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Alive 6
                              T H E
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                             F R O M

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Otherwise known as: "If it wasn't for those meddlin' ballet-tights clad and 
strangely eighties-styled kids, I'd have gotten clean away with it!"

Simon Bowell, the megalomaniac music mogul, has some surprise news for the 
currently obedient Robotic Pop Idol.

._ __ _ ___ __             .~##~.
I need to spend )_        #-.  ._#
some quality time )       {@    @}
with my new      )        [  V   ]
protege, Stinking )_,,... ( \<>/ )           \'--'-\       ,
Protoplasmic Obedient_)  _/'-__-'\_          |     |       |
Pop Idol. So I'm )_-    /     .    \         |_    |_      |_
packing you off to )_  / /'   .  |\ \        '_)   |_)     |*)
the New York Academy )/ / |   .  | \ \     __ __ __ __ __ __
of Performing Arts,_) \ \ ======== / /   ((BECAUSE THE DRUGS))
also known as the_)    \_\(#######/_/    ((DON'T WORK!))
Kids from Fame )      '|||'######///\      -| -- -- --
School! )-- -- ___________|##/_\##|_________'_________________________
-- -- -                   |##| |##|         .`,'.
                         _'~~| |~~'_       (;.'.'} HISSS!
                       <__ _ ' '__ __>       ',.'  Bubble!
                                                    __  ___ ____ ___ __
And so, one swift transatlantic flight later..     /                   \
                                                   |Well, here I am, my \
        _.~'.    | | ##|                | #####|   |first day back at   /
       |:::| \   | | ##|  .--'----- -.  | #####|   |school!            /
       |:::|  |  | | ##|  | New York |  | #####'   \_ __ __ __ __ ___ /
_..~|-_|:::|  |  | | ##|  | Academy  |  | #####|    _:..__.    /
....|  ~.::|  |  | | ##|  |    of    '  | #####|   /__     \ _/
....|   |::|  |  | '___'  'Performing|  '______'   |@>  o "|
... '   |:::  _.~| =====  |   Arts   |  ========   \__   _.|
... |   |::| |;;;|        |          :             .--) |#|/
... :   |::| |;;;|        '__________'___          \___/ #|
... |   :::| |;;;|       _|____ ____ |_  |_          /'/--'
... |   |::\ |;;;|     _|___ ___ ______|_  |_        \ \  /
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |   _|_______ _______ __|_  |_       \ []|\
              /  |__|_______ ________   ___|___|_____ | []|/______
 ____________/                                        '~[]'
/     _                                               \ />/
\___ /|\ ____                                         | | |
\\   |:|    /                                      /--=='='
 \\  '.'   /                                       '----'-'
,  `----'------ --------------'--------------- ------'------------'
  .      '       .     .          '           .           ,   '

With the other new intake students, he is given the famous welcome speech by
hardnut dance teacher, Lydia Bitch!
 |                                            ' |
 '      ,sss,     _ ___ ______ ___ _          | |
 |    .ssSSSss.  ( Fame costs!      )         | .
 |    ss\_ _/ss  | And here's where |         | |
 |   sS{@   @}Ss | you start paying!|         | |
 |    s(  v  )s  | - In sweat, with |         ' '     ,_ ____ ___ ___ __.
 :      \<_>/    | small model bears)         | |    /                   \
 |     _.`-'._   | and in medium  |           | |    |Wow! I didn't think|
 |   (         ) | denomination   |           | |    |it was going to be |
 |   |~|( )( )~| ( banknotes!     )           . '    |that hard! ____ __/
 '    \\     //   --- ___ ----__--            | |    \___ ____ _/
 |     \\_._//.                               | |___      /
 |____ (\=I=/ ) ______________________________|     _:..__.
 /     |  I\  |                                    /__     \
/      : |I | :             ___                    |@>  o "|
      _|_|I |_|_          -------                  \_    _.|
     /--_:I :_--\      ============    ._   _.     ._)  |#|/
:.        I             ---------        \ /       \___/ #|
'(@      '.' Tap tap!      ---           | |         /'/__'
  _\                   Ss   -          /\\ //\       \ \  /
 <_.                 sSSSSs    \|||/  /  \ /  \       \ []|
  _/                sSSSSSSs  (     ) \   v   /        |[]|
And Robotic Pop Idol's worst fears are confirmed, as he is set to work in the
dance class right away!

