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Alive 6
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The Everso Spur-of-the-Moment Third edition!


After our breathtaking Mekka and Queen-mum-tastic special editions of  Mini-
Mag,  in  the  previous issue of Alive!  It is back to something like normal
service.  We  are  of course using a definition of "normal" as "normal,  but
only  because we are kept in check by a perilously experimental cocktail  of
psychiatric drugs!"

But without further ado or controversy, here it is.

Thought Provoking Bit:-

Here's  my  thought  on the anniversary of September  11th  ("9-11"  to  any
Americans browsing the Mini-Mag channel).
Fire-fighters,  the  guys  and  gals who are your literal last  resort  when
lunatic beards in stolen aircraft come calling into the side of your office.
Are  these the last untarnished heroes of a society prepared to  be  cynical
about everyone else? Think about, it, in a world of groping doctors, abusing
priests,  fraudulent life insurance salesman etc,  isn't it nice there is at
least one group we can all look up to?

The scope for professional misconduct is pretty limited in their case, which
sort  of  helps  I  suppose.  Imagine if fire-fighters  were  like  lawyers,
delaying putting out a blaze,  or throwing petrol on a small fire to inflate
their fees!? Too horrible to contemplate really...

As  for the report that criticised the New York emergency services  for  all
rushing  in  too quickly into the World Trade Towers disaster,  well  that's
what emergency services are trained and paid to do! You can tell that report
was put together by a civil servant who has never faced a moment of physical
danger  with  people's  lives on the line!  This is a case  where  hindsight 
wisdom is the wisdom of the wanker!

That's it, thought-provoking moment over, back to the rest of the rubbish!


All the news and rumours and frankly made-up stuff comes right here.
Fresh breaking news arrives, telling of a new compact menu from ancient dad-
crackers,  the Pompey Pirates.  This is following the recent relaunch of the
Dbug  compact  menus.  This  new  Pompey disk  contains  some  very  unusual
software,  namely  the  Ultimate Music Demo,  The full and finished  Willies
Adventures game, and a never before seen CT60 software emulation, that turns
an  '030 Falcon into an '060 Falcon with no extra hardware and at  no  extra
cost (complete with crack trainer!)
Bud the Chud is coming! - Beware the idle buggers of March!
Jeff Minter has been confirmed as going to the latest Alt Party next January
in Helsinki as the guest of honour. Jeff's Llama's and Sheep on his farm are
getting some intensive sauna training in for the event. At least that's what
we  hope  Jeff means when he says he is "getting into a small hot  box  with 
some of his favourite animals"!
Now .gif, .jpeg, and .mp3 have fallen, the humble ascii text falls victim to
the  format  licensing frenzy!  The venerable ascii text format becomes  the
latest  intellectual  hot  property  to  attract  a  pay-per-use  fee.   Sid
Gutenberg, of the suspiciously revived 'Gutenberg Inc' commented yesterday:

"We're  charging  a (licensing) fee as we feel it is time to  get  something 
back.  The general public have had the best part of five hundred years worth 
of  free  use  of ascii.  In my view,  we have been exceedingly generous  in 
holding off putting a pay-per-use system in for this length of time.  But we 
now  think the infrastructure has developed to the point where we  can  make 
such a system work.  Besides which, we don't need the permission of the Pope 

Initial  reports  suggest that a charging regime will consist of a  levy  of
0.000369  dollars per standard A4 text page.  When pressed for more details,
Sid Gutenberg remarked: "Aw, go and work it out for yourself!"
MyAtari Press Release #1, Matthew Bacon
has  typed  another article,  he will shortly be checking for  spelling  and
formatting errors,  then making it into a nice HTML page ready for uploading
to the MyAtari website!

MyAtari Press Release #2,  He has made a cup of coffee before going onto his
next one!!

MyAtari Press Release #3, He has added sugar and is stirring the cup, now on
the  second rotation around the cup with the spoon,  he will be drinking  it
soon.  See  the  MyAtari website for a constantly updated minute  by  minute
activity log!

MyAtari Press Release #4, Now he's absently wiping his nose with the back of
his hand....


An  absence of Atari stuff,  leads us to contemplation of some mainstream up
and coming big press releases for the Xmas 2002 games.
X-Box,  "Gor Blimey here's a good old cockney car-chase 2" - Touted as *the*
release for the X-Box this Xmas. 'Cockney Car Chase' renders several hundred
realistic London scenes,  and fills them with texture mapped, shadow mapped,
and  cockney witticism laden car wrecks and casual gangster violence.  "They
nevva  'urt  no-one oo wasn't one of their own!  Do vah blag with  th'  slag
guvnor! 'Ave a banana! Is anyone actually reading this crap?!"

44.95  ukp  -  Age restricted due to explicit content,  no-one  OVER  18  is
allowed to purchase this game.
PS2.  "The further adventures of Mr Pink -
Escape  from  Japan!" Our favourite coding hero goes a  long  way  overseas,
having  freed  himself  from the escape-proof dungeons  of  Guild-Ford  (see
"Adventures of Mr Pink") he makes his way to Japan to relax and stock up  on
shiny  widgets.  Unfortunately,  he  is captured by the dominant evil power,
NinTend-O-San,  and  put to work in the Gameboy prison.  Now you have to get
him out of there!

4495 yen - All crackers and pirates will be put to work to build railway!
Gamecube.  "Super  Mario Territorial Dispute over some islands in the  South 
China  Sea."  The most boringly geopolitical of the lot.  Comes as a  useful
companion to the infotainment release "Lets invade Taiwan!"

$$ lots $$ in fact, don't even think of asking!


