* ** ** **** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **** ** ** ** ***** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *** * ** **** v1.0 by T.O.Y.S. Another fantastic Falcon demo, for a BIG Falcon! We were pleasantly surprised to hear, a few weeks before Error in Line, about the resurfacing or springing back to life of the reclusive but talented Swedish crew T.O.Y.S. Apparently Peylow had rediscovered things such as working sensibly to targets, and working to a deadline, and really, seriously, intended to complete a demo in time for the second Error in Line! Based on fragmentary reports, it sounded very promising, a true Falcon-buster, and another demo like the DHS 'Don't Break the Oath' which promised to make use of of extra hardware, indeed, breaking the holy 4 megabyte limit! Alongside the much anticipated DHS blockbuster, this looked like it was going to be one of the highlights of the Error in Line party, so did the reality match up to expectations? It starts, depending on the version you got, either with a ropey looking blue plasma background and a zooming text to announce the demo. My memory serves that the party version had some kind of 'porno-texture' at this point!? The music starts up, slowly, growling in anticipation, with a cheeky subversive burble of Sidchip creeping onto the MP2 file. Quickly brushed aside, as the individual letters of 'WAIT' zoom onto the screen. They swing frantically to the music in 3-D, whilst some more text appears at the bottom of the screen. The pace of the music has picked up, and the effects appear, almost too fast to register! A huge multicoloured textured diamond is first, with individual credits, switching to spinning dots or light spangles. Once the credits have been blasted out of the way, the 3-D poly returns, with a monochrome 'window' on screen tracking it, and killing the colours for the small area that it encloses. A very nice effect. Not forgetting all this is going on with some cool background textures at the same time! ![]() A quick spurt of grot-blue inbetween plasma with some more text effects is next, the text showing some fade/blur tendencies. Almost before we have caught our breath, the next 'real' effect, with another complex 3-D poly, with glittering points of light at the edges! Surely not an effect seen on Atari before!? This screen, and others leads me to think that T.O.Y.S have been watching a lot of recent demos on certain "other" machines! Next up, and just as quickly, we get another complex object, this time, with a background texture that matches it. Then, another neat touch, as we see a vector outline fade on and off briefly on the polygon. This is cute in a cool fashion, and I suspect, "influenced" by a demo somewhere on another platform! Can they top this? Yes they can, as a simple sphere comes onto the screen, still textured of course, and with light beams emitting from it, as if there was a huge disco party, or internal explosion going on inside it! A fresh object, and a chance for a few greets, with a spiny tree or whiplike object coiling on screen, with points of light attached. Then out of there, and onto something else that looks like a piece of paper that has been screwed up. The music slows, ready for one of the major set-pieces of the whole demo. This is the T.O.Y.S aquarium simulator! Complete with 3-D Fish, sadly missing since Sono', and with an uncommon to aquariums lamp post, which really works, as it lights up with simulated lens flare! We are given but a little time out to appreciate this, as the music picks up once more.. A further brief interlude with the 'work in progress' blue plasma, then a burst of cheering on the soundtrack announces a textured 3-D Fuji logo spinning, with more beams of light bursting from it! ![]() Some more credits accompany a constantly morphing polygon, then switch to a screen with melting 3-D blobs set against a cartoon texture. A little pacman munches his way across the screen. Then as if we haven't seen enought, a lot of the preceding effects are flung back at us, rapidfire fashion, as if to show how quick their demo system is? The next major 3-D set piece scene comes up, with a four cornered monolith shown releasing a fiercely spinning captive energy ball, caught in the middle. Final bit now, a 3-D poly hand opens, to release lots and lots of little balls! Then the music stops, and we are on the end credits For the correct terms to pad out my inadequate descriptions of the individual effects, here is a piece of the original readme file that came with the demo. Thought it might help... [Effects in order of appearance] Abdicative alpha blending, clipped stretch blitting, environment mapping, vector dots, depth shaded tunnel, sparkle phong shading, morphing vector, clipped hidden line vector, volumetric lightning, radiosity ball, cartoon shaded phong, multi object scene replay, morphing phong, 3d meta blobs and a few variations of those. (Thanks guys, that was a big help!) As I've mentioned before, this demo seems to be strongly based on current high end Amiga and PC stuff, perhaps more obviously influenced by such sources than DHS and the rest? This isn't necessarily a bad thing, if these effects haven't been seen on anything with a Fuji logo before. Ways in which the TOYS demo is better than the DHS demo! ..The Individual effects are stronger. ..There are more of them as well. ..Three good set pieces with lots going onscreen. ..It seems to be better on unaccelerated Falcys too. One major criticism I have, it is over far too quickly! T.O.Y.S could have made a lot more of the effects. The demo seemed to rush through a packed program, and it would have been nice to linger in a lot of places. Next time, slow it down please! This demo was perhaps too much of a slave to the fast-paced soundtrack? There is a more minor criticism, there were some rough edges on view which compared it slightly unfavourably to the DHS demo. They would have lost the rather makeshift looking blue background plasma for instance.. In conclusion, a very strong and inventive demo, which perhaps could have been better still, with a little more breathing space given to the individual screens, and a little tidying up. We want more playfulness from TOYS, they are too good to miss! Ratings.. Graphix:- 86% - Some interesting textures, nothing much still, all used in a dynamic sense. Sonix:- 85% - Good tune, but perhaps rushing the demo along a bit too much? Gee-Whiz:- 95% - Lots and lots of great 3-D! A huge number of new (to Atari at least) effects, and some genuinely impressive stuff too! Overall:- 90% - Another demo from EIL 2 that deserves to be called an all time classic. A reworking to slow it down, relax, let the effects breathe a little would make it even better! CiH, in the final hours before the Alive! issue 2 deadline on April 22nd 2001! |