-: Realtime Article for Alive Magazine :-
This is the Realtime machine where you can type whatever
comes to your mind. Please add a time stamp and your nick
and crew so our readers don't need to guess who wrote what
:) Anyway i am confident you know the rules so enjoy...
One Day before Outline...
14:46 cxt (Cyclone^X-Troll^Alive-Team)
It seems the realtime article machine is set up ok now, just
need to get a SM124 to complete the setup. Will fetch that
later today...
22:40 cxt
The original realtime machine was somehow unreliable so i
decided to use this STE instead hopefully it will run nice
and smooth during outline and even more important i hope it
will also survive this trip, since its one of the machines
that was used in the creation of Lethal Xcess...
2006-06-02 Friday
16:15 cxt
I just managed to set up the realtime machine, after i found the
party place somehow. It seems the instructions from the outline
website refer to another route or something, however i never found
the 2nd "roundabout" or any viaduct. Lucky enough i just asked
some locals and they pointed out i just need to look for a big
chimney. piece of cake.
16:58 ggn
Just saw the machine being set up, so I thought I'd add a small
17:00 Grazey
Nice! Just seen a dead fox with a stuffed bird in it's mouth.
17:44 cxt
Finally all my stuff is set up and seems to run fine, i have
already met most of the RG guys and earx, who looked a bit
tired, perhaps he spent too much time in the bar :)
18:10 earx(0r)
It's getting more crowded here.. most guys are just sitting
outside. why not, it's good weather for a change (wow).
going back to the party now!
19:00 baggio
So we've finally arrived at De Panoven. Actually we arrived
about an hour ago but we had to cool down with a couple of
beers before touching any computer. Nature arrived approx
30 minutes after us and they were looking horny as usual.
Soon we're off to get some food and snacks. Weed is already
secured thank to our good drugdealer Wiztom :) Tadaaa....
19:03 exocet
more people in now, starting to feel like the usual party...
weather was nice was nice this afternoon, so it was nice just
to explore the surroundings of the party place and have some
19:14 defjam
ahhh.. finally the realtime machine has arrived - we did the
same after a long trip to the city
19:37 no
heinz just convinced me to add a note here... all i can
say is that i enjoy outline very much - it is a pleasure
to meet all the atari crowd and also seeing new faces :-)
19.50 CiH..
Got here about fuck-knows-hundred hours. About fifty percent
of the Dutch population were occupying the motorway in some
obscure "festival of the traffic-jam" right in front of us.
Some initial observations about the party. I've run into lots of
previously missing people like the RG's, GGN, Defjam etc. We
found the site in spite of Havoc's slightly vague instructions
and our cultural resistance to treating an industrial estate
as a right of way.
The sleeping accomodation is a surprise, as we have been located
in some indian style teepee tents. In fact, the whole venue seems
to be very dependent on the fact that it really had better not
rain over the next three days, or we'll be eating mud for Xmas!
This realtime is a bit strange, located on an STe with a german
kezboard (last typo deliberate!) It is also a bit nannying in
attitude, constantly auto-saving after you type in more than three
words, and telling you off in German if you exceed the specified
line length. No auto text wrap on this baby! Still, CT60 survived
the trip, and the last couple of really nasty speed humps...
Back laters, still finding my way around this rather barn-like
20:50 MUG U.K
Got here at 10am or there-abouts with Cal & Grazey.
Just finished discussing the difference between UK beers and the
proper beer sold in Europe with some of the Belgian guys and their
attempt at an empty Guinness can mountain.
They were a little taken aback that their national brew (Stella)
is so abused by our non-educated tracksuit trash in the UK where
it's also known as 'Wife Beater'! I'm to include a website for
their reference when they read this so visit: www.chavscum.co.uk
for a complete guide to our chavs :-)
20:59 Felice
Got here a little while ago, chilling out nicely, have brought
my MegaSTE for a change, in order to write some more articles
for Alive while I am here. Pizzas have been ordered, hopefullz
the wait should not be too long as some people's stomachs are
rumbling ...