             ___ ___ __ __ _         .___ __ __ _   '   .     `
     ,sss,  ( MOVE YOUR ASS )        \But I'm not_\ . _.;..:._   ,
   .ssSSSss.| ROBOT-BOY!   |         /naturally /    / __  __ \    ,
   ss\_ _/ss(____--____---_)         \graceful |     )<@.||.@>:  .
  sS{@   @}Ss   /                    /like the |--== \   Oo   /
   s(  v  )s  _/                     \Boogaloo/       ('(__)')  '
     \(_)/                           /girls! |      _ '-\__/-' _
    _.`-'._______:_   ,     ,        \______/      /--X /  \ X--[_][][]<
  (       |------=    \ /\ /                      []\   \  /   /
  |~|( )( )            \\//  '\ /\               []  ,   ||   ,
  ||\     /             ))     \\/              []   |   ''   |
  ||'===='.             |       ))\/'          / \   '~~~[]~~~'
 /::(  v  )            / \       \                    \   /\  /
____ \ : / ___________ \ / _____ /\ _________________ /  /__| | ___________
==== | | | =========== { } === _/ /_ ================ `.=`. '=' ==========
---- |_|_:. ---------               ----------------- /__/ - \_\ --------
___ /  /\ \ _______ C'mon, it's easy!! _________________________________
   '=='  =='

Eventually, he is released from his balletic torment, and allowed to go on to
the next class.            _____________   __________ ____________
                  ___ ___||_ ___ ___,   | |. -:Hallway Notice:-  .|
                 /That was horrible!/   | .  ==================   |
      _.;..;._   \Ms Bitch said if I\   | |NO students are allowed'
     / __  __ \  /forgot my leggings/   : |in the hallways without|
     )<@.||.@>:  \next time, she'd/     | 'a valid hall pass!     |
     \   Oo   /  /make me do it in\     | |                       ;
      ('(__)')   \my pants! Now   /     | :Failure to produce a   |
    _ '-\__/-' _  /where in this /    O | |hall pass on demand may|
   /--X /  \ X--\ \hallway is my \      ' |result in severe loss  .
   \    \  /    / /next semester?/      | |of privileges and also |
   [],   ||   ,[] \____ _-_ __ _/       | 'certain internal organs|
   []|   ''   |[]        ||             | |.                     .|
   []'~~~[]~~~'[]        ||             |  -----------------------
   /> \  /\  /  <\       ||             |
_____ | |__| | __________||-------------|_______________________________
:::::''='  '='':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::: /_/   |_| ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::.       .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
But before he can find his way there, trouble appears from just around the
next corner!
                                                        ________ ______
                                       .---===---.     | NO HALL PASS? |
                                      (___________)    |PREPARE TO DIE!|
                                       |##=###=##|     |MOTHERFUCKER!  |
                                       /   -U-   \    /'-- ------- ----'
                                  .___ \_ ,___, _/ ___.
  __ -__---___                   /=   \_( (\/\) )_/   =\
 \Aaagh! Shit!\          klik!  (        '-----'        )
 /They've got /      _'_  /     |  (     \     /     )  |
 \ROBOCOP as /      / _ \       )  |" ___/     \___ "|  '
 /the hall  \       ||O||\     /   )|    \     /    |'  )
 \momitor!  /       \___/\\   /   / |     '   '     ||  |
  `---\----'         \__\/\\#|   /  \               /|  |
   .__..:_    .         \ _\\#\_/    ===="""""""==== |Z_|
  /     __\ '            | | .##,   ( ::..     ..::) \__/
  |" o  <@|  ,           | |/ \/    '     \  /     ' #'##
  |._    _/              | ||        |     ||     |    ##
  \|#|  (_.              '_'         | .   ||  .  |
   |# \___/                          | .   ||  .  |
   '__\'\                            '     ''     '
But luck is on the Robotic Pop Idol's side, as Robocop's Windows ME tactical
weapons edition upgrade falls apart at the crucial moment!

