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We are glad that almost everything went that problemlessly and that most visitors seemed to have enjoyed the convention. We are thankful for all the nice feedback we got from several people, especially because we feared that EIL#2 may always be compared to EIL'99. However, the atariscene had a good Easter again, with a huge amount of high quality releases, which can be seen as a revival of the Falconscene and as a demonstration what the Atari ST is capable of. We want to thank all the visitors who made it a that funny party and we feel like sending some special "thank you's" to all the people that took part in the competitions (which are definitly a big part of a good con- vention). ---+--- Although, some people who promised to come, didn't, and although some people were too lazy or too busy to release things for EIL (Personally, I was especially dissappointed from the few graphic-entries. We thought three different graphic-compos might be motivating for the one or other gfx-man, but as it seems, most of them don't care.), we also think, that EIL was a great event for the Atarisceners. It was a big pleasure to see, that ca. 80 Atarians appeared on the party and how peacefully and friendly they got along for the four Easter days (a bit confusing, especially if one follows the typical BBS-discussions in the scene). Another remarkable issue is, that there have obviously been no extremely tactical votesheets this time. That didn't stop us to make that Falcon- democompo counting mistake though. But as things are clearified now, re- garding this topic, we can state, that the competitions and votes have been very fair this time. It was cool, that some people made several special things possible at EIL. What I mean were features like the Gaming Competition, the release of the FadingTwilight CD by McLaser, the existance of a cool game like Whippong and so on. Btw.. we didn't expect that, but there were 32(!) people taking part in the Whippong competition, which is just wow.. :-) ---+--- Unfortunatly, we couldnt get that much fun for ourselves from the party. Of course it was nice to meet and see all the people again, but we would have liked to spend some more time with them or with our computers. After all, we were four people arranging EIL#2, which lead to a definitly too stressy time for us. But that is something we should have known before. Now, we are really looking forward to visit some other party again, maybe an Easter party in the Netherlands next year, as some rumours claim. So, there will be no Error In Line party next year for sure. Also 2003 is not very probably at the moment, since we are just tired now. Ok, we hope to remeet you all at another party soon. ---+--- Some last megabigsuperhyperfat thanks have to go to the following people or institutions who helped us in different ways: ABBUC e.V. - publicity on the club-sites ALIVE! MAGAZINE (Sebastien Larncac and Chris Holland) - publicity in the magazine ALKI (Falk Hoffmann) - lending us his videocamera during the partytime ATARI.ORG - webhosting of the EIL-homepages - supplying the eil.atari.org address - announcements ATOS-MAGAZINE WEBSITES - publicity and link on www.atos-magazin.de BKX (Benjamin Kirchheim) - putting us on http://links.atari.org CHECKESCAPE (Klaus Feske) - lending us (more or less:) the videorecorder - arranging a replacement beamer CHOSNECK-CREW - publicity in the Chosneck-magazine CHRISTIAN HELLMANZIK (Xairon) - sponsoring CHRISTIN - being the barkeeper at EIL - transport of furniture - creating the reserved signs - arranging the EIL-bunnies - buying the foodstuff - and much more! CiH/MAGGIE TEAM (Chris Holland) - publicity in Maggie and other places - offering to do a realtime article for EIL DEESE-CARD-PROJECT (Oliver Kotschi) - sponsoring DEEZ/MING DESIGN (Fredrik Egberg) - helping out when recording the Falcon democompo entries DELPHIN PIZZA - pizza delivery during the partytime (60x40 rules!) ELMAR HILGART HARD- AND SOFTWARE (Ethernet adaptor) - sponsoring EUROPE SHAREWARE (Rafal Kawecki) - sponsoring EVIL/DEAD HACKERS SOCIETY (Anders Eriksson) - coding and designing the ST and Falcon invitation intros - publicity on www.dhs.nu - offering the scene-mailinglist for EIL - creating the EIL-bbs FELICE/MAGGIE TEAM - trying to get a beamer for EIL - bringing a videorecorder from UK! - movie supply GREY/MYSTIC BYTES (Michal Michalowski) - translation of the invitation text into Polish - organizing the trip from Poland - help with finding sponsors HAUSMEISTER/GAG16 - general support HAVOC/FUN INDUSTRIES (Peter) - bringing a videobeamer and recorder to EIL LIEBLING (Jana Schoen) - for visiting us at EIL and being prepared to help us MAD BUTSCHER/FOUNDATION TWO (Thorsten Butschke) - arranging and sponsoring the Gaming Competition (Missile Command) MARIO BECROFT - very reliable sponsoring from New Zealand MC LASER/.tSCc. (Stefan Benz) - publicity and donating 4x Fading Twighlight as prizes - helping us to verify some compo-results - rearranging the resultsfile MEDIENZENTRUM OF THE TU-DRESDEN - letting us borrow the beamer for the party MILHOUSE (Jan Daldrup) - publicity on www.place2be.de MOONDOG/.tSCc. (Eric Henschler) - arranging the realtime article for EIL#2 - carrying the worst tables of all back in the 4th floor MOSI (Andreas Mosmann) - helping us with furniture-transport and lending us your firmcar NOBRAIN/NOCREW - having coded the WhipPong plugin that brought us that much fun NOCREW - installing the SWE-travel pages under http://eilswe.atari.org PARANOID/PARANOIA (Oliver Heun) - helping us with sponsors and sponsoring something on his own PASKUD (hardware design) - sponsoring PATRICK EICKHOFF SOFTWARE (Funmedia) - sponsoring PFLEGEHEIM "ELSA FENSKE" - lending us a lot of tables and chairs again PROF. HERBERT WALZ (Music Edit) - sponsoring RESERVOIR GODS - helping us with transporting furniture RGF-SOFTWARE (Richard Gordon Faika) - sponsoring - showing movies on the bigscreen - helping us to fix the bigscreen, when it came down R.O.M. LOGICWARE (Papyrus) - sponsoring SCENET - publicity and link on www.scenet.de SCHOOL NEARBY THE PARTYPLACE - lending us many tables and chairs including chewing gums on them SCY/.tSCc. (Achim Settelmeier) - helping us to count the votesheets SQWARD/MYSTIC BYTES - bringing the prizes from Paskud to EIL#2 ST-COMPUTER MAGAZINE - publicity - sending us 2x50 kg of STC-issues STUDENTS OF THE GAG 16 - cooking without the help of tables during Easter time STUNE DEVELOPMENT TEAM - taking care of the technique when we had to be away SYGNE (Guillaume) - offering to help us with tyding up after the party TRIPLE -A- MAGAZINE (Bastian Moritz) - publicity - very generous sponsoring! UWE SEIMET (HD Driver) - sponsoring WILLY/GAG18 - helping us to transport the tables and stuff and cleaning up after EIL had taken place WRS SOFTWARE DESIGN - sponsoring ZERKMAN/SECTOR ONE (Francois Galea) - donating 5x CD-Lab for the competitions ZPQ (Andreas Dahlberg) - helping us when technical problems during the compos occured ZWECKFORM/CRUOR/ANVIL SOFT (Ronald Wendt) - graphics for the remindtro ALL OTHERS WHO HELPED US BUT WE HAVE FORGOTTEN TO LIST HERE. - especially those who brought back the forks and knife after having eaten pizza ;-) ---+--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Signing off, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jens Syckor Joerg Anderson Norman Feske Nils Feske (Spion/Escape) (Joe/Checkpoint) (NO/Escape) (505/Checkpoint) spion@atari.org htw824@gmx.de nf2@inf.tu-dresden.de 505@atari.org ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Checkpoint & Escape 1998 - 2001 All rights reserved ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |