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Alive 6
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7. Epilogue:

  In 1990, the TT seemed a very very powerful machine. And it did
  quite well for some time, being sold as DTP- and Layout computer in
  conjunction with Calamus and Digital Arts' software.
  Nevertheless, the TT never conquered the homes like the ST did. It
  didn't play any ST-games and there were hardly any TT-compatible
  games. Besides a few 3D- or 256-colour demos, the TT never saw any
  demos either. Besides "Sweety" by DHS, the TT does not run many ST
  demos until now.

  By this little documentation i hope however that this situation can
  be improved. It is not very hard to write games or demos in a
  TT-compatible way if you mind the aspects discussed in this little
  documentation. Old-school demo-effects will never work on the TT -
  on the Falcon, there is at least the option to switch the CPU and
  Blitter to 8 MHz and when also switching all caches off, the Falcon
  can behave very ST-like. The TT can't. The CPU always runs at 32
  MHz, the bus always at 16 MHz. The video-timing is totally different
  because the TT only supports VGA. Additionally, there's the
  separation between TT- and ST-RAM to mind.

  However, new-school effects can easily be done in a TT-compatible
  way. Chunky-2-planar conversion works on the TT similarly to the ST
  and Ray of .tSCc. even found quick ways of doing 256-colour-c2p
  (thanks to the Amiga community) - and when doing new-school effects,
  the additional power of the TT's CPU along with the TT-RAM can
  achieve a stunning performance.
  Frankly, the less your program relies on hardware-accesses, the more
  ST-compatible the TT will behave.


                      The Paranoid of Paranoia   2002
                           for Alive Magazine

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Alive 6