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Alive 12
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================= [m]   [a]   [g]   [a]   [z]   [i]   [n]   [e] ================
        Cover Picture .......................................... C-REM/MJJ-Prod
        Shell Graphics ......................................... C-REM/MJJ-Prod
        ASCII-Art ................................................. Lotek Style
        Chipmusic #1 "Corrupted Data File" ......................... CrazyQ/DHS
        Chipmusic #2 "From da Ghetto with Love" .................... CrazyQ/DHS
        Chipmusic #3 "Bobbin Guru Deva" .............................. Nemo/DHS
        8 Channel Module "Pornstar Groove" ......................... CrazyQ/DHS

        Due to some non fixed error in either the shell or inside the maxYMiser
        replay routine the shell bombs from time to time on exit or music change,
        if you want to avoid that, stick to tune #1 which is done in TripleX...
        We suggest to turn the maxYMiser tunes off before you exit the shell!
Bundled Stuff
       Jukebox .................................... Stu / Cyclone / Dark Angel
                              (in no special order)

        CiH, Cyclone, gwEm, GGN, ST Survivor, Simon Sunnyboy, Creature,
        Ray, MT-Felice, Paranoid, Crazy Q, Strider, Frost, DBug, Evil,
        dCoda, Mug UK, Timbral, Moondog


Alive Staff
        Original Shell Code ...................................... Earx/Lineout
        Shell Maintenance ST ................... Grazey/PHF and Cyclone/X-Troll
        Shell Maintenance Falcon ...... Pink/Reservoir Gods and Cyclone/X-Troll
        Musicians ........... CrazyQ/DHS and 505/Checkpoint and Marcer/AL-Elite
        Main Editors .................... CiH, Cyclone/X-Troll and Moondog/TSCC
        Technical Advisor and Online Issue .................... Cyclone/X-Troll
        I won't give you the emails of all the Atarians involved in this
        issue, it would take too long and I'm sure you already know them
        :) Also for convenient purposes we only use Cyclones email so
        that we are sure your questions or comments are read and also
        Feedback, new articles, suggestions .............. 
        Download the magazine ...................
        If you have any question, suggestion or just wanna send us any
        feedback, please visit our HQ at and
        drop a line on our FORUM.        
Alive 12