21:32 Grazey
Seen a rusty crane made by Priestman's, worth the ferry crossing
23:07 505
nice place and nice people.
23.10 CiH..
A Chuck and Dune in the building, also pizza's been and gone down
23:54 Havoc
No realtime article without some input from the main organiser...
So here goes. The party started yesterday for me, since then I've
driven over 700km to pick up the audio and network equipment,
several visitors and loads of food. So I'm dead tired, and hardly
able to keep track of all the stuff that we still plan to do
before the day ends... But what the hell, the visitors seem to
enjoy the party so far,and that's the only thing that really
counts for us :-)
2006-06-03 Saturday
sh3-rg says helll”””””... this keyboard is teh suxxor. I <3 rg, j0!
01:06 skrebbel
It's like full of atari sceners here! And they're all british, even
omfg, this computer just went automatisch speichern or something
like that. Well, okay. We had some hassles getting this party built
up decently, but i think that we managed quite well in the end.
doing the beamer stuff now, maybe we'll even find time to announce
the schedule before this day ends :-)
01.15 CiH
Item one on schedule = sleep! Perhaps, but I'm in the wild west
sleeping zone, so I might have dreams of a vengeful General Custer
coming to burn down my tent!
01:58 Kaiz0r cHe3ks of teh Dild0 F4twa
Deadline is st!ll aGes ahead and me 1337est skillz have mad3 me
create da biggest achiv3ment in da histroy of da Amiga ST: me
skrolling b0otsektor will totally blow the competi0n away.
02.00 Charcole of the Dildo Fatwa.
Hi, Charcole speakinge. Just to explaine that we haf a new member
caled Kaizer Cheekes. He is our German penpall who lieks to kode
stuff. Appart from our propre demmo, he's doen a litle surprise!
Cool or wot? This Geržan kezboard is strange!
03.14 mnemonix of the itnernet.
hellos i am on the computer machines. i would to say that this
kezboard is totallz crap! also i am verz vrz drunk.
goodbze to zou.
02.30 CiH..
You are also very out by an hour ;->
Okay, time to call it a night, and struggle to the tents,
seeya in the morning?!
04.14 Tinker
Havoc is struggeling with some cables.
*Burp* he says... Where is that switch..
04:36 cxt
It seems history repeats itself, again our sleeping places have
been hijacked by some snoring guys. Just great! Seems to become
another night in the car...
09:30 baggio
Well, we (nature brother, evolution & wiztom) woke up about an
hour ago and started queing up for the showers. We were hoping
there would be an breakfast buffe waiting for us when we got here
but apparently it is still another hour away. I guess we should
try to hook up the computers today. All we did last night was being
social ie talking to all atarigeeks and drinking alot of beer.
09.39 CiH logon..
It is the first night of teh tent!
In actual fact, I'm guessing there's not much difference from the
cabins, which would retain their heat for 0.0003 seconds longer
than the tent. It was moderately cool, not down to Mekka Symposium
arctic trauma levels, but then again, it is bloody well June!
In fact, with very few people seeking out the teepee dorm, it gains
some advantages in relative comfort and privacy. There were only
three people in ours. One guy was so teepee-phobic, he even went
as far as sleeping outside it in the open air. For the benefit of
the aracnophobic (excuse spelling glitch!) party visitors, we're
also sharing the tented accomodation with some insy-winsy spiders!
I think I got to bed at 03.30 this morning, having got held up in
some long semi-drunken chats with various people.
09.57 p01
A few words while the coffee machine is at work. The place and
sleeping facilities are unusual, in a good way. I hope I'll be
slightly more efficient today and complete ( at least the gfx )
my bootsector intro. ... time to go back to the coffee machine.
10.07 cxt
Just awoke, from a very short night in the car, when someone banged
his car door into mine. Dooh! Better get a shower and change of
cloth now...
Deez is reassembling his ct60 and harddisk into his Falcon MK X.
Paranoid seems to be coding and besides talking to Norman, CiH and
Felice are also around and seem to be busy with something.