                                     :                 ________ ______
                                    '  .---===---.  '  |ERROR! ERROR!  |
       __ ________ _____              (___________)    |CAN NOT WRITE  |
      /Phew! That's      \             |~~~~~~~~~|     |CACHE FILE TO  |
      |lucky! Robocop    |         ':  /   -U-   \    /|DISK! PLOT     !
      'has some of the   |        .___ \_ ,___, _/ ___.|IMPLAUSABILITY |
      |most impressive   |       /=   \_( (...) )_/   =|BUFFER FULL!   |
      |lethal force on   .    ' (        '-----'       |FLOPPY DEVICE  |
      |the planet, but   |      |  (     \     /     ) |NOT RESPONDING!|
      |also some of the  |   :  )  |" ___/     \___ "| |SHUT DOWN AND  |
      \crappest software!/      |  )|    \     /    |' |REBOOT!        |
       '----- ------ ---'       |  ||     '   '     || '---------------'
     .__..:_   /             ': |  |\               /|  |
    /     __\ /                 |_Z| ===="""""""==== |Z_|
    |" o  <@|                   \__/ ( ::..    ..::) \__/   ::'
    |._   ._/                  |==|# '     \  /    ' #'##
    \|#|  \_.                  \''/# |      ||     |   ##
     |# \___/                 '|__|  | .    ||   . |      :'
     '--\'\                  ' (__)  | .    ||   . | '
     \  / /                   ' ||   |      ||     |  '
     |[] /                      ||   | ____ || ___ |
     |[] |                      ''   ''    ''''   ''
Robotic Pop Idol then discovers he was not alone whilst all this was going on!
                   .-------- --------.   .---- ---- ---- ---.
 .------ -------. | He's Brunei, the |  | And I'm Freeroy,   |
| Wow! That was | ( mop-headed muso. )  ( the suspiciously   )
( way cool! You ) | I'm Cocoa, the   |  | overdeveloped one, |
| sorted out    | ( girl who lives   )  ( with a physique    )
( old Robo-Cop  ) | to dance on car  |  | designed for adult |
| a treat!      | ( bonnets!         )  ( themed movies!     )
 '-- -- -- ----'   '-- ----- ---- --'    '---- -------- ----'
  \     .                .SsS.     |        .;#####;.  /
     .sSSSs.           .sSSSSSs.  /         #__   __# /
   .$$$$$$$$$.        ssS_. ._SSs.          ( @} {@ )
   s$$(6 6)$$s       SsS{@   @}sSs          \'  ^  '/
   'ss  \  ss'       ssS\  V  /sSs           `\<__>/
     ( <_> )          Ss '<_>, ss'         .-. `__'.-.
    ..`---'..          ,_.`- ._,          /           \
   /=========\        (         )        (  (  .) .) ) )
  /=/|======|\\       | |( )( )\ \       \  )\       /\ \
'/=/ '======| \\      ( |\._._./\ \       \ \ (______) \ \
|||  '=={}==' /\\     |_|(     ) \_\_     /\\\(######) /\\\
     |   .  |        /\\\|  v  \  \\\         |##||##|
     |  ||  |            |  |\  \             |##||##|
And now they've got together, Robotic Pop Idol and his new chums decide on a
traditional 'Kids from Fame' style show-stopper.
                .___ _________ ____.      .______ ____ _.    _:..__.
     .SsS.     ( Hey Robo, tell you )    / Yeah, well    \  /__     \
   .sSSSSSs.   | what. Let's do a   |    | we're gonna   |  |@>  o "|
  sSS_. ._SSs  ( show together!     )    \ live forever! /  \_    _.|
 .sS{@   @}sSs  '----- ------------'      '---- --- ----'\_ ._>   |#|
  sS\  V  /sSs _/                                           \____/ #|
  Ss '<_>' ss'                                                 /'/__'
      `-'                                                      \ \  /
But in a piece of time honoured near-end-of-episode cliched script-writing,
disaster strikes!
        ____ _____.________________  ________________________
    /\ /    \                      \|                        |
   |  \|      __       _.       _  __ __  __  ._    |        \
    |_       |--'. *  /   /\   /     |   /__  |_\   |       /_
    /        |   | |  \  '--'  \     |   \    | \   '        |
   |        .|__/  |._/  |  | _/     '    --  '  '  *        |
   '                                                         |
   | Kids from Fame end of episode Plot Sickener form B/0038 |
   |                                                         '
   |                   TICK ONE ONLY:                        |
   |                                                         |
   |           Cocoa's tights split    =                     |
   \           Freeroy is 'Outed'      =                     |
   |           Debbie does Brunei      =                     |
   |           Titanic sinks (again)   =                    _\
   |           Siege of Leningrad      =                   /_
   |           Central Europe floods   =    /                |
   |           Saddam is insane!       =   /                 |
   | .         End of the World!       = \/                  |
   \                                                         |

