. : ' ___ . . _ __ ______/ /_____________ : ____ ____ ____ ____ _ __ ____ _______ / :_/ __/_/ _/__\_ \_\_ \ / _ / / _ / /__\ _\__ / / / /__/__ _ # \____/\____/\____/__/ltk: /_______\_______/__/\_______ _ ' : #atariscne ..............................: ................................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATARI LEGEND -They are quite busy releasing lots and lots of new cracks and fixes for games: QIN, THE SPY WHO LOVED ME, BATMAN - THE MOVIE, R-TYPE, DRAGON'S LAIR, DEATH SWORD (US VERSION OF BARBARIAN), TOWER TOPPLER/NEBULUS, GET DEXTER 2 AKA L'ANGE DE CRISTAL to name just a few -Most hackwork is done by AVENGER (former member of TBB) and KLAPAUZIUS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECKPOINT -In coorporation with MJJ productions they did a little 96k-tro for the Outline competition called LAVALAMP: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=24960 -Defjam surprisingly re-appeared and released two entries for the outline competition. A little fastly hacked 4k-tro called 4KKER aswell as the GBA-port of the ACID BURN demo from TCB: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=25104 http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=25105 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREAM -Their long awaited release: JAM for WINDOWS 2.0 is out. Get it from their newly designed and very stylish looking website: http://www.creamhq.de/. It now supports SNDHv2 and TAO's TSD format aswell as some other exotic formats like future composer from the Amiga. -Offtopic: Agent -t- worked for several musicvideos like FARIN URLAUB's "DUSCHE" and DEPECHE MODE'S "PRECIOUS". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D.H.S. -They released an invitro for OUTLINE: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=24780 -Once again they made it! THE GENOCIDAL, which was their 96k-tro for the 96k competition at outline, ranked 1st place: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=24953 -DeRealization is their latest coup. A huge CT60 masterpiece which won the alternative demo compo at BIG FLOPPY PEOPLE. Find more about it here: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=25677 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D-BUG -Still very active. They finally released MENU 192. http://dbug.atari.org/ -MELCUS from former EAST CRACKING GROUP (ECG) has joined their forces. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DILDO FATWA -The mysterious fakegroup striked again at OUTLINE party with: DILDO FATWA KILLS DA BOOTSEKT0R: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=24966 WE DREME OF ATARI: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=25045 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EAST CRACKING GROUP -ECG releases DRAGONFLIGHT! MELCUS finally released the most awaited crack in the atari st-scene. DRAGONFLIGHT from THALION is finally out and can be found on one of the latest D-BUG menus. http://dbug.atari.org/ -ECG is dead since MELCUS joined D-BUG! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELITE -Recent rumours say that they are still alive and did a release in 2006. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EVOLUTION -The crew is working on a CT60 game in cooperation with DHS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GWEM -He has released a 4k-intro called "4GETFUL" for the compo at outline and ranked 1ST PLACE! -He stopped supporting maxYMiser development due to lack of positive feedback. -Furthermore we heard he wants to focus more on making music in the future. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KUA SOFTWARE -GGN released a bootsector for OUTLINE party and ranked 3rd with THE BOOTSHICTOR: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=24965 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LINEOUT -They released an invitro for OUTLINE: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=24928 -OUTLINE party happened from Friday the 2nd of June to Monday the 5th of June in Zevenaar, Netherlands. http://outline.scene.nl/ -According to HAVOC another edition of OUTLINE is planned in 2007. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MJJ PRODUCTIONS -They released a little 96-tro at outline in corporation with CHECKPOINT called LAVALAMP: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=24960 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MOUSE MASTER -This guys is working on converting several older SIERRA titles that were never released to the ST. The first thing is a FAN-Adventure of SPACE QUEST. Get the first preview here: http://frostbytei.com/space/ -Planned as a second strike is another FAN-adventure of SQ. SPACE QUEST 0: REPLICATION. -Other titles that were mentioned are: o Quest for Glory 2 o Hoyle Official Book of Games - Volume 3 o Jones in the Fast Lane o King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder o Space Quest IV: Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers o Castle of Dr. Brain o Conquests of the Longbow: The Adventures of Robin Hood o EcoQuest: The Search for Cetus o Leisure Suit Larry 5: Passionate Patti Does a Little Undercover Work o Mixed-up Fairy Tales o Police Quest III: The Kindred o Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade (not SIERRA but also in mind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARADOX -They are going to prepare a spaceship shooter. -96 SHADES OF GREY ranked 2nd in the outline 96k compo: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=24959 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARADIZE -In corporation with SECTOR ONE, a little cute 96k-tro called FRESHTRO was entered into the 96k-compo at outline: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=24955 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESERVOIR GODS -SH3 seems to be the only one active at the moment. He released a little scene-game at OUTLINE: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=25184 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.H.F. -Grazey is working very hard on the new SNDH archive in cooperation with EVIL/DHS. Rumours say that they are also planning to develop some kind of SNDH-Digi format. All the exotic digital formats should fit under that format hopefully. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RIBBON -P01 ranked second place at OUTLINE with TERRA: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=24963 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARADIZE -COOPER is working on several games for the Atari Lynx. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRISM -Indus (fka Megadeth) finally released an old demo from 1992. The RAYTRACE demo can be found here: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=23879 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REMOVERS -They are back! Coding the jaguar! They have recently released a clone of ATOMIX as Jagware. Get it here: http://removers.free.fr/ -A small intro for Jaguar was released aswell: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=24721 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCARAB -STINGRAY of SCARAB, a wellknown amiga group, recently got hold of an Atari ST. Can we expect some release in the future? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTOR ONE -In corporation with PARADIZE, a little cute 96k-tro called FRESHTRO was entered into the 96k-compo at OUTLINE: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=24955 -Only active member at the moment seems DMA-SC who also updated his website: http://dma-sc.atari.org/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE BEASTS CREW/BITS CLUB/BITS -Itsi bitsy teeny weeny Atari ST spam machineee: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=25443 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE BORING CREW -They ranked last place at OUTLINE with the TBC BOOTSECTOR: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=24967 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE ULTRA CREW -They ranked 3rd place at BIG FLOPPY PEOPLE with the a new cute little dentro: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=25682 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSCC -There are two new projects under construction at the moment. -Rumours say something about a mysterious Jaguar project. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X-TROLL -CYCLONE won the bootsector compo at OUTLINE with his BOOT-PLASMA: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=24962 -Another OUTLINE release was the ALIVE JUKEBOX: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=24968 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YM ROCKERZ -A new musicdisc has been released. It goes by the name of WARPTYME and competed at the EVOKE 2006 Wild compo. A limited edition package coming in a nice 3,5" diskette-cd case. Watch out! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lotek Style for Alive, 2006-08-12 |