Hmmm, the beamer displays some information about breakfast for a
limited amount of people in the bar, perhaps that would be a good
idea for later. Off to the shower now...
10.34 ggn
Got up early in the monrning actually, because there are no
curtains in the hut :) Anyway, took the camera and I've taken some
pictures of the surroundings. Rana is currently editing some of her
gfx in my laptop, so I guess I'd go check out the bar and see if I
can buy a T-shirt or something. (also, it's breakfast time in there
11.10 deez
Just got my ethernat! havent tried it yet but im sure it will work!
(famous last words...)
11.17 CiH..
Teh breakfast rUlerZ!
11.25 cxt
My ct60 has just been reprogrammed for the EtherNAT, and i am quite
confident to leave outline with one working board.
11.35 gwEm
Just arrived. Driving in Germany in the rul0rz, no speed limits!!
11.59 p01
indeed the breakfast was ueber nice.
12.47 cxt
My EtherNAT is safely fitted inside the case and the machine still
boots, just need to get the driver now.
13:24 Melcus
just started hacking around in Stardust.. seems not that hard in
the first look. btw.. we (the ecg) now also have joined D-Bug,
so stay tuned for more release of some more or less good games
the weather is just fine here - the sun is shining and only a few
clouds are showing up....
13:27 MadDonna
hi, just brought Muguk some nice TT's and saw that it is very fun
to be here. I have to go now again to catch a Korg Poly800...
13.40 CiH...
Been to town, usual pleasantries, fine weather, very distant
supermarket, Felice only just remembering at the last minute that
we didn't have a car with us ;-) Walked off the extended breakfast
by now. There are a lot more people here, the party is beginning
to assume a more crowded vibe.
13:55 kRadD/.tSCc.
Just arrived, some guys who left half an hour bevor us arrived
later :-)
some more guys from germany are late: twh, remo, mlp :)
15.09 CiH..
Gad, it's been quiet on here? Graphics and music compo's later on
today, I've been doing my other report, so off to see what is
happening around the party.
Outline hunt for tables has started. We found three tables in the
trash behind the partyplace. Outline turns out to be a adventure
holiday :) - Lotek, in case he forgot to tell you!
15:15 ggn
At least I've got SOMETHING running for the bootsector compo now :)
Cyclone is bringing me the 65XE right now, going to set it up now..
15:20 baggio
Me and Deez just realized we were eating quite alot of snacks atm
which usually indicates that one is hungry. So now we're going into
town to see if we can find something eatable once again.
16:40 MUG U.K
Popped into the town centre with Grazey & Cal from PHF and GGN's
girlfriend, Rana (The Assassin) aka Rana Croft! Wandering around
the town, we almost got run over several times by the cyclists and
the people in the motorised chairs. Had a lovely cappucino and
omelette at a cafe whilst an Umpah band played next to us. On the
way back from the town centre, we went looking for a skateboard
half-pipe that Cal had seen on our way to Outline. We found it and
Cal had a go (after cleaning it) at doing some turns etc. Grazey
chickened out at having a go from the top of the half-pipe for
some reason :-)
cracked bz limp ninja
hm. I notice there is a soldering iron next to this atari. I
wonder why.
17:50 Felice
There's a good reason for this :)
Anywayz, had a couple of wanders into town to get some supplies,
as the belief seems to be that the stores may well be closed on
Sunday, unlike our equivalent back home. Still, we can't complain.
18.03 CiH..
Quiet time, some people working, more outside. Some Limp Ninja guys
and girls have set up a separate coding area in the bar, totally
self-contained and separate from the main building. This is the
non-focused bit of the party, the lull before stuff happens, which
is likely to be in the order of Pizza, then some compo's later on.
18:20 Stratagem
still waiting for Pizzas...
18:15 Cal - PHF
Finalising last levels of GLobotWars PC version of Geometry Wars
apologies for more PC st*ff. GJ+Rana Croft helping out with last
few levels. Watch out for the youve been Muggd level. Party is
excellent weather is fab wish you were all here.