And it's a biggie! The grim reaper himself has put in an unwelcome appearance!

   .     *                  .     /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
 .                    .          /                                       /
  .      .-__-.,         /\      -  YOU ALL WANT LIFE? WELL LIFE COSTS,  -
    .    \    .-_       // \     \  AND HERE'S WHERE YOU START PAYING!   \
         /   /* *\     //\  \    -                                       -
  .    .'   ;  ^ |    //  \  |   \  - IN BLOOD, WITH LARGE TEA-URNS      \
       :     \==='   //    | |   -  FILLED WITH CLASS-A DRUGS, AND       -
   ,   |      '_-'  //     |/    \  WITH ANY LOOSE CHANGE THAT YOU       \
      /      /   | //            -  CAN FIND DOWN THE BACK OF THE SOFA!  -
 *   '|  \   \ |\'//        +    \                                       \
     \    \   \| \/     ,        -  HWAAR HWAAR HWAAR! MORTALS!!         -
    :'     `      \               \                                       \
     |      \______\      .        \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
     |        // /
 .   |       //  |                                               .
     |      //   |       .===.   I-I-It's the end of the world   |_
     |     //    '       |_  |_    as we know it!                |*)
      \   //     |       |*) |*)      \  :  /                     -
       |  -      '                     \ | /
      /_/__.__\__.\                      '
+                            _ooq=""''$b$_&?b\_    And before you ask,
       *                  .-`^"  "'o |&M:MMMMMMMMHo_    no I didn't draw
                       o/'      -$Mb#MMMMMMMMMMMMMMHo.   this globe. Do you
              .      /'        .ooHP*&R&MMMMMMMMMMMMMM?.   think I look
    ,              .'          `MRbod?|'`+?##9MMMMMMMMMH\    like a
                  .`          .,MMMMMMH#od##obdMMMMHMMMMMMb    maschochist
        .        -          ?MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM$HMMH$ZP*HMMb    on a diet!?
                 ?          |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM|9MMMMP  "M6\
   +            .-          dMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMb]M*'    |R |   .      +
                1|          `HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMd#|     ?,:
    .           MH,          ``*""'"*#MMMMMMMMMMMMMM*       '`       .
                MM6_                 |MMMMMMMMMMMMH"         :
                MMMMMb.               "MMMMMMMMMMT           -    .
 .      '       &MMMMM'                |MMMMMMMMMH           `
                !MMMMb                .HMMMMMMMMM+.?&        :   +    .
    .     +      TMMMM                 *MMMMMMMP  dH' .     :
                  9MM'                 `MMMMMMP'  "'       .        .
                   9ML                  `MMM#'            -
It seems that the jig is up, but our kids from Fame aren't at all downhearted!
Not one little bit!