This section is closed for the time being, due to lack of interest.
Shade  Bob Record - A serious attempt at getting the *fewest* shade bobs  on
the screen of a base 8 mhz ST.  The winner was The whole Atari scene, with a
new record number of *zero* bob sprites onscreen!

New  competition  coming soon!  -  To get the fewest 3-D polygons  onscreen,
with  the  least  amount  of texture-mapping.  8mhz ST  preferred,  but  any
hardware will be fine, or indeed, none at all!


ONCE IN A LIFETIME FINANCIAL OPPORTUNITY! Your future road to prosperity can
ENHANCEMENT   SHARES  ISSUE!   If  you  aren't  interested  in  this  unique
opportunity,    then    please    send    a   return    blank    email    on
''  so  we can (cough!) take you off  our  mailing


"Sim  Laden"  - Is the world's public enemy number 1 still alive?  Or is  he
merely  a  bomb-splattered DNA scraping,  waiting to be collected  from  the
walls of the Tora Bora canyon?  Well with this neat software widget, you can
confuse  the  issue further!  An ultra-realistic home video  editing  suite,
along  with the latest CGI fakery-ware will keep the worlds secret  services
guessing  when  your next "exclusive" with the Al  Jazeera  satellite  telly
people comes along!

44.99  shekels,  compatible with Ramadam Mk 4 with a minimum Pentium III and
4GB hard drive.


The Easiest way to code, this is how!
Run Routine_
            Enquire hopefully on Dead Hackers BBS for difficult code query
            Await multiple reponses to coding query
            Select best of the replies
            Cut from Dead Hackers BBS page
            Paste into Devpac
          _ Compile and run
End Routine


With Ted Daft, head of the Microsoft development team for the future version
of Windows, codenamed 'Palladium'.
A.  "Ted,  we're  told that Palladium will be more secure than anything that
Microsoft has done previously, can you tell us why?"

T.  "Sure,  Palladium  has  a special inner area,  sort of like an exclusive 
gentlemans  club.  It has a software bouncer on the door which decides which 
software will make the grade,  and be allowed to run. So nice clean and tidy 
software,  with the right sort of haircut, shoes and trousers, would have no 
problem, but any scruffy riff-raff 'warez' simply wouldn't get in."

A. "Well what would you define as 'riff-raff' software?"

T.  "Viruses trojan horses and stuff obviously, also anything badly written, 
of  dubious  parentage,  that  could  do harm to the contents  of  the  hard 

A. "So going on that last statement, then Palladium won't be able to run any
Microsoft products at all!?"

T. "That's not fair, the rumours about early versions deleting themselves in 
an  apparent  suicide  bid  aren't true either,  give me  that  tape  now!!"
(Struggles and thumps can be overheard.)


Error in Line 3 on pontoons - or  "Bad river, naughty river, stop that!"
Having learned lessons from the massive flooding at Dresden in August,  next
year's  Easter  Error  in  Line party will be held  on  a  series  of  giant
polystyrene  rafts  which  should  be able to  float  clear  of  any  future
waterborne  disasters.  Full enjoyment of any computer equipment brought  to
the  party  will  be  assisted  by each  raft  having  its  own  independent
electricity  generator.  If  these rafts aren't available in time  for  next
Easter, the organisers are looking at several alternative methods of keeping
your  feet  dry.  So we might be getting together on anything from  a  fully
rigged sailing ship, through to an oceangoing oil rig platform!


Uh oh! This one is not going to be pretty!
I feel a large scale rant coming on about the music recording industry. I've
got  no  sympathy for their alleged losses from the widespread  adoption  of
file  sharing by their financially burdened cash cow punters,  when they can
pay  off  Maria Carey umpteen million dollars to get rid of  her  for  being
bonkers and useless. This after paying something like 38 million dollars for
her  services in the first place.  If they really are having their financial
throats cut by the evil pirates, then surely they would have booted La Carey
out into the snow without a penny to her name?!

Starvation  of  funds  to develop new creative  talent  indeed!  The  record
industry  supports  a corporate infrastructure way beyond  that  needed  for
necessary  development  of  the artist.  There are plenty of  jobs  for  the
useless  hangers-on,  including  many distinctly uncreative  people,  mainly
operating in a punitive capacity against the public.  What the hell is an "A
&  R Man" anyway?  In the UK,  it is not as if it is particularly successful
anymore  in the great balance of payments battle.  The UK recording industry
was  20%  of  the US market at its peak,  now it is around half of  1%,  the
lowest  figure  since  the  early 1960's!  Which speaks  volumes  about  the
effectiveness  of  the likes of Simon "Oswald Mosely Trousers"  Bowell,  er,
Cowell heading up the industry?

Is the fact that he spends most time bullying vunerable starstruck teenagers
on  teevee shows like Pop Idol,  intended to deflect attention from the fact
that  his proper job as head of a record company is going down the tubes  at
light speed?!

There is a real need for a genetically engineered smart virus,  that targets
recording industry executives, along with corporate lawyers, and advertising
people,  then with just the useful people,  the artistes,  left standing, we
can start again..

The Fat Lady Sings:-

Or the thin lady rants and screams at a bunch of pretty,  toned,  but stupid
kids  who  naively  dream of "the stardom",  and are willing to  endure  any
humiliation,  ANY humiliation, including having Geri 'Notverywell' Halliwell
bawl  at a normally developed teenage girl,  for being "too fat"(!) The  ex-
spicester is too fucked up to run her own life properly, so why put her in a
position of power abuse on the jury of the latest 'Pop Idol' teevee series?!

CiH, for Alive! Mag,Oct '02

Alive 6