BackGLash (PC remake of Backlash) may see entry into comp will
have to see how we are for time. Time to code and maybe have
a little drinky now, ask me for some Rutlandberry, the
finest Eldeberry wine from Kingston Upon Hull, East Yorks. Cal ;-)
geen idee - I don't have my watch on.
I just finished my msx. 505 stole my headphones, so if he enters
the chip zik msx compo and wins, I blame that.
18:39 xBore / TBC
Just in case you don't find your watch next time, there's one in
the top right corner of the screen :)
20:09 Baggio
Just enjoying a few drinks together with Cih, Felice, Kradd and
the naturebrothers outside. Been a really nice party so far and
tonight i guess there will a few competitions to look at. I think
i am going to stop the drinking for now so i won't fall alsleep.
20:18 exocet
it's getting chilly outside so i'm coming back in. moreover the
chiptune compo should start shortly... i entered an unfinished
picture in the 16-colour compo. I'll probably need a few more
months to finish it :) Great party so far, and there's still
lots to happen!
hello everybody I love you all !!!
(written by gay author <== doh... no I'm not gay... :((((
But you are!!! :))
21.04 cxt
Music compo is running since half an hour and there were really
nice chiptunes by msg, sh3, marcer and yerzmyey... I have to admit
that marcers tune really blew me away, even though the others were
also great. yerzmyey's tune somehow sounded very familiar i guess
it was a medley.
Now the oldschool music compo is running and so far there was no
track that reaches up to the quality of the previous sound, the 2nd
song was completely odd, something seems to be wrong with the
audio equipment, YAI!
What a pity that we must look at a boring windows notepad! this
suxx. i want to see atari ...
21:19 baggio
Ok, so the chipmusic compo went fine but when they switched to
the oldschool compo apparently something with the audio-equipment
fucked up. The tune we're currently listening to has been played
3 times now. It's probably a good thing that the author is not
here :)
21.4ž Numtek
hum.. got a 64k intro that's 66kb now,.. and a lack of sleep,.
gotta find some energydrinks.
22.17 CiH..
Smaller competitions out of the way, with some complications on the
part of the oldschool modfile compo. Not a huge number of graphics
entries, but decent quality on the 16 colour compo. A live act has
been threatened for the next item.
22.25 CiH..
Erm, no live act after all.
22:56 MUG UK
Just took a break and had a beer with Cal to pass some time after
the compos for tonight. Done some nice logos/text bits for his
Globotwars game (PC) using a nice Logo Design tool I had lying
around. Done nothing in the way of ST stuff except hacking out
a Quartet tune on Disciples of Steel. If I see Lotek before I go
back home tomorrow I'll mention it as it can go towards his next
Fading Twilight CD.
23:05 Stratagem
Somehow, Cyclone XT has always ...... right. Specially with a beer
in his hand ;)
23:22 frost
Chuck is approaching with his camera...
2006-06-04 Sunday
00.00 CiH..
Wahey, it's Sunday!
The gwEmster is running his ST-DJ set at warp speed.
02.45 CiH..(again)
Hmmph, no-one else has been on as yet. I'm off to the enjoyable
wild-west themed sleeping place shortly!
02.45 earx
it's calming down now. today had it's hairy moments with
audio fuck-ups and such. for the resst it was great. especially
gwem's mixing session was great to hear. for the rest the usual
party feeling dominates: lack of sleep, loads of things to
think over (fx ideas), beer, golden spower... blah .. gurgll..
08.05 cxt
Just got up from another refreshing sleep in the car, and I will
try to finish my stuff for the compo now, still about 2 hours left
till the deadline
08:34 baggio
Got a wee bit drunk last night and when i woke up this morning i
still felt drunk. Nevertheless this was no day to stay in bed as
i had promised to hand in DHS democontribution in time and as
i am writing this it is still safely on my mobile phone :)
09:23 exocet
Woke up and had a (non-golden) shower a short while ago. Just spoke
with p01 who's stayed awake all night to finish his boot sector
intro - now that's dedication! Yesterday night was good with the
first compos and a really cool ym mixing session by gwem!
09.47 CiH..
I've just had something which felt a lot like a golden shower! Well
it's a normal shower which feels it should have a starring role in
a fetish porno. Please clarify CiH? Well it was a shower block with
no place to hang your clothes, so they went on the floor. After
5 - 10 minutes of lukewarm shower enjoyment later, I exit the
shower to find that most of the clothes were soaked, due to the
huge amounts of water that escaped from the shower. I was due to
change this clothing anyway, ah well...
09.58 sh3-rg
Wow! I'm so pleased to announce the new direction of the MegaMighty
Reservoir Gods crew! Yes! The news you have all been waiting for!
RG is now officially a Nintendo DS crew! We will no longer be
making lame atari warez, instead we will just play games on DS!
Expect to see us at all the main DS game parties next year... we
could probably manage at least 4 games per party in between heavy
bouts of sleeping and procrastinating... ok, time for a little lie
down I think to prepare for some wifi Mario Kart against some .jp
teenagers - this is what life is all about. greets to comrade dma!
10.03 ggn
What? It's noon in Greece! Anyway, just got here with Rana, and
we put some music on, I turned on Grazey's machine on and started
fiddling around with it (I love it :). I couldn't contribute so
much to this article so far because I was so rushed to do
everything at once that I only managed to write one or two
sentences each time I tried. Hopefully today I can relax a bit
and watch the compos in peace....
10.04 cxt
I have just uploaded everything to that stupid compo system, but
there are no organisers to be seen anywhere...
10.05 Bonjour Messieurs
10.10 Kaiz0r gE3ks of teh megamigthy dIldO fAtWA
Chuck and the rest of the Frenchies stormed teh building...
11:29 p01
After a few dozen hours and coffees, my bootsector is
ready. It's not as nice as I'd like to but I guess it's ok.
Kudos to Cyclone for his invaluable help.
Oh, and Gwem's mix and 303F's live were great!
12:55 First night done. Slept quite well. loddek :D
Sleeping facilities not so good, no beds :/ slept in car...
Also, the secret of voting on the compos is not revealed so far.
But anyway, despite these
things, a great party. Good party atmosphere, and great weather has
been organised ;) Had lots of nice talkings with everyone, and
watched Deffy code shortly. Going outside for some summer weather.
Looking forward to the compos, it should be a great night in store!
13:42 Aproxima
It's very nice weather right now, yay. Sleeping was cool, had a
very good rest at night. Now I'm bored :( So I'll go away and do
something interesting now!!! bye bye
=xxx= :)
14:10 Felice
Winding up nicely with the day itself, it started well with a
good brunch and now people are mainly just chilling out. People
now also don't appear to be as tired as they were, which is a
good thing, I guess :)
14.30 cxt
Deez and the Nature Brothers are helping with my MinT install and
thanks to that the EtherNAT seems to be configured now, just need
to check for some speed issues...
15.00 CiH..
Been taking some away time from the party, also to tidy up my
sleeping arrangements, so I'm not having to struggle to find it
in the dead of night with only the backlight from my phone to
search by!
15:05 baggio
Compos starting in about one hour so i guess it is time to get
something to eat rather soon. A pizza could actually work today
since i have a light hangover from the intense beer-drinking
last night.
16.05 cxt
Grazey and Mug UK have already left the place since they have to
catch their ferry, too bad that they miss the upcoming compos now.
16.15 cxt
The compos have been delayed by 30 mins, so there won't be much
happening until then. Deez and the other swedes are depleting the
pizza stocks they fetched from town, perhaps no bad idea to shorten
the time till something happens. Anyway time to chill a bit in the
16.36 CiH..
Atari Bootsector compo is running first,
The line length has been set to a very
small value, I guess to give the
impression of more lines of text?
17.24 ggn
Damn it! I missed the BS compo :( I'm trying to find out if someone
can spare an ST and some disks so I could watch them....
