/ |_ ___ _ _ _ |_ . _ /| | \ E |__- |_' |_' |_> S | \ | '_\ | _ _ _ _____ ____ _____ | \ | \ / \ | _ \ _____ _____ _____ ____ | __\ | _ \ |.| |..\ /..| |.|_\.| |.._..\ |.._..\ |.._..\ |.._..\ |.| |.|_\.| |:| |:::.:::| |:::::| |:|_\:| |:| |:| |:|_\:| |:| |:| |:|__ |:.___' . ||| |||\_/||| |||---' ||||||| ||| ||| ||||||| ||| ||| |||||/ ||\___ |+\ '_' '_' |+| '__---' '_' '_' |_|-|_| '_' '_' '__--' '__---' '--` '_' , . __.----.____ . . . . / /_ . . :' \ . . . | . ': . . . . . . | /|\ '..: . . . . \____________/ . _____ / / . . _ -----' '----__.///. . |' --- = = = = \_ . . ' :::. . .::::.. ,,,,::. | . * \. ' ' ' / . . \. . | . \ \ " " """ """ " " \.__. .-_ . . |/ < \ .' '-_______ -*- . : . > || === = ' '\ .:::... ... < .// === = _------- '\ .___.___._' '._-' . . . \ ._ . o | . . . . \| \.____ / . . . . . '---___---' . . .------------------. .-----------------. : It's been a while. : : But we're Back! : '___ ____________' .^----^. //'___ _____ ____ __' \\ / \ // o \\ o /_ ~ _ \ .------------. / \\ __/ //\\ //\ \ : Actually, I : \ ' / |\__\ /__/ | : liked being : . . . :--'""'--: |\ <v> /| : away! __ ___' '_____' .-' \____/ -. | \ / | _ :: _ /_ _\ (,. ((_[]_) ,) |||\ .<>. /||| / \ / \ |o| |o| \_. -<>- ._/ \| '.__.' |/ | | .-------. | V | \,_____,/ | | /\| |/\ : Shut up == \|<_>|/ ____) (____ ___| |___ / @\ /@ \ : Greebo! : | | / . \ ( $$$$ ) \ / \ / '___ ___' _[]---[]_ / . \ / ::::::::::|| \/ \/ . |==|\\\|==| | | . | | //|;;;;;;;;;;|| \\ // ::: //| W W |\\ | | . | | // |''''''''''|| /\ /\ \_ \\// | | \\ | | . | | \\ | // /| V |\ / \/ | ooo | // Cc| . |cC \\| // \| | \/ """"""" :' . \ / \\........//| \___/ | | | | | / \ / \: / \ /||||\ \ / | | | : __ : | | ( . . ) | | | / \ | | / \ | | | s-Q--Q-s | | / | | \ | | | | _/ \ [ / ] \ / \_/ \_/ | | | | ' { -,- } , _| /\ /\ |_ /''''''_/\/\/\/\ ? / _/ / \ \ _\ { \: \___/ \___/ (_____ _______ ___/ :: .-----''-------------------. : If we're all here, who's : ___ : driving the ship?! : . // ___ '__________________________' \\__ // \\ \\ || || __// \\___// ... I guess you want some back-story to account for this long absence, huh? Well after the Sinclairomorph peril was stopped, the war was over, and you might all remember the main characters living, sort of "Happily ever after". Princess Oranjeboom was very much a girlie of a girl, and didn't *really* approve of her new husband's old mates hanging around the palace, raucously drinking and playing light sabre games with the hanging curtains. As she wanted to devote herself to her ongoing pussy-whipping project of Ham Yumyum, she suggested to the others, "Why not go off and explore somewhere?" adding that the Star Trek 'five year mission' pattern might well be perfectly acceptable, in fact, they shouldn't try to rush back generally. Weevl and the rest were generally unenthusiastic, until Greebo speculated on the likely existence of the planet "Nympho", where nice carnal things happened to lonely batchelor space cadets. This happened to be quite a long way away, in a vague and undisclosed part of the galaxy, but it was a place he had been to already, of course. Somehow the rest believed him, and before Weevl could give the order to "Set the controls for the heart of the planet Nympho!" They were off! Needless to say, in spite of their best efforts, right to this day, this almost certainly a figment of Greebo's imagination mythical world, of free and easy sexual activity, remains undiscovered... The quest continues...... ___----___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . / /_/_/_/_ \ / / / / / / / / / / / . | | / We're picking up a signal, / . . | .. ...