__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ {__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__ {__{_ S u p e r F l y__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__ {__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__ {__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__ {__{__{__{__{__{ H y p e r - S e n s i t i v e_{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{ {__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{ {__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{ {__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{ S o r t o f G u y !{__{__{__{__{__{ {__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{ {__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{ __ //\\ // \\ This crappy little ascii toon was "inspired" by many past // ! \\ flame wars on the Atari scene and other places.. // \\ //Warning!\\ It is not having a go at any individual, so stop worrying! // \\ ============== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ... .------------. .:::::. .""'"""""". ' Good morning ' /_ '::: : __ __ : | to you! What | _(@} : =[@]---[@]= . a nice day! . /_ ]| (( \ )) '____________' '__ | ' _\ ' '__| ' ( <___> ) (____/== .-- ',___,' --. / / \\ ( /_\ /_\ \ _\_____/ / \\ | . |_| '\ \ /_/_______/ | | | | | | \ \ | | \ \ | | | \ \ | | \ \ \_/ | \ \ ' ' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ________________ .' '. | Good morning? ' ... .'"""""""". | GOOD MORNING?! | .:::::. : __ _| | And what would you | /~~ '::: |{--[@][@] | know of the sheer |_(@} : ' ( \ ) | agony of *my* /_ ]| \ --', | morning! I fell '___ | ( <====>) | out of the wrong | ___\ ' _. ___ ',____,' __ | side of the bed! |(_____/== \ ' /_\ _ /_\ ' | Shut up, for you | \| | \ ( |_| ) | do not know what | | | \ | | | | | | | you talk about! | | | \ | | | | | | '._________________.' | | ' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= __________________ .' '. ... .'"""""""". | In fact, it's | .:::::. : -_ -| | that kind of | // '::: |{--[@][@] | thoughtless | _(@} : ' ( \ ) | stupidity that |/_ ]| \ --', | makes me want | '__ | ( <-==->) | to give it all up! | ___) ' _. ___ ',____,' __ '._________________.' (_____/== \ ' /_\ _ /_\ ' _ \ \ \ \ ( |_| ) ___\\______\ \ \ | | | | | | \= | \ \ | | | | | | -' ----------' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= __________________ .' '. ... .'"""""""". | So if you must | .:::::. : _- _| | insist on rubbing | /~ '::: |{--[@][@] | acid-coated gravel | _(@} : ' ( \ ) | into my deep | /_ ]| \ --', | emotional wounds | '__ | ( > ~~ <) | with your prattle, | /`.__( ' _. ___ ',____,' __ | I'LL END IT ALL | / /(_____/== | ' /_\ _ /_\ ' | RIGHT NOW!! |///\ | \ \ ( |_| ) '._________________.'|+\/,_ ____\ \ | | | | | | \ =__| \ | | | | | | \/ ---------' \ \ \ / / / | | =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ... .'"""""""". .:::::. : __ _| /~ '::: |{--[@][@] _(=< : ' ( \ ) /_ ]| \ --', '__ | ( < o >) ~ K l i k ! /`.__| ' _. ___ ',____,' __ / /(_____/== | ' /_\ _ /_\ ' //,_ _____\ \ ( | | ) |= | \ | | | | | | \-\ ----------' | | | | | | \/ | | \ \ \ / \ \ | | =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= . ` : # . / " !!!! . , * . . . / . .'"""""""". .:: *. ' ' : __ _| /~ ':: . ` # |{--[@][@] _(=< : , ' ( _\ ) _____ __ __ ___ [] /_ ]| . \ _-_ , || | || | || | || ' || '__ | ( {___}) ||--' ||-| || | || || /`.__| ' ___ ',____,' __ || | || | || | ||__|\ / /(_____/== ' /_\ _ /_\ ' -__-- -__- [] //,_ _____\ \ ( |_| ) |= | \ | | | | | | \-\ ----------' | | | | | | \/ | | | | \ / \ \ | | =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ {__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__ {__{__{ R e m e m b e r K i d s !__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__ {__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__ {__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__ {__{__{__{_ F l a m e w a r s a r e u n h e a l t h y _{__{__{__{__{ {__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{ {__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{ {__{__{ a n d K I L L T H E S C E N E !!{__{__{__{__{__{__{ {__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{ {__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{__{ The original version of this script was going to have the protagonist walk away in frustration with his defective gun, but I guess the temptation for a good old fashioned cockney head splatter just proved too much! CiH, for Alive Mag Xmas Special,Dec '05 |