19.09 CiH..
Pizza's ordered, waiting for things to happen, just keeping this
RTA alive as well.
19.12 moz
cricket is the sport of gods
19.21 p01
I really liked Cyclone's plasma boot. It looks and sound nice.
Btw, ggn, normally Cyclone have all the bootsector entries.
20.59 CIH..
21:44 baggio
4k compos is about to start. Should be interesting. We haven't
done anything useful today except playing games and drinking beers.
This has indeed been a fun party :)
00:02 p01
gwEm rocked the 4k compo. There was some cool intros and demos too.
:( I'm literally falling asleep.
01:05 gwEm
Super cool wild compo, I think Cxt has it with his music disk
though, fantastic stuff. Skrebbel ruled as compo organiser. Superb
01:10 Cooper
Nice atmosphere, nice partyplace, and cool people... the true Atari
Spirit ;)
01:12 Felice
Another good party rolls to an end - great time had by all (hic)
Some ppl are packing up, others have toddled away to bed, as
some of us will be riding the autobahns in a few hours ...
01.19 CiH..
Another party over with, bar the recriminations ;-)
There was a plentiful series of competitions, the highlights were
the DHS CT60 intro, and gwEm's rather rocking 4ktro, not to mention
his FPGA soundchip. Prizegiving to follow, and any appearances
tomorrow will be rather brief, as it looks like we are departing
fairly early, if we are going to the residence of the Karsmaking
01:55 exocet
Finished voting on the ber p„rtymeister system (g”tt„ m„ke
se ”f th”se extr„ ch„r„cters on german keyboards). Lots of
good stuff, especially small-sized releases on ST. Really
impressive stuff from gwem especially... but also a fair
amount of dutch texts or reference in pc demos which make them
somehow cryptic for us foreigners...
02:32 gwEm
Sat in the bar, somehow quite nice to seperate the serious business
of coding with idle chit chats ;)
02:33 Shifter
Jesus. I havent touched an ST since 1996, and that was as a
chair rest. Oh well, the people are waiting for the ceremony to
start. Oh wait, 02:30 just became 02:45. Good old demoparty
mentality :)
Anyway, the atari people are neat. I get a bit taken aback by the
fact that some Falcons apparently require a goddamn ATX PSU, making
them look like atarian frankensteins, but hey, that's coming from a
huz who thinks xboxes are neat.
Dip, please take over before I kill again~
02:40 Dipswitch
Okay here we are waiting for the pricegiving. Greetings from
Jurassic Pack (Amiga) to Alicve Magazine (Atari)! It's my
first Atari party ever and I must say, I really enjoy it.
The Atari scene is extremely friendly and there is a whole new
new scene world opening up infront of me. It feels good
to learn new scene aspects, doesnt happen with me too often
anymore... =) I'm here for only one day and I for damn sure
dont regret coming.
__\!_ !
_) /
\ _
Okeay I give up trying to do Amiga ascii on Atari and rarther
leave it to Lotek... :P
02:50 cxt
Exactly at this point the power went down permanently till the
end of the party, so it wasn't possible to add any more text to
the realtime article. Lucky enough the autosave feature of the
ancient tempus editor avoided any losses. I hope you enjoyed it
The whole pricegiving was held in the dark, only illuminated by
a few flashlights :)
Outline Visitors for Alive, 2006-06-03
Appendix A
L i n e o u t p r e s e n t s
____ ____
_________________ _____.\ /________\ /__ ______
.______\ _. / |/ __/ / _\__ _________
| \ \| \ | /__\/ \_.
| \____________________. .________\ | |
| |_______| /_______| 2 O O 6 |
| _____ __ ________ ____ |
|_ ______\ _/_______ ____\/______\ ._ /____ ___\ _/_ ______ |
\_______\ \| / \ |/ / __/ / |
\_ / \ |_____|
)______. ._______________/ ________/ |
|______| /________\ /_________|
__/ __/
__ \/ ______________________________________________________________ \/ __
/ /
Outline 2006 - multiplatform demoparty
Friday, June 2. - Monday, June 5.
Panoven, Zevenaar, The Netherlands
__/ __/
__ \/ ______________________________________________________________ \/ __
/ /
__ __________________ __
__/ __/
__ \/ ______________________________________________________________ \/ __
/ /
__ __________________ __
01 154 Tik Tak - Flaming Marshmellows
02 117 Out of Touch / ECFh - Smoke/Mnemonix/Avoozl/Okkie
03 101 Up and Down - random
04 100 Flow - Affinity
05 68 Verscheuren - Solenoid & Pluisje
06 54 The Erotic Story of Chris and Hank - The Onions
__/ __/
__ \/ ______________________________________________________________ \/ __
/ /
__ __________________ __
01 149 The Genocide (Falcon Intro) - Dead Hackers Society
02 135 96 Shades of Grey - Paradox
03 97 Lavalamp - MJJ Production & Checkpoint
04 95 Freshtro - Paradize + Sector One
__/ __/
__ \/ ______________________________________________________________ \/ __
/ /
__ __________________ __
01 118 Scary Dinosaur - The Bobby Davro Snooker Experience
02 100 Obsoleet - Inque
03 88 (terug naar de) Grondtoon - Numtek^Guideline
__/ __/
__ \/ ______________________________________________________________ \/ __
/ /
__ __________________ __
01 162 4gEtful - gwEm
02 115 4kker - defjam/checkpoint
03 107 world domination part deux - max power / limp ninja
__/ __/
__ \/ ______________________________________________________________ \/ __
/ /
__ __________________ __
01 185 GLobotWars - Cal/Calsoft - The PHF
02 129 #atariscne card battle ex plus alpha - sh3-rg
03 77 BackGLash - Cal/Calsoft - The PHF
__/ __/
__ \/ ______________________________________________________________ \/ __
/ /
__ __________________ __
01 169 Hardware music - gwEm
02 125 Alive Jukebox - Cyclone^X-Troll
03 117 Acid Burn Demo - Defjam/Checkpoint
04 107 zompige zoomer 001 - renhoek / guideline
05 104 We Dreme of Atari - Dildo Fatwa
__/ __/
__ \/ ______________________________________________________________ \/ __
/ /
__ __________________ __
01 113 Boot-Plasma - Cyclone^X-Troll
02 99 TERRA - p01
03 76 The Bootshitctor - GGN
04 52 Dildo Fatwa kills da Bootsekt0r - Kaiz0r gE3ks and
Charcoal of teh Dildo Fatwa
05 30 TBC Bootsector - Alone1^TBC
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01 86 is there something ? - manou
02 80 life is serializable - cosmictrance
03 79 Die Klaenge der Neutrinowolken - Lotek Style
04 76 a bit of nostalgia - cyrex
05 73 Mad - Jay
06 70 Acid saves lives - izard | inque
07 62 disco in a nutshell - johnny t & the swinging dutch
08 42 poep - ernie
09 41 de Dakpan Tidal wave - Dutch Posse
10 35 perpendicular triangelation patterns - darmluft zwei
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01 70 Tears came to her eyes - Fby
03 56 Nadir - Fby
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01 100 Street Robots - Dma-Sc
02 96 g - Crazy Q / DHS
03 93 rewols yb liboj - sh3-rg
04 80 omtrek/uit/lijn - msg / reservoir gods
05 68 Breath outline - marcer / atari legend
06 60 hotrs - shPEA
07 55 ymix4 - yermzyey
08 51 folk off 'round the fields - kenny d
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01 106 Battersea - Exocet
02 92 Hero - sh3-rg
03 87 bob dylan - sarah-rg
04 69 spider - sarah-rg
05 53 Summoning - Rana
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01 19 Calimero strikes back - izard | inque
02 19 Zwart Wit Grijs - Numtek^Guideline
03 18 fuzziness - TheBat^Guideline
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01 68 Skate Frenzy In Zevenaar - Cal - PHF
02 44 Loituma - Dutch Posse