                   .-------- --------.   .---- ---- ---- ----.
 .------ -------. | Never mind Brunei|  | Sure Cocoa, just    |
| Well are we   | ( let's defy fate, )  ( as soon as I've     )
( downhearted?  ) | and DO THE SHOW  |  | finished adding     |
| Are we scared?| ( RIGHT HERE!!!-*- )  ( water to this       )
( I certainly   ) | Are you with me  |  | sachet of dehydrated|
| will be!      | ( Freeroy!?        )  ( backing orchestra!  )
 '-- -- -- ----'   '-- ----- ---- --'    '---- -------- -----'
  \     .                .SsS.     |        .;#####;.  /
     .sSSSs.           .sSSSSSs.  /         #__   __#
   .$$$$$$$$$.        ssS_. ._SSs.          ( @} {@ )
   s$$(6 6)$$s       SsS{@   @}sSs          \'  ^  '/
   'ss  \  ss'       ssS\  V  /sSs           `\\__//        . ' .
     ( (_) )          Ss '<_>, ss'         .-. `__'.-.__-__/_ .  .
    ..`---'..          ,_.`- ._,          /            ____ = |
   /=========\        (         )        (  (  .) .) )/    |__|  '
  /=/|======|\\       / /( )( )\ \       /  )\       /    ' . . '
  \=\'======|//      / / \._._./\ \     /  /  (______)
  /\\'=={}=='\      /_/_ (     ) \_\_  `///   (######)
     |   .  |       \\\  /  v  \  \\\         |##||##|
     |  | \  \          /  / \  \             |##||##|
     |  |  \  \         \  \ /  /             \##||##/
And so, we're onto the grand finale to close this episode down! Is it really
the end? Will they be back, Oh, I'm sure I can arrange something! (grin!)

' \    /                               \    /                            '
''                                                                        '`
.'`.`..`'|  |'.`.`.'.   `..'`.`'`.'.'`'``.`''``.'`.`    '``.`.\   /'`'``.'
         | |        |  |                            |  |       | |
         |/         \ |                              | |       |/
        .            \|  .sSs.              .;#####;. /         _.;..;._
     .sSSSs.           .sSSSSSs.            #__   __#          / __  __ \
   .$$$$$$$$$.        ssS~. .~SSs.          ( @} {@ )          )<@.||.@>:
   s$$(6 6)$$s       SsS{@   @}sSs ::_      \'  ^  '/          \   Oo   /
-- 'ss  \  ss' ----- ssS\  V  /sSs/-/ ------ `\<__>/ ---------- ('<__>') ---
     ( \_/ )         sSs '<_>, ss' /       .-. `__' .-.,      _ '-\__/-' _
    ..`---'..    _\____,_.`- ._,/ /       /             \    /--X /  \ X--\
   /=========\   =|_____        _/       (  (  .) .) )\  )   \    \  /    /
  /=/|======|\\         (( )( ))         \  )\       /(  /    [],  ||   []
'/=/ '======| \\         \._,_./          \ \ (______)/ /     []|  ''>[][]
|||__'=={}=='_/\\___.    (     )          /\\\(######)\\\     []'~~[]~~~'
------------------\/|    /  v  \              |##|\##\        /> \ / \  /
 Maxi-Moog        | |   /  / \  \             |##| \##\          | | | |
__________________//|   \ |   / /             \##|   \#\         '=' '='
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' ||   _\|  _|/             _-|#|    \#\       /_/   \_\
                || || (___'(___'           /__-__|    /  |
                || ||                                '--'
 .'       '.    ''
 - SIZZLE! -   .............                        _  _
  '       '   :SYSTEM ERROR:       ________          \/     _______
  .---===---. :# 3670 !    :      (AAAAAGH!)         / \   (NOOOOO!)
 (___________) ''''''''''''  ,sss, --------        /\\ //\  -------
  |##=###=##|     ..       .ssSSSss. /            /\~\ /  \  /    . '' .
  /   ~U~   \   .:::..     ss\_ _/ss    .:::.     \/ / \ @/ /.   ~~FRY!~~
  \_ ,___, _/  .:::::     sS{@   @}Ss   '::'       \/   \/  ;:.   ' .. '
(  ( (___) )     :::       s(  v  )s     :'         \\ // .::::.
  ' '-----'   '   '    '     \(_)/    '  '  )     '  \ /   :' (  '      (
 )  (    (      '    (   '    `_'          (   (      ^        )     '     '
(      )   ( '    )    '   )       (     '       '     (    '   '  (  )  (
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#########                                 #
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#   #### ####    ###  ####    ####    #
#   #  # ###     #    #   #  #   #
#   #  # ####    #### #   #   ####    *

Next episode! - The Charity Telethon!

Tssk, more awkward questions! - CiH, for Alive! Mag,October '02

Alive 6