| \ alien origin and unknown \ \____ ____/ / source from that planet's / . | | /__ surface!! \ _'_ ___.--||||--.___ \_\_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ | __/______'__'______\__ ( .. .. ) '_ ______ ______ _' . . ..::. . \ . . / . :;::. .; . :.;. . \ \ """ "" """ / / . . ::;;;':: : '. ' .; .. \/ \/ .: :: ::::. '.. . .: . . \ / . .:::;;:. .:: . ' . ' .' |':. .:'| .::;::.'::; . ' . . .. .. | | .::;;: : . .: : ' . . ': . . \ \ / / * . :;:;: :; : :. ' . .: . : . .. '_ _' :;;;:: :;: : ' . . ; : . .' . '--' .:.;;::.'.': . ' : . . ' . .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .-------------------. _____________ ! _____________ : Right! Launch the : :' ': - :'. ': : shuttle with a : | [x] ..':.| ! | . . . | : landing party! : | / .':::.'| - | | '--\\-------- ----' ' / ::::' .:' ! ' . >+< ' | ::;.:::;.| - | . | /||||\ '_____________' ! '_____________' ( ^ ^ ) / /=/./=/ /. - / \////////\ /' s-Q--Q-s /.::_. .___._ ./ | ! /.::_. .__ .__ / | [ / ] ---: : |--- ---: : |------ { [__] } _ _ ||\____/| || / ||\____/| || / /'''''''_/ \/ \/\ |' CT63 ' |/ |' CT63 ' |/ { ) \ '________________' '_______________' (_._._._.-._._._. / _ \_\ .^----^. \ __ / \ .--------------------. // \ /_ _ \ : Oki, Captain Weevl : // .------------------. //_\ /_\ \ : dude, we're onto : /\ : We're off to see : |\__\ /__/ | : the situation! : /\@\ / the wizard, the : |\ <v> /| //------------------' \ \/\ //: wonderful wizard : ||\ /||// \_ \ : of nympho! : |||\ .__. /||| ||\ \\ '----------------' \| '.__.' |/ || \__\ | | / \ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BUT !!! .----------. .---------------------------. : Oh noes! : ___O __ : Waitaminute! I'm decoding : :_____: //---------' \ / \ : part of the signal. It : /_ _\// :--'""'--: O : seems to be more of a : |o| |o| .-' ____ -. : warning than a distress : | v | (,. ((_[]_)) ,) // call! : \|[_]|/ \_. <__> ._/ // '-------------------------' | | \,_____,/ // |: If you go down :| _[]---[]_ ____) (____ |: to the planet, :| |==|\\\|==| / . \ c |: it will hurt :| || W W || | . \ / C (: quite a lot! :) || || | \ . /\ \/ / '_________________' || ooo || | || . | \ / / /_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ \ ||"""""|| | || . | \/ //_/_/_/_______/_/_/_/\ ':: ::' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .-------------------. _____________ ! _____________ : Fair enough, let's: :' ': - :' ': : not go down there : |ABORT APPROACH!| ! | C:\ run_away | : then! : |ABORT!! | - | how about | '--\\-------- ----' 'ABORT!! ' ! ' a nice cup' |ABORT!! .| - | of tea? | /||||\ '_____________' ! '_____________' ( \ / ) / /=/./=/ /. - / \////////\ /' s-Q--Q-s /.::_. .___._ ./ | ! /.::_. .__ .__ / | [ / ] ---: : |--- ---: : |------ { <__> } --------- ||\____/| || / ||\____/| || / /'''''''_/\/\/\/\ |' CT63 ' |/ |' CT63 ' |/ { ) \ '________________' '_______________' (_._._._.-._._._. / /_/ .^----^. _ _ / \ .--------------------. \ \ / \ /_ _ \ : Yeah, being torn in : | | .-------------------------. //\\ //\ \ : half by a ravenous : /\\ //\ : What about facehuggers? : |\__\ /__/ | : alien really sucks! : / @\ /@ \ / I really hate those! : |\ <v> /| //-------------------' \ / \ / // Is John Hurt anywhere : ||\ /||// \/ \/ : on this ship, he could : |||\ .(). /||| \\ // \_: go down instead! : \| '.__.' |/ /\ /\ / '-----------------------' | | /| V |\/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -=====- | == | (for now, there will be | |== == | |== ==| more next time!) | | | |== |== | | | | '== '== '== CiH, originally for Alive Mag, August '06.. |