2006 visitors",10,10,13 DC.B "from the Creme of the Atari-Scene",10,10,13 DC.B "TTTTTT BBBBBB CCCCC",10,13 DC.B " TT BB BB CC",10,13 DC.B " TT BBBBBB CC",10,13 DC.B " TT BB BB CC",10,13 DC.B " TT BBBBBB CCCCC",10,10,13 DC.B "We rule! Even in Bootsector Coding...",10,10,13 DC.B "Code: Alone1",10,13 DC.B "Gay Colours: xBore",10,13 DC.B "Silence: DaFool" DC.B 0 